Eastern Torres Strait
Meriam Mir
RegionMurray Island, Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia
Native speakers
217 (2016 census)[1]
Eastern Torres Strait Islander Sign Language
Language codes
ISO 639-3ulk
Languages used at home by Torres Strait Islanders in localities with significant share of Torres Strait islander population.[3]

Meriam (Meriam Mir: Meriam Mìr; also Miriam, Meryam, Mer, Mir, Miriam-Mir, etc. and Eastern, Isten, Esten and Able Able) or the Eastern Torres Strait language is the language of the people of the small islands of Mer (Murray Island), Waier and Dauar, Erub (Darnley Island), and Ugar (Stephens Island) in the eastern Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia. In the Western Torres Strait language, Kalaw Lagaw Ya, it is called Mœyam or Mœyamau Ya. It is the only Papuan language in Australian territory.


Meriam was classified in the Eastern Trans-Fly family of the Trans–New Guinea Phylum by Stephen Wurm, who however felt that these have retained remnants of pre-Trans–New Guinea languages; this is followed by Ethnologue (2005). In 2005 Malcolm Ross concluded that the Eastern Trans-Fly languages were not part of the Trans–New Guinea phylum. R. M. W. Dixon (2002) regards claims of a relationship between the Fly River languages and Meriam as unproven, though what he bases his claim on is not clear, as Meriam Mir has a high cognacy rate with its sister languages, and a certain amount of mutual intelligibility is claimed by Meriam speakers. Mitchell finds that Meriam Mìr has 78% cognates with its sister Trans-Fly Papuan languages, the remaining vocabulary being mainly of Australian origin.[4] Such Trans-Fly cognates include personal pronouns, and verbal and nominal morphology.

Percentages of Australian, Papuan and Austronesian content
(2) = number of items; Mitchell, Holman et al. 40-word list
Australian22.5% (9)5% (2)
Papuan22.5% (9)62.5% (25)
Derivations/Compounds20% (8)17.5% (7)
[common to Eastern Trans-Fly 15% (6)]
Austronesian12.5% (5)2.5% (1)
More than one possible origin15% (6)17.5% (7)
Unclassifiable32.5% (13)20% (8)


In the 2016 Australian census, 217 speakers were recorded,[1] up slightly on the previous (2011) census, which recorded 186.[2] It is considered an endangered language by UNESCO.[5]

There is a push to preserve the language in North Queensland. A group of Torres Strait Islander people in Mackay region, where there are only four fluent speakers left, are practising and teaching traditional hymns sung in Meriam Mir in an effort to help more people to learn the language and pass it down. It is hoped that a program to teach the hymns will be introduced into schools.[5]

Meriam Mìr and its neighbours

Meriam has around 40 percent of its vocabulary in common with its unrelated Western Torres Strait neighbour Kala Lagaw Ya, which is an Australian language.[4] The shared words cover a wide range of semantic domains (body parts, kin, human classification, language, mythology, ceremony, artefacts, topography, natural elements, marine life, qualities, locations, directions and time), though not verbs. This latter strengthens arguments about genetic diversity, however there is still much to suggest mutual influence. The common vocabulary range from "exact cognates" to words that appear related, but have undergone semantic changes, as in the following selected from a list of 250 items (Mitchell 1995) (where exact "cognates" number 62 (24.8%), partial "cognates" 26 (10%) and "cognates" with semantic differentiation number 34 (13.7%), [122 "cognates" in total, 48.8%]):

Exact "cognates"
riidh(a)lid"bone, leaf rib"
partial "cognates"
KLY dhaanga
"edge, tooth"deg"edge, side"
wati"bad, evil"wìt"wrong doing"
KLY mùùdha
"shelter, backyard, shaded place, haven"mùd"shade"
stem gœigœyi-
"sun, day"gerger"day"
(badh(a) "food bed")
Baba, Baab(a)"Dad, Daddy"bab"father"
[wœra]kapu"one (only)"
(wara "one of a group, other")
karùm(a)"goanna; clumsiness, mistake"karom"black skink; clumsiness, mistake"
ngœna"breath, intellect, memory"ner"breath"
kaimel, KKY kalmel
"companionship, companion, co-";
"together, along with"
kem"company; associative (case)"
semantic differentiation
thapi"thin piece of bark or wood, page"tep"fruit skin"
susu"white sap"susu
"spray, foam"
"white sap"
eumi (singular)
baum (plural)
(stem -um)
buudh(a)"white paint"
(for mourning)
"garden bed"

