Peter Plaoul (1353–1415; Latin: Petrus Plaoul, French: Pierre Plaoul) was a late medieval Scholastic philosopher and theologian. Born in Liege, he was educated at the University of Paris and remained an active member of the University until he was made Bishop of Senlis in 1409.

While the content of his thought remains relatively unknown, Plaoul is often noted for his role in ending the Great Schism. He was present at the three French clergy councils in the 1390s called by King Charles the VI. There he advocated for the withdrawal of obedience from the Avignon Pope. He was also a speaker at the Council of Pisa, where the members attempted to end the schism by electing a third pope. Peter became sick and died before he could take part in the Council of Constance, which finally brought an end to the schism.


    • Cormier, David C. (2014). Les discours de Pierre Plaoul au Parlement de Paris (1406) : un exemple des rhétoriques française et latine au Moyen Âge tardif (M.A.). Université de Montréal. hdl:1866/11695.
    • Glorieux, Palémon (1939). "L'année universitaire 1392–1393 à la Sorbonne à travers les notes d'un étudiant". Revue des sciences religieuses. 19 (4): 429–482. doi:10.3406/rscir.1939.1801. ISSN 0035-2217.
    • Millet, Hélène (2009). "Pierre Plaoul (1353–1415): Une grande figure de l'université de Paris éclipsée par Gerson". In Corinne Péneau (ed.). Itinéraires du savoir de l'Italie à la Scandinavie (Xe–XVIe siècle): Études offertes à Elisabeth Mornet. Histoire ancienne et médiévale. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. pp. 179–200. ISBN 9782859446116.
    • Witt, Jeffrey C. (2014). "Peter Plaoul's Lecture Commentary on the Sentences: A Canonical Ordered List of Lectures". Manuscripta. 58 (2): 159–270. doi:10.1484/J.MMS.5.103364.
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