The Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) is established on the basis of the European Parliament’s resolution of 14 May 1965 and the resolutions of the Turkish National Assembly and the Turkish Senate, adopted respectively on 22 June and 14 July 1965, and on the basis of the decision of the European Economic Community-Turkey Association Council of 27 July 1965.

General information

The task of the Committee shall be to consider issues related to Turkey's accession process. Within this context, the Committee is entrusted to follow, analyse and evaluate issues related to all existing bilateral arrangements between Turkey and the EU starting with the Association Agreement signed in Ankara on 12 September 1963 between Turkey and the EEC, the decisions of the Association Council as well as the accession negotiations which started on 3 October 2005 at the Turkey-EU Intergovernmental Accession Conference. Furthermore, the Committee is entrusted with strengthening the relations between the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the European Parliament.

The Committee may also consider all issues within the context of the Turkey-EU relations in accordance with the mandate given by the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the European Parliament.

Organization of the JPC

The Committee shall be composed, in equal numbers, of members appointed by the European Parliament and members appointed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The Bureau of the Committee shall be composed of the Chairperson of the delegation of the European Parliament, the Chairperson of the delegation of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, and several Vice-Chairpersons of each delegation.

Sessions of the JPC

The Committee shall, in principle, meet three times a year. It shall be convened by the Chairperson-in-office, after consulting the other Chairperson. The notice of the meeting shall include a draft agenda drawn up by the Bureau and shall normally be sent to members a fortnight in advance'. In principle, sessions shall be held by turns in Turkey and in one of the workplaces of the European Parliament.

Meetings of the Committee will be held in public unless the Committee decides otherwise. Members of the Association Council, Members of the European Commission and of the Council of the European Union, and Members of the Government of Turkey as well as any person may, by decision of the Bureau, be invited to attend and speak at a meeting.

The official languages of the Committee shall be the official languages of the European Parliament and the Turkish.

Members of the delegation of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

Member Political party Constituency area
Afif DEMİRKIRAN (President) Justice and Development Party (AKP) Siirt
Ali ŞAHİN (Vice-president) Justice and Development Party (AKP) Gaziantep
Şafak PAVEY (Vice-president) Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul
Nazmi Haluk ÖZDALGA Justice and Development Party (AKP) Ankara
Sevim SAVAŞER Justice and Development Party (AKP) Istanbul
Pelin Gündeş BAKIR Justice and Development Party (AKP) Kayseri
Halide İNCEKARA Justice and Development Party (AKP) Istanbul
Mehmet Sayım TEKELİOĞLU Justice and Development Party (AKP) İzmir
Yıldırım Mehmet RAMAZANOĞLU Justice and Development Party (AKP) Kahramanmaraş
Cem ZORLU Justice and Development Party (AKP) Konya
Çiğdem Münevver ÖKTEN Justice and Development Party (AKP) Mersin
Faruk IŞIK Justice and Development Party (AKP) Muğla
Ebu Bekir GİZLİGİDER Justice and Development Party (AKP) Nevşehir
Mesude Nursuna MEMECAN Justice and Development Party (AKP)
Şükrü AYALAN Justice and Development Party (AKP) Tokat
Ercan CANDAN Justice and Development Party (AKP) Şanlıurfa
Aylin NAZLIAKA Republican People's Party (CHP) Ankara
Aykan ERDEMİR Republican People's Party (CHP) Bursa
Ayşe Eser DANIŞOĞLU Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul
Umut ORAN Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul
Oğuz OYAN Republican People's Party (CHP) İzmir
Zühal TOPÇU Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Ankara
Ahmet Kenan TANRIKULU Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) İzmir
Lütfü TÜRKKAN Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Kocaeli
Nazmi GÜR Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Van

Members of the delegation of the European Parliament

Member Political group Country
Hélène FLAUTRE (President) The Greens–European Free Alliance (EFA/G) France
Maria Eleni KOPPA (Vice-president) Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Greece
Georgios KOUMOUTSAKOS (Vice-president) European People's Party (EPP) Greece
Philippe BOULLAND European People's Party (EPP) France
Anna Maria CORAZZA BILDT European People's Party (EPP) Sweden
Andrew DUFF Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) United Kingdom
James ELLES European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) United Kingdom
İsmail ERTUĞ Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Germany
Takis HADJIGEORGIOU European United Left–Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) Cyprus
Richard HOWITT Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) United Kingdom
Sophia in 't VELD Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Netherlands
Cătălin Sorin IVAN Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Romania
Liisa JAAKONSAARI Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Finland
Metin KAZAK Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Bulgaria
Franziska KELLER The Greens–European Free Alliance (EFA/G) Germany
Barbara MATERA European People's Party (EPP) Italy
Morten MESSERSCHMIDT Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Denmark
Antigoni PAPADOPOULOU Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Cyprus
Birgit SCHNIEBER-JASTRAM European People's Party (EPP) Germany
Renate SOMMER European People's Party (EPP) Germany
Laurence J.A.J. STASSEN - Netherlands
Eleni THEOCHAROUS European People's Party (EPP) Cyprus
Marianne THYSSEN European People's Party (EPP) Belgium
Jarosław Leszek WAŁĘSA European People's Party (EPP) Poland
Jan ZAHRADIL European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Czech Republic

The secretariat of the Committee

The secretariat of the Committee shall be provided by the secretariat of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and of the European Parliament.

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