"down, below, under"

sep"earth, ground;
down, below, under"
KKY, KulY kom(a)
KKY, KulY kœman(a)
KLY, MY-KY kœman(a)
"heat, burn"
"heat, burn, steam"
(ur "fire")
KLY biber(e)
"strength, power"beber
"heavy, weighty"

There are also various items of semantic relationship, but not formal relationship, such as WCL puuy(i), MM lu "plant, tree; magic".

Mitchell and Piper (unpublished research notes) used the Holman et al. 40-word list below, which shows 9 (22.5%) exact items, 5 (12.5%) partial, and 3 (7.5%) semantically related words. However, this list was designed for use with Euro-Asian languages, and is perhaps somewhat inappropriate; for example, no horned animals exist, neither language has a verb ‘come’, and Holman et al. assume one form for 'we'; WCL has 4, and MM has 2.

PCD Proto Central-District Papuan Austronesian, PETrf Proto East Trans Fly; POC Proto Oceanic Austronesian; PP Proto Paman; PSEPap Proto South-East Papuan Austronesian [neighbouring languages noted : Papuan : Gizrra, Bine/Kunini, Wipi (Eastern Trans Fly Family), Kiwai (Trans-New Guinea Phylum), Idi, Agöb (Pahoturi family); Australian : Gudang, and the Northern Cape York Language, dialects : Wudhadhi, Atampaya, Angkamuthi, Yadhaykenu]

