Pigafetta's Dictionary is the first Italian–Malay vocabulary written by the chronicler Antonio Pigafetta.[1] These are the list words of the languages of various natives he met during his journey with Ferdinand Magellan.


The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan led about 270 men on five ships from Spain to look for the Spice Islands of Maluku. The Venetian chronicler Antonio Pigafetta participated in the expedition and served as an assistant to Magellan. He kept a detailed, daily journal of the voyage.[2] He was one of only 18 men who returned to Spain in 1522.

One of his notable works in the voyage was his narrative and the list of words of various languages of natives during the long journey which includes: Brazilian native language – 8 words, Patagonian language – 90 words, Philippine language – 160 words, Malay – more than 400 words, which Pigafetta calls "Moorish."[1][3]

In Pigafetta's book, Primo viaggio intorno al mondo (English: First Voyage Around the World), he takes care to record as many words as he can. The chronicle of Pigafetta was one of the most cited documents by historians who wished to study the precolonial Philippines.[4] As one of the earliest written accounts, Pigafetta was seen as a credible source for a period, which was prior unchronicled and undocumented.[5]

Primer viaje en torno del globo (1522)

Some list of words

Some words from (Brazil) Verzin[6]
ItalianEnglishList (Pigafetta)
AL miglioMilletmaiz
Alla farinaFlourhui
AL hamoFishhookpinda
AL cortelloKnifetacse
Al petineCombchigap
Alla forficeScissorspirame
AL ſonaglioBellJtanmaracz
Buono piu q̃ bonoGood, bettertum maragathum
Words of the Patagonian giants
ItalianEnglishList (Pigafetta)
AL capoHeadher
aL ochioEyeother
AL nazoNoseor
Alle cillieEyebrowsocchecheL
ALe palpebreEyelidsSechechieL
Ali bussi deL nazoNostrilsoresche
ALa bocaMouthxiam
Ali LabriLipsSchiahame
Ali dentiTeethphor
ALa lingaTongueSchiaL
AL mentoChinSechen
A li pelliHairarchiz
AL voltoFacecogecheL
Ala goloThroatohumez
ALa copaOcciputSchialeschin
ALe ſpalleShoulderspelles
AL gomedoElbowCoteL
ALa manHandchene
ALa palma de LamanPalm of the handCaimeghin
AL ditoFingerCori
Ale orechieEarsSane
Soto eL broçoArmpitSalischin
Ala mamelaTeatothen
AL petoBosomochij
AL corpoBodygecheL
AL menbroPenisſachet
Ali teſticuliTesticlesSacancas
Ala natura de le donneVaginaJsse
AL vzar cõ eſſeCommunication with womenJo hoi
ALe coſſeThighschiane
AL genochioKneetepin
AL chuloRumpSchiaguen
Ale culateButtockshoij
AL brazoArmmaz
AL polsoPulseholion
A le gambeLegscoss
AL piedeFootthee
AL calcagnoHeeltere
ALa chauequie deL piefor Ankleperchi
Ala ſola deL piefor Sole of the footcaotſcheni
Ale onguiefor FingernailsColim
AL corefor HeartthoL
AL gratarefor to Scratchgechare
Al homo ſguercoor Cross-eyed manCalischen
AL giuanefor Young manCalemi
AL hacquafor Waterholi
AL fuocofor Fireghialeme
AL fumoSmokegiaiche
Al nofor Noehen
AL sifor YesRey
AL oroGoldpelpeli
ALe petre lazureLapis lazuliSecheg
AL solleSunCalexcheni
Alle ſtelleStarsſettere
AL mareSeaAro
AL ventoWindoni
ALa fortunaStormohone
AL peſseFishhoi
AL mangiareto Eatmechiere
ALa ſcutellaBowlelo
ALa pigniataPotaschanie
AL demandareto Askghelhe
Vien quiCome herehai si
AL gardarto Lookchonne
AL andarto WalkRey
AL Combaterto Fightoamaghce
Ale frezeArrowsSethe
AL CaneDogholL
AL lupoWolfAni
AL andare longifor to Go a long distanceSchien
ALa guidaGuideanti
ALa neueSnowtheu
AL courireto Coverhiani
AL Seruzo ucelofor Ostrich, a birdhoihoi
A li sui ouifor its EggsJani
Ala poluere derba che mangiãofor the powder of the herb which they eatCapac
AL odorareto Smellos
AL papagaloParrotcheche
ALa gabiota uceloBirdcageCleo
AL misiglioniMisiglioniSiameni
AL panno roſsoRed ClothTerechae
AL bonetfor CapAicheL
Al colore negoBlackAineL
AL roſsoRedtaiche
AL gialoYellowpeperi
r to Cookyrocoles
ALa cinturaBeltCatechin
AL ochaGoosecache
AL diauolo grandefor their big DevilSetebos
Ali picolifor their small Devilscheleule

Below are some list of words as translated by Pigafetta on the third column, fourth column is the equivalent Philippine language that can be found from Diccionario bisaya-español y español-bisaya (Manila, 1885) by Juan Félix de la Encarnación and from Diccionario Hispano-bisaya y bisaya-español (Manila, 1895) by Antonio Sanchez de la Rosa[6] and/or the equivalent Visayan word. It is regarded as the first European record of the Cebuano language and the oldest dictionary in the Philippines. Some words can be distinguished as Malay.

