Ranks of the Grande Armée describes the military ranks and the rank insignia used in Napoleon's Grande Armée. Officers and the most senior non-commissioned rank had rank insignia in the form of epaulettes, sergeants and corporals in the form of stripes or chevrons on the sleeves.

Infantry and artillery

Gold (yellow) or silver (white) stripes and epaulettes were used in accordance with the metal of the uniform buttons of the regiment. Officers of regiments with gold buttons used gold epaulettes, those with silver buttons wore silver epaulettes. The epaulettes of majors were of contrary metal; gold buttons, silver epaulets etc. Generals and field officers used bullion fringes. Gold and silver were also often used in accordance to the Regiments designation as a Ligne (line) regiment would frequent gold while a Legere (light) regiment would frequent silver.

Rank designation Maréchal de France Général de division Général de brigade
DesignationField officers [1][2][3]
Rank designation Colonel
Colonel en second =
with a stripe in the center
Major en second =
with a stripe in the center
Chef de bataillon
DesignationCompany officers[1][2][3]
Rank designation Capitaine adjudant major Capitaine Lieutenant Lieutenant
Sous-lieutenant Sous-lieutenant
DesignationNon-commissioned officers and corporals[1][2][3]
Chevrons or stripes depended on the form of the regimental cuffs.

Rank designation Adjudant sous-officier Adjudant sous-officier
version of 1808
Sergent-major Sergent Caporal-fourrier Caporal


Cavalry and train

  • Colonel
  • Colonel en second
  • Major
  • Major en second
  • Chef d'escadron
  • Capitaine
  • Lieutenant
  • Sous-lieutenant
  • Adjudant sous-officier
  • Maréchal des logis-chef
  • Maréchal des logis
  • Brigadier-fourrier
  • Brigadier


Physicians, surgeons, and pharmacists

Physician[5] Surgeons[5] Pharmacists[5]
Médecin en chefChirurgien en chef-
Médecin majorChirurgien majorPharmacien major
Médecin aide majorChirurgien aide majorPharmacien aide major
-Chirurgien sous aide majorPharmacien sous aide major

Good conduct badges

Sergeants, corporals and privates were issued good conduct and long service badges, galons d'ancienneté in the form of chevron on the upper left arm of the uniform coat; one chevron for ten years' service, two for 15 years' service, three for 20 years' service. The chevrons were officially of red cloth for all ranks, except caporal-fourriers who were issued chevrons in yellow or white cloth (depending on the metal colour), as a replacement for the stripe that denoted his rank. In reality, however, the sergeants used chevrons in yellow or white.[6]

Sergent-major with 15 years' service Sergent with 15 years' service Caporal-fourrier with ten years' service Caporal with ten years' service

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 "1812 год. Французская армия – командный состав" [1812. French army - command staff] (in Russian). Retrieved 6 May 2018.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "пехотные знаки различия (таблица Якуба Самека)" [Infantry insignia (table by Yakub Samek)] (in Russian). Retrieved 6 May 2018.
  3. 1 2 3 4 "Военные чины и знаки различия армии Наполеона" [Military ranks and insignia of Napoleon's army] (in Russian). 3 April 2019.
  4. 1 2 "14th French Hussar Regiment, 1813". Retrieved 6 May 2018.
  5. 1 2 3 Sandeau, Jaques. "La santé aux armées" [The health of the army]. Histoire des deux empires (in French). Retrieved 6 May 2018.
  6. "Les chevrons d'ancienneté" [The chevrons of seniority] (in French). Retrieved 6 May 2018.
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