lousenemngüóm, ngómngaamo, ngame, ngamwengüɨm*ŋamͻnimoA. kabanaaari
(unknown origin)
aaku tick, louseaku tick, louse----
cf. MM mog "piece"
Bamu teibo
komblebeùka- "two"
ùkasar(a) "two (only)"
(-sar(a) "small number")
ilaabayu (cf. Y inychantu, At/A ilvan many)Y/A udhima, At udhyama/makyaana,
W aroma/adhoma
water (1)gur "salt water"-gul- "wash"
bapür- PlOb, apür VN
atnana wash VNgony "washing"
imangena "swimming"
*gulV "water, swim, wash"obo,
Kope oru'o wash self VN
I. tetu "wash", A. bemine "sea water"wœr~wur~uur~wœir "water"G ungunya salt water----*wair "water"
water (2)
(fresh; drink, juice)
ninaiy, nai, naeniye, niiyeni, niya, nyɨ, ngi*niya/*nayioboningùki----*ŋugu/*ŋugi--
cf. hear
laip, giripgublang, gublamtablamoyɨpiya, yɨpyar, yɨkɨpya, yɨrpya, irkɨpia ear;
yɨpiarom, yakrom outer early
*?(+*raamo leaf)gare ear, sepate lobe, external earran ear, ika external ear, A. laandrakaura
kurusai- (in compounds)
iwunyaY iwuny
At ikuchi
W iwui
deatheud death;
eumi Sg, baum PL "die";
bud "mourning"
büdül "dead",
budül- "die"
budre death; (w)uje diebudɨ "death";
(w)uj(e) "dead, death"
*wudi "die"odio, P para, M uparu "dead";
orisiai, M/Kerewo oihiai "die"
kududar "die"uum(a) "death, unconsciousness"
awum(a) "mourning, wailing" (for a death)
buudh(a) "white paint" (traditionally used for mourning)
ithuurra/ithuulma "dead"Y/A yuthu, At ruthu,
W alghan "dead", W unga "mourn", U alga "death"
Ikacane, kanekon*ka(nV)maingén, A. nganangayiG []yuba, aipaanaY/A/At ayu(va)*ŋayi--
liverokonkon (puringai)owolaamo,
wurom, vurom,
sukəp, tsɨkɨp
+*raamͻ "leaf"
K/Kerewo beu, M beo
M siba "heart", D sibo "heart")
A. yoa/siba/zebesiib(a) liver; centreiipa "heart"Y/A yipa, At lipa, W tepa, tipa*jiba--
eyeponì (unknown origin)
ilküp, ilkóküpirecuyɨr, yer "eye", yɨrkɨp, ilkɨp, yɨrtyen, yɨttwin "eyeball"*iri "see", *kapu "seed, body part, fruit, etc."damari, Kerewo idomaikalye, A. yende "eye ",
ikép/ikapa "eye-ball" (kép "egg")
pùrka (unknown origin)
daan(a) (also "pool", "life",
"kernel", "shell-food")
cf. -kap(u) "body part"
daanha, rathairY anngal, At ipanh, A angwaa, W yeithi/yithi--*dano "lake, pool"
handtagtang, tan arm, handimo "hand, arm"yɨm*taaŋV, *iimo "hand, arm"K tu, Bamu tuu hand, armtang, A. trangageth(a)
(unknown origin)
artaY/At/A mata, W ara*mara*taŋa
hearasor--rrkrru-, -rrkurru--tecij- (-tecind-~cind-) hear,
ätecija VN hear/listen
utkunj~utkund-*Vrkundiirovidiro, Mawata erebidiro, Kope orovidio VNA. dandarlakarnge[mi]-, kœrngai VN;
kùrùsai- ear
 ?Y/A/At ami---*roŋor
(also "plant", "wood", "magic")
lu(g) "tree, plant, magic"nugup "tree"uli, uri "tree, plant"wul(a), ul "tree"*wuli, *[ln]ugu[p] "tree"ota "tree, plant", Kope nu'a "tree"lu, A. ra/rati-ra/ropuuy(i), OKY puuRi;
yuu "spit, skewer"
puri "tree", yuuku "wood",
upiirri "medicine"
Y/At/A yuku "wood, tree, stick, log",
Y/At/A upirri "sore, painful, witchcraft"
*lugu "tree, wood"*pu[l]i magic
(unknown origin)
wapi, wapuikibu, cupya,
kopae, kopäi
--arimina/irisina food, fish;
Kerewo na, Kope nai fish
(unknown origin)
waapiY yatpan/yadpa,
A inhanyii, W nheya
nameneingi, nguingini, niœ, nyœ*nyilyapaina, Kerewo paenaben, A. benanel
Saibai variant nei
yiniAt angyal, A anyii, W anyel----
(unknown origin)
inglkup, inglkurpkula, kuragli(muz), gɨmo, gɨmokɨp, kula, guma, nadi, motɨr*kulakura, M noradadar, A. daderkùlauulpaY/A aypany, At aypanh*gul(g)an--
cf. ereg "eat"
deg "edge, side"
zirgup (gup body part, fruit, etc.giricu;
cidi "edge"
or- "eat", kak "bone"
dɨng "thorn"
*daŋa "tooth, edge, etc."ibuanara, Parama iawa; K iawa "incisor"dhéndhég "bite INF"; A. ngui, nggoia, uguwoi "tooth"; A lenge, lenga "tooth"dhang(a)
(also "edge")
ampuY/A ampu, At ngampu*jaaŋa "tooth, edge, etc."--
(cf. mother, milk)
ama, apu "mum, mother, aunty"
nanosus "milk" (sus "white sap", "foam")