Words from what he describes as heathen people (Philippines/Bisayan languages)[6]
ItalianEnglishList (Pigafetta)Classical Cebuano (Encarnación/Sanchez)Cebuano
AL homoFor Manlaclalaquilalaki
ALa donnafor Womanparanpaon
ALa Jouenefor Young womanbeni benibinibinibinibini
Ala maritatafor Married womanbabaybabayebabaye
Ali capillifor Hairbo hobohócbuhok
AL vizofor Faceguaybayhondagway
Ale palpebrefor Eyelidspilacpilik (mata)pilok
Ale cigliefor Eyebrowschileiquilay/quiraykilay
Al ocquiofor Eyemattamatamata
AL nazofor NoseJlonilong/irongilong
Ale maſſellefor Jawsapinapingaping
Ali labrifor LipsoloL
A la boccafor Mouthbababa-baba-ba
A li dentifor Teethnipinngiponngipon
Ale gengiuefor Gumsleghexlagos/laguslagos
Ala lingafor Tonguedilladiladila
Alle orechiefor Earsdelengandalonggan/doronggandalunggan
Ala golafor Throatlioghliogliog
AL collofor Necktangip
AL mentofor Chinq̃ilansulang
ALa barbafor Beardbonghotbongotbungot
Ale ſpallefor Shouldersbaghaabagaabaga
A la ſchenafor Spinelicudlicodlikod
AL petofor Breastdughandoghan/dughandughan
AL corpofor Bodytiamtiantiyan
Soto li braciArmpitJlotiloc/irocilok
AL braciofor Armbotchenbotcon/butconbukton
AL gomedofor Elbowſicosicosiko
AL polſofor Pulsemolanghai
ALa manofor Handcamatcamot/camutkamot
A la palma de la manfor the Palm of the handpalanpaladpalad
AL ditofor Fingerdudlotodlo/tudlotudlo
Ala ongiafor Fingernailcocococokuko
AL Lombelicofor Navelpuſutposad/posudpusod
AL membrofor Penisvtinotinutin
Ali teſticolifor Testiclesbotobotobuto
Ala natura de le donnefor Vaginabillatbilatbilat
AL vzar cõ lorofor to have Communication with womenJiam
Ale cullatefor Buttocksſamputsampotsampot
Ala coſsafor Thighpahapa-apaa
AL ginochiofor Kneetuhudtohod/tohudtuhod
AL Schinchofor Shinbaſsag baſsag
ALa polpa de la gambafor Calf of the legbitisbitiis/biti-isbitiis, batiis
ALa cauechiafor AnklebolboLbool bool/boco bocobuolbuol
AL calcagniofor Heeltiochidticod/ticudtikod
Ala ſolla deL piefor Sole of the footLapa lapalapa lapalapalapa
AL horofor Goldbalaoanbulaoan/bulauanbulawan
AL argentofor Silverpillapilacpilak
AL Latonfor Brassconcachcalonggaqui
AL ferofor Ironbutanpothao/puthaoputhaw
Ale canne dolcefor Sugarcanetubetobo/tubotubo
AL cuchiarofor Spoongandan
AL rizofor Ricebughax, barasbugasbugas
AL mellefor Honeydeghexdogos/dugosdugos
ALa cerafor Waxtalhotalotalo
AL ſallefor Saltacinasinasin
AL vinofor Winetuba nia nipatoba nga nipa/tuba nga nipatuba nga nipa
AL berefor to DrinkMinuncubiLmoinommoinom (og tubig)
AL mangiarefor to EatmaCanpagcaon,magkaonmokaon
AL porchofor Hogbabuibaboy/babuybaboy
ALa caprafor Goatcandincandingkanding
ALa galinafor Chickenmonochmanocmanok
AL migliofor Millethumashumay
AL ſorgofor Sorgobatat
AL panizofor Panicumdana
AL peuerefor Peppermaniſſamalisa
Ali garofolifor Cloveschianchesangquisangki
ALa Cannellafor Cinnamonmanamanamana
AL gengerofor Gingerluialoy-a/luy-aluy-a
AL ayofor GarlicLaxunalasonalasuna
Ali naranſifor Orangesacſua(ang) suha
AL ouofor Eggſilogitlog/itlugitlog
AL cocofor Cocoanutlubilobi/lubilubi
AL accetofor Vinegarzluchasucasuka
AL acquafor Watertubintobig/tubigtubig
AL fuocofor FireClayocalayokalayo
AL fumofor Smokeassuasoaso
AL ſofiarefor to Blowtigban
Alle belanciefor Balancestinbantimbangantimbang
AL pezofor WeighttahiL
Ala perlafor Pearlmutiaramutiamutya
Ale madre de le perlefor Mother of pearltipaytipaytipay
Ala zampogniafor Pipe [a musical instrument]Subinsobing/subingsubing
AL mal de sto Jobfor Disease of St. JobAlupalan
portameBring mepalatin comoricaumari ka
Acerte fogacie de rizofor certain Rice cakestinapaitinapaytinapay
Noti da ledilidili
