Rivers and main drainage basins in Serbia.

This is a list of the rivers of Serbia, either those flowing entirely or partially within Serbia proper, or just being a border rivers.

Drainage basins

All rivers in Serbia belong to the drainage basins of three seas: Black Sea, Adriatic Sea or Aegean Sea.

The largest in area, Black Sea drainage basin, covers an area of 81,261 km2 or 92% of the territory of Serbia. The entire basin is drained by only one river, the Danube, which flows into the Black Sea. All major rivers in Serbia, like Tisa, Sava, Velika Morava and Drina belong to it.

The Adriatic Sea drainage basin covers an area of 4,500 km2 or 5% of territory of Serbia. It comprises the western half of the Kosovo and Metohija and it is mostly drained by one river, the White Drin, which in Albania meets the Black Drin to create the Drin river, which flows into the Adriatic Sea. Smaller portion of it is drained by Crni Kamen-Radika river in the extreme southern region of Gora, which also drains into Black Drin in North Macedonia.

The Aegean Sea basin is the smallest in area, 2,650 km2 or 3% of the territory of Serbia, and covers the southern parts of Serbia, to the Macedonian and Bulgarian borders. It is drained by three rivers: Lepenac, Pčinja and Dragovištica. The first two flow into the Vardar river in North Macedonia, and the third flows into the Struma river in Bulgaria, and both of those rivers flow into the Aegean Sea.

All three basins meet at the Drmanska glava peak on the Crnoljeva mountain in central Kosovo, which represents the water divide of Serbia and the major one in the Balkans, as it divides three out of the Balkan's four drainage basins (the fourth being the Ionian Sea).

List of major rivers

The lengths in the table present the overall lengths of the rivers, not just the Serbian parts of the flow. In the first table, rivers over 50 km are listed, including river systems (such as Great Morava) created by confluence of other major rivers; in those cases, the length is given as the total of the river and the longer headstream.

Selected list of shorter rivers is added below the two tables.