ngum, ngiam, ngüam;
aip mother
ngaamo, nono;
mago "mother", yääye "Mum"
ngom, ngum, ngiam, ngɨmb, ngɨmdor;
mog, ag "mother"
*ŋaamͻ "breast, mother"
*maago mother
*susu "breast, milk"
aida, M maramu, Bamu onoo, Kerewo mamo mother
ngém/nono "breast";
nene "mother"
ama "mum, mother, aunty"
aapu(wa) "mother, aunt"
susu (also "white sap"; "loaf"),
susuikai "milk" (ikai "juice, sap")
[]yuungu "breast, milk", athiinya "mother"Y/At/A ungunyu "mother, breast, milk"
A also awucha, yathu "milk",
W nono "mother, breast"
*ŋam[u/a]ŋ "breast, mother"
*juju "breast, milk"
*susu "breast, milk"
pathgabkwat, kuatgaabo, raarenia, nga, nyau*gaabͻgabonyénggoyabu, KLY yaabualkaY/A ulumu, At ulumu/anyaarra ?POC *tyapu
you Sgmamamaane, maanoman(a)*ma(nV)raibe (S/Du/Pl)KLY/KulY/KY ni
(an)tuuba/tuubaY/At antu(va), A antu(ba), W endouva*ŋin/*nin*kau
fireuruurulikobo, uliobo, urikobe,
ulikobe, olobo, uli,
Kunini muye-uliobo
uur, [wul(a)]para*uur[], *kͻbͻ, *pVrV "fire", *wuli "tree, wood"era, Bamu mahiyumui (Boigu,KY also mœi)umaY/At/A uma, W entovo*tuma--
tonguewerutulitwätä, wärtä, warta, watewelat, we(y)at, vlat, yat*wilͻtVwatotorope, Kerewo mototobeA. dogmar, dangamainœi
(unknown origin)
unt[h]aar[r]aY yalan, punhu, At lalan, A yalan----
tep skin of fruit
sopai, sopae;
kwan, kuan bark
tääpo, tääpe, taape, tääpwo;
uli tääpo (etc.) bark
gɨm (one dialect gunja);
wul gɨm, gɨm, yug bark
KLY gœngaawu,
KulY gœngáy(u)
ikwurra skin
ranga bark
Y/At/A akuny skin, bark*Cagurr
nightkiirrüb, irrub, irribkiye, ciyesɨwɨny, sɨwɨn, sowɨny,
sɨrɨn, sowi, tsowony, sɨwɨng, sɨrɨng, sɨrɨm
*kiyaduo, Bamu duwoA. kuteine, kwetekubil
(derived, kùbi "charcoal")
G yulpalga night, darknessY yupul,
Y manara, At manma night, darkness,
W jagula
(lu "plant")
lam, lang (mainly compounds),
pórgae~prangai, prórngae, pórngae
laamo, racme, raame(wulœ)rom
(wulœ "tree")
*laamͻ "leaf"ota-pasa, M ota-pea
(ota tree)
(oro/ru/ro tree, plant);
(lu tree, plant)
niis(a)itrara "leaf"Y/At/A yukum yampa (yuku "tree, wood"), A ithagha, W alway;
Y/At/A yampa "leaf, flower, lung";
AT yamparra, A inparra "lung"
(unknown origin)
ói, óeuudiwoi, woj, kus, ku*wodiarima,
Kope ora
A. mem, mam, teiakùlka
(unknown origin)
ichunyaY/A lukuny, At uchuny----
pam, pama
binamo, biname, binam;
imä, im male,
rooriye, loori "man"
-am, -iam;
rɨga "man, male"
leo "husband"
dubu, Kerewo meréha;
arubi,-rubi people, Kerewo oubi;
Kope dubuiro person, man;
M auana man, didiri men, mere male
la "man"-ig(a) personal nominaliser)
mabaig(a) (derived, lit. "walker", maab(a) "walk"
amaY/At/A ama*bama--
knee (1)kolo--(ngawengawe elbow)kumkak, yɨmkak elbow
(kak bone)
*kͻlͻ "knee, elbow, corner"----kulu
cf. kudu "elbow",
kœru "corner"
yurtu elbowY/At yutu, A yurtu elbow*yurru "elbow"*turu "knee, elbow"
knee (2)kokni
kok "leg joint+?"
wageb "kneecap"
wagusingül, wagósingül, wagasingólkoko/coco(rar/kaako)
(rare, kaako, kak, ror "bone")
kɨ, kɨror, kum;
kumop knee ball,
(mop "end, head")
*kͻkͻ "leg joint"popu knee, elbowD tubu, tang-kum;
putukupi kneecap;
A tran-kwimbe elbow
kokan(i) "kneecap";
kuku inside part of knee, knee joint
iingku kneeY/A/At wungku, W owenPP *wuŋgu[ ] "knee"--
one/othernerut "another"
wader "some, others" (unknown origin)
netat one
darrpan, dórpan "one, one of group"
darrü "other" (+ -pan)
yepä, neetera one;
nuuja other, another
yepa one;
nɨnda other, others, some;
b’enga other, another (different)
*ni+[rl]ͻtV other
*[yi/dVr]pͻnV, *ni+ta[tr]V "one"
ata, Bamu kaiibi one, other, nau oneA. tupulibiwara, war "one of group, other" (unknown origin)
dhurai "some, others"
wœrapùn, ùrapùn, ùrpùn
(older waraponi) "one only"
wara "one of group, other" + -pùn[i]
inyaanha another
Y/A ipima, Y also ipinyama, At nhipima;
W wema one, alone
Y unya, At unyinha, wanhu, A unyinha other, different
W emo other
*nyupun, *NipiyamaNa--
