Numen, plur. numina, is a Latin word typically borrowed by modern languages without alteration. It may mean:


  • Numen, a divine spirit in ancient Roman religion
    • Numen, a divine spirit investing the parents at the festival of Parentalia
    • Numen of Africa, a supernatural being seen by Curtius Rufus
    • Numen, name applied to Robigalia, personification of agricultural disease
    • Numen praesens, the divine spirit of the emperor in the Roman imperial cult
    • Numen, a divine aspect of Jupiter Tonans
    • Numen, the deity Aius Locutius, harbinger of a Gallic attack on Rome
    • Numina, creators of the 27 shrines of the Argei
  • Numen, a divine spirit in other religions
    • Numen, a classification of Borr in Norse mythology by Finnur Magnusson
    • Numen, translation of the Chinese concept ling
    • Nine Numina, a group to which the Queen Mother of the West belonged
    • Numina, applies to the strungma who offer chinlabs, a type of adhiṣṭhāna in Tibetan and Shingon Buddhism


  • Numen, a nation elevated to a divine spirit in the philosophy of national mysticism
  • Numenism, another name for animism
  • Numina, rejected as impure spirits by St. Augustine in debates with Cornelius Labeo



  • Numen (journal), a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal covering the history of religions
  • Numen, Old Men, a 2009 book by Joseph Gelfer
  • Numina, a class of character in the fictional civilisation The Culture


  • Numen (band), a Spanish progressive rock band
  • "Numen", a song by Guano Apes on the 2014 album Offline
  • Numen Records, a label for Mozez

Other uses

  • Numen Kingdom, a fictional kingdom in the children's animated television series Century Sonny
  • Numen International, television production company of Clarissa Burt

See also

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