Name Cyrillic Length (km) Drainage area (km2) Drainage basin (sea) length measured as: Main tributary (in Serbia) Provinces within Serbia Countries sharing the same river
1. Danube Дунав 2888 817000 Black Breg-Danube Tisa Vojvodina, Central Serbia Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine
2. Tisa Тиса 1026 157020 Black Black Tisa-Tisa Begej Vojvodina Ukraine, Romania, Hungary
3. Sava Сава 990 95719 Black Sava Dolinka-Sava Drina Vojvodina, Central Serbia Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4. Velika Morava (Great Morava) Велика Морава 493 35419 Black Golijska Moravica-Zapadna Morava-Velika Morava Južna Morava Central Serbia none
5. Drina Дрина 487 19570 Black Tara-Drina Lim Central Serbia Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina
6. Tamiš Тамиш 359 13085 Black regular Brzava Vojvodina Romania
7. Drin Дрим 335 11756 Adriatic White Drin-Drin Klina Kosovo Albania
8. Južna Morava (South Morava) Јужна Морава 295 15469 Black Golema-Binačka Morava-Južna Morava Nišava Kosovo, Central Serbia North Macedonia
9. Ibar Ибар 276 8059 Black regular Sitnica Central Serbia, Kosovo Montenegro
10. Begej Бегеј 254 2878 Black regular Novi Begej Vojvodina Romania
11. Lim Лим 220 5963 Black Vrmoša-Luča-Lake Plav-Lim Uvac Central Serbia Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina
12. Nišava Нишава 218 3950 Black regular Temštica Central Serbia Bulgaria
13. Timok Тимок 203 4630 Black Svrljiški Timok-Beli Timok-Timok Crni Timok Central Serbia Bulgaria
14. Bosut Босут 186 3097 Black Biđ-Bosut Studva Vojvodina Croatia
15. Brzava Брзава 166 1190 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina Romania
16. Toplica Топлица 130 2600 Black Duboka-Toplica Kosanica Central Serbia none
17. Pek Пек 129 1236 Black Lipa-Pek Jagnjilo Central Serbia none
18. Plazović Плазовић 129 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina Hungary
19. Pčinja Пчиња 128 3140 Aegean regular minor flows Central Serbia North Macedonia
20. Nera Нера 124 1420 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina Romania
21. Kolubara Колубара 123 3639 Black Obnica-Kolubara Tamnava Central Serbia none
22. Uvac Увац 119 1095 Black Rasanska reka-Vapa-Uvac Tisnica Central Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina
23. Mlava Млава 118 1210 Black Tisnica-Mlava Vitovnica Central Serbia None
24. Karaš Караш 110 1400 Black regular Ilidija Vojvodina Romania
25. Krivaja (Bačka) Криваја 109 956 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina none
26. Čik Чик 95 481 Black regular none Vojvodina none
27. Rasina Расина 92 994 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia none
28. Sitnica Ситница 90 3129 Black regular Lab Kosovo none
29. Tamnava Тамнава 90 930 Black regular Ub Central Serbia none
30. Kereš Кереш 90 976 Black regular none Vojvodina Hungary
31. Temštica Темштица 86 820 Black Visočica-Temštica Dojkinička reka Central Serbia Bulgaria
32. Jablanica Јабланица 85 895 Black regular Čokotinska reka Central Serbia none
33. Crni Timok Црни Тимок 84 1003 Black regular Zlotska reka Central Serbia none
34. Nadela Надела 84 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina none
35. Jasenica Јасеница 79 1343 Black regular Kubršnica Central Serbia none
36. Jadar Јадар 79 894 Black regular Rakovica Central Serbia none
37. Gruža Гружа 77 622 Black regular Kotlenjača Central Serbia none
38. Lepenac Лепенац 75 770 Aegean regular Nerodimka Kosovo North Macedonia
39. Đetinja Ђетиња 75 1486 Black regular Skrapež Central Serbia none
40. Veternica Ветерница 75 515 Black regular Sušica Central Serbia none
41. Jerma Јерма 74 Black regular Zvonačka reka Central Serbia Bulgaria
42. Lab Лаб 72 950 Black regular Kačandolska reka Kosovo none
43. Rzav (Drina) Рзав 72 605 Black Black Rzav-Rzav White Rzav Central Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina
44. Pusta reka (Južna Morava) Пуста река 71 569 Black Golema-Pusta reka minor flows Central Serbia none
45. Mostonga Мостонга 70 Black regular none Vojvodina none
46. Radika Радика 70 665 Adriatic Crni Kamen-Ćafa Kadis-Radika minor flows Central Serbia North Macedonia
47. Galacka Галацка 69 843 Black regular minor flows Vojvodina none
48. Vlasina Власина 68 1050 Black regular Lužnica Central Serbia none
49. Resava Ресава 65 685 Black regular none Central Serbia none
50. Jegrička Јегричка 65 Black regular none Vojvodina none
51. Dragovištica Драговиштица 63 Aegean Mutnica-Božička reka-Dragovištica Ljubatska reka Central Serbia Bulgaria
52. Pećka Bistrica (Peć Bistrica) Пећка Бистрица 62 505 Adriatic regular minor flows Kosovo Montenegro
53. Klina Клина 62 393 Adriatic regular Move Kosovo none
54. Rzav (Golija) Рзав 61 575 Black Veliki Rzav-Rzav Mali Rzav Central Serbia none
55. Studenica Студеница 60 582 Black Crna reka-Studenica Brusnička reka Central Serbia none
56. Raška Рашка 60 1193 Black regular Deževska reka Central Serbia none
57. Sokobanjska Moravica Сокобањска Моравица 58 606 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia none
58. Ub Уб 57 274 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia none
59. Lugomir Лугомир 57 447 Black Dulenska reka-Lugomir Županjevačka reka Central Serbia none
60. Jerez Јерез 56 503 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia none
61. Jasenička reka Јасеничка река 55 Black Vrelska reka-Jasenička reka minor flows Central Serbia none
62. Dečanska Bistrica (Dečani Bistrica) Дечанска Бистрица 53 300 Adriatic Kožnjarska Bistrica-Dečanska Bistrica Kožnjarska Bistrica Kosovo none
63. Jarčina Јарчина 53 Black Međeš-Progarska Jarčina minor flows Vojvodina, Central Serbia none
64. Budovar Будовар 52 Black Patka-Budovar minor flows Vojvodina none
65. Drenica Дреница 51 447 Black regular Vrbovačka reka Kosovo none
66. Ralja Раља 51 310 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia none
67. Erenik Ереник 51 516 Adriatic regular Loćanska Bistrica Kosovo none
68. Porečka reka Поречка река 50 538 Black Šaška-Porečka Crnajka Central Serbia none
69. Trgoviški Timok Трговишки Тимок 50 520 Black Strma reka-Trgoviški Timok Žukovska reka Central Serbia none

Major sub-rivers

Some rivers, historically with different names, are already included in the length of other rivers, but exist as separate rivers in topography or tradition. The most prominent ones are listed below.