AL cortellofor Knifecapol, ſundansipol,sondang/sipol,sundangsipol, sundang
Ale forficefor Scissorscatlecatlikatla
A tosareTo shavechunthinchguntinggunting
AL homo ben hornatofor a well adorned Manpixao
Ala tellafor Linenbalandanbalantan
A li panni q̃ ſe coprenofor the cloth with which they cover themselvesAbacaabacaabaka
AL conagliofor hawk’sbellcolon coloncolongcolong/goronggorong
Ali pater nr̃j dogni ſortefor Pater nosters of all classestacle
AL petinefor Combcutlei, miſsamissurlay/sodlaysudlay
AL pentinarefor to Combmonssughudmansoyodmangsulod/mangsuyod
ALa Camizafor ShirtSabunsabong (i.e. ornament)
ALa gugia de coſirefor Sewing-needledaghudagom/dagumdagom
AL cuſirefor to Sewmamis
A La porcelanafor Porcelainmobuluc
AL canafor Dogaian, ydoiro/ayamayam, iro
AL gatofor Catepos
Ali ſui velifor their Scarfsgapasgapasgapas
Ali criſtalinifor Glass Beadsbalus
Vien qiCome heremaricaumari ka
Ala cazafor HouseJlaga, balaibalaybalay
AL legniamefor Timbertatamuetatha
Alle ſtore doue dormenofor the Mats on which they sleepTagichantagicantagikan
Ale ſtore de palmafor Palm-matsbanibanig/banagbanig
Ale cuſſini de fogliefor their Leaf cushionsVlimanolnan/olonanulunan/unlan
A li piati de legniofor Wooden plattersdulandolong/dulang
AL ſuo ydiofor their GodAbba
AL ſollefor Sunadloarlao/adlaoadlaw
ALa lunafor Moonſonghot,bolanbulanbulan
Ala ſtelafor Starbunthunbitoonbituon
ALa aurorafor Dawnmene
Ala matinafor Morningvemaogmaugma
Ala tazafor Cuptaghatagaytagay
AL archofor Bowboſsughbosogbusog
ALa frezafor Arrowoghonodyongudyong
Ali targonifor Shieldscalaſsancalasagkalasag
A le veſte inbotide ꝓ combaterfor Quilted garments used for fightingbalutibalotibaluti
Ale ſue daghefor their daggerscalix, baladaocalis,baladao/caris,baladaokalis, balaraw
Ali ſui tertiadifor their CutlassesCampilancampilan/campilangkampilan
A la Lanciafor Spearbancanbangcaobangkaw
El tallefor Liketuan--/to-ang
Ali figuifor Figs [i.e., bananas]ſaghinsaguingsaging
Ale zuchefor Gourdsbaghinbagongbaging
Ale corde dele ſue viollefor the Cords of their violinsgotzapkudyapi
AL fiumefor Rivertau
AL riſaio ꝓ peſcarefor Fishing-netpucat laialaya/rayapukot, laya
AL batellofor small Boatſampansampansampan
A le canne grandefor large Canescauaghancaoayan/cauayankawayan
Ale picolefor the small onesbonbonbongbong
Ale ſue barche grandefor their large Boatsbalanghaibalangay/barangaybalangay
Ale ſue barque picollefor their small Boatsbolotobalotobaloto, baroto
Ali grancifor CrabsCubancoboa
AL peſcefor FishJcam yſſidaisdaikan, isda
A vno peſcie tuto depintofor a Fish that is all coloredpanap ſapãpanapsapan
A vno alto roſſofor another red [Fish]timuantiao
A vno certo altofor a certain other [kind of Fish]pilaxpilas
A vno altofor another [kind of Fish]emaluan
Tuto e vnoAll the sameSiama siamasama-samasama
A vno ſchiauofor a SlavebonſuL
A la forcafor Gallowsbolle
ALa nauefor Shipbenaoabangcabangka
A vno re o capo gñalefor a King or Captain-generalraiaraha;hari/hadiraya

See also


  1. 1 2 Bausani 1960.
  2. Pigafetta, Maximilian of Transylvania & Corrêa 1962, p. 79.
  3. Thomaz 2019.
  4. Maximiano, Jose Mario Bautista (8 February 2021). "Pigafetta: Eyewitness to birth of Christianity in PH". Inquirer.Net. Retrieved 5 December 2021.
  5. A Brief Summary of the First Voyage Around the World by Pigafetta. Retrieved 5 December 2021 via vbook.pub.
  6. 1 2 3 Blair & Robertson 1906.


Further reading

  • Blagden, C. O. (1931). "Corrigenda to Malay and Other Words Collected by Pigafetta". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1931 (4): 857–861. JSTOR 25194360.
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