nosepit "nose, beak,
point (of land)"
syókkeke, ceceso, sok, sokak
(kak bone)
 ?wodi, Kope modi (cf. Bamu pito hole)A. murung, wedepiti "nose"
(unknown origin; buna beak; nguur point)
iyi nose, beakY/A iyi, W enmoi, nundagel;
At umughanhu
full(e)osmer (lit. "protrude, show self":
unknown origin)
buku, iibpuuwengor full(ness)  ?Kerewo arara'ohuai--1) gùdapœlam(a)
(derived : "opening-SpecLOC+cause-VerbForm)
(2) KLY/KulY/MY-KY pùsakar(a),
cf. sakar "space"
mur[r]ku gorgedY/At/A wampan full/swollen, W weithinyo full----
come (1)ta-, te-, ti-, t-to'-, tü-t- (s- allophone)t- irrealis;
ik-, -itk-, -etk- come, tu[i]- Pl, menamena, menon go, come VN
*ta "come, approach"-ogu-, Kerewo -oho-, Kope -o'u- go, come-be-ngapa TR/INTR adverb,
cf. nga- 1st person, pa- telic, -pa dative
bœi INTR adverb,
cf. pœipai, KKY bœi "nearside"
impiibinhu come, approach (-nhu DAT), ainpirra goY/A/W ana, At ana/anma go, come----
come (2)
(ta-ba "come-INTR"),
maiem (?+ALL)
--tädi M, tocli Fayo----abe Sg, yebe PL;
A yau
aye, KKY aya imperative adverb
(Malay or similar loan : ayo, ayu)
------*mai "come"
starwerwimurrwale, walo, gugie, griga
(see sun, day)
ikui, ɨki, ɨkwi, guje (one dialect bedam)*wa[rl]igugi, M zogubo, Kope oroi'ioA. piro, kwataiWœœy(i), OKY WœœRi "Venus"
thithúy(i), KLY thithuuyi, OKY thithúRi;
zugub(a) constellation, significant star
uunpiY/At/A unpi, At wintamwintama (avoidance)--*waRi sun
PCD *pitui, *pitiu, *pitiriu "star"
hillpaserpodo hill, dorro high groundpodo, doro hill, doro mainland, shorepodo, dor hill*pͻntͻ[r], *doropodo, Mawata also damera;
idodoro cliff
I. duidui, A. padpaad(a)
(also "top, height, crest, peak ");
baudhar(a) mountain, peak
padaY yantal, At rantal, A yantaa;
W mara mountain
*baanda "top"*pantar "hill, mountain"
bone, leaf riblidkuskaako, kaake, caace bone;
raare bone, rare shell, spoon
kak, kaak, kagɨ kak, kaga bone, stick, (hard) piece, stalk;
ror bone (in compounds)
*riida/*raadi "bone, leaf rib"soro, M kakoA. kwetr/kutriidh(a)athirraY/At/A apudha, A avoidance ikyalitha, W watha/ua----
we inclusivemi, mer- inclusivemiminemen, mɨn*mi(ni)nimo, Kerewo imo [exc and inc.]ybingœba dual inclusive
ngalpa plural inclusive
 ?Y/At/A ali(va) DU, ana(va) PL*ŋali inclusive; *ŋana(pula) (dual) exclusive*kita
we exclusiveki, ker- exclusivekikine, cinesɨn*ki(ni)nimo, Kerewo imo [exc and inc.]bi, A. bangalbai, KKY ngalbe, archaic KulY ngœibai, dual exclusive
ngœi, ngœlmù-, KKY/MY-KY ngœimù-, OKY ngœRi(mù-) plural exclusive
aakuY/A/At ampu(la)*ŋali inclusive; *ŋana(pula) (dual) exclusive*kami
drink (verb)iri-(a)nan-ene--ona-~-ena- Sg, anain- NSg*ini/ani/inaKope idio drink, odio he is drinkingA. ine/ngi -ni-/-na- drink water
(-ni/na- eat)
(unknown origin; derived?
< wanai- "put" active stem)
ungkenka drinkY/At ungye, A ungya drink, eat;
W ical drink
see, finddasmer, erdar
(stem er-)
-sen- see-pän, pan- see, find,
ire see VN
yɨr -ong- (ong bite),
yɨr -a- see, look,
yeri-, yiry-, oraka VN find, search,
ɨdar Sg, adar NSg find
*ira seeeáuri see VN-ndee- seeiima-angkanya findW iangin find*kiima "see"--
newkerkarküsil, küsül, kósil new;
kari, karian little, small
kirece, mamye, cireni, mamie~karte new;
matimati, matikäli, matikolä, matikola, matikari, geglo little, small
sisel, sisɨl*kari[kari]/*kira[kira]oliómoto--kayin(a)--------
dogomaiumai, umae, umedrenggo, drego, drengoyongg, yongk, yongga, yangg, yoorɨnk*omáiKerewo kaukau, Kope umudrénggùmaiingkud[h]iinyaY/At/A utagha*gudaga--
sun, daygerger "day, daylight"
lìm "sun"
abüs, óbüsbimu, abeji, abweji, abuji;
gugie, griga "star"
bibɨr day, lom, lomkongga, lemkogal, ganggal sun
(konga, kogal "woman")
*limͻ/*lͻmiM iwio, Parama ivio, Kerewo hewio, Kope hivio sun;
sai day
yébodh sungœiga, gœygœyi-, gœigi-,
OKY gœRigaR(i)
ingaY/At/A wunga, W unga, W mungbatho day*gari, *wuŋa--