Name Cyrillic Length (km) Drainage area (km2) Drainage basin (sea) length measured as: Main tributary Provinces within Serbia Included in:
1. Zapadna Morava (West Morava) Западна Морава 308 15849 Black Golijska Moravica-West Morava Ibar Central Serbia Great Morava
2. White Drin Бели Дрим 175 4300 Adriatic regular Klina Kosovo Drin
3. Beli Timok Бели Тимок 115 2167 Black Svrljiški Timok-White Timok Trgoviški Timok Central Serbia Timok
4. Golijska Moravica Голијска Моравица 98 1486 Black regular Ðetinja Central Serbia West and Great Morava
5. Visočica Височица 71 Black regular Dojkinička reka Central Serbia Temštica
6. Svrljiški Timok Сврљишки Тимок 64 720 Black regular minor flows Central Serbia White Timok and Timok

List of selected rivers below 50 km

  • Binačka Morava (Binač Morava), 49 km
  • Lepenica, 48 km
  • Skrapež, 48 km
  • Galovica, 47 km
  • Kalenićka reka, 45 km
  • Pepeljuša, 45
  • Rača, 44 km
  • Toponička reka, 43 km
  • Čemernica, 43 km
  • Kubršnica, 42 km
  • Jezava, 47,5 km
  • Nerodimka, 41 km
  • Tegošnica, 41 km
  • Zamna, 41 km
  • Belica, 40 km
  • Kutinska reka, 40 km
  • Lužnica (Vlasina), 39 km
  • Kosanica, 38 km
  • Dobrava, 38 km
  • Studva, 37 km
  • Turija (Kolubara), 36 km
  • Prizrenska Bistrica, 35 km
  • Dičina, 35 km
  • Kriva reka, 35 km
  • Ljuboviđa, 34 km
  • Zasavica, 34 km
  • Kudoš, 34 km
  • Kamenica (Zapadna Morava), 34 km
  • Poblačnica-Ustibarska, 34 km
  • Barbatovačka reka, 34 km
  • Rupska-Kozarska reka, 34 km
  • Peštan, 33 km
  • Bela reka (Mačva), 33 km
  • Resavčina, 32 km
  • Kačer, 32 km
  • Jovanovačka reka, 31 km
  • Ljig, 31 km
  • Bitva, 31 km
  • Vizelj, 31 km
  • Petrovačka reka, 31 km
  • Topčiderska reka, 30 km
  • Crnica, 30 km
  • Miruša, 30 km
  • Plavska reka, 30 km
  • Likodra, 30 km
  • Gračanica, 30 km
  • Gradac, 30 km
  • Konjska reka, 30 km
  • Turija (Južna Morava), 30 km
  • Zlotska reka, 30 km
  • Gračanica, 30 km
  • Trnovačka reka, 30 km
  • Guzajna, 29 km
  • Osanica, 29 km
  • Vrla, 28 km
  • Slatinska reka, 28 km
  • Ribnica (Kolubara), 28 km
  • Vrla, 28 km
  • Velika-Slatinska reka, 28 km
  • Lešnica, 28 km
  • Veliki Begej, 27 km
  • Resavica, 27 km
  • Preševska Moravica, 27 km
  • Rogačica, 27 km
  • Vukodraž, 27 km
  • Grza, 26 km
  • Ravanica, 26 km
  • Sibnica, 26 km
  • Šelovrnac, 25 km
  • Jošanica, 25 km
  • Dojkinička reka, 25 km
  • Lužnica (Skrapež), 25 km
  • Čikas, 24 km
  • Radovanska reka, 24 km
  • Jablanica (Valjevo), 24 km
  • Despotovica, 24 km
  • Ribnica (Ibar), 23 km
  • Crnajka, 22 km
  • Deževka, 22 km
  • Cernica, 22 km
  • Vratna, 22 km
  • Jelašnica (Južna Morava), 21 km
  • Borovštica, 20 km
  • Vranj, 20 km
  • Mileševka, 20 km
  • Bistrica-Boroštica, 20 km
  • Sutjeska, 20 km
  • Blatašnica, 18 km
  • Vučjanka, 18 km
  • Keveriš, 17 km
  • Gradska reka, 17 km
  • Krivaja (Syrmia), 16 km
  • Ponjavica, 16 km
  • Ostružnička reka, 15 km
  • Ljukovo, 14 km
  • Bolečica, 12 km
  • Rakovički potok, 8,5 km
  • Vrelo, 0,365 km
  • Loćanska Bistrica (Loćane Bistrica) ? km
  • Kožnjarska Bistrica (Kožnjar Bistrica) ? km
  • Pusta reka (Vlasina) ? km

See also

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