Recent loans

The main source of loan words to the language since the mid 1800s has been Yumplatòk (Torres Strait Creole) and English. There are also some minor loans from Lifu/Drehu, Polynesian (in particular Samoan and to a lesser extent Rotuman), Indonesian, Philippine, Japanese, and European origin. Many such outsiders were recruited – or in some rare cases black-birded – in the 19th century for pearl diving and other marine work, while others (from Lifu and Samoa) were missionaries with the British and Foreign Bible Society.


The language is currently dialectless. However, there was once a separate dialect spoken on Erub and Ugar islands, characterised in part by the retention of phonemic distinctions between 'ng', 'g', 'n' and 'r' where these have fallen together in two ways in Meriam Mir. The sound 'ng' in Modern Meriam has become 'n' at the beginning of words and 'g' within words; 'n' in many cases has become 'r' within words. Examples are remembered in one important Erub folktale (Lawrie 1970:283–284):

Erub : Aka nade ki andinane? Ge au?

Mer  : Aka nade ki ardirare? Ge au?

Where will we put it? There?

Erub : Mena inggandane/ingandane! Keniba uzen unken a keniba imut unken.

Mer  : Mena igardare! Keriba uzer urker a keriba imut urker.

Keep carrying it! Our paddles and our poling poles are still strong.

The earliest records (early 19th century) of Meriam Mìr included the phrase debelang good taste/nice, in present-day Meriam Mìr debe lag. This shows that the 'ng' > 'n'/'g' change is of fairly recent date; lang, now lag, is identical to the Gizrra lang of the same meaning.



Front Back
High i i u u
Near-high ɪ ì ʊ ù
Mid e, ɛ e o o
Low a, ʌ a ɔ oò

The sounds represented by [a] and [ʌ] are allophonic. [ʌ] appears mainly in syllables before the stress accent and optionally in open unstressed syllables otherwise. [a] appears in stressed syllables and in unstressed closed syllables.

For some speakers the following pairs exhibit variation, and perhaps have unidentified allophonic variation: [e], [ɛ] and [ɪ] (mainly Erub/Ulag), [ɪ] and [i] (mainly Mer), [u] and [ʊ], [ʊ] and [o], and [o] and [ɔ]. Older speakers appear to keep the vowels more distinct.


Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Stop Voiceless p t k
Voiced b d ɡ
Nasal m n
Fricative Voiceless s
Voiced z
Lateral l
Tap ɾ
Semivowel w j

/ɾ/ is heard as [ɹ] when occurring before or after consonants.


Stress is contrastive in Meriam and can occur on the first or second syllable. Examples include tábo 'snake', tabó 'neck'.

Sign language

The Torres Strait Islanders have signed forms of their languages,[6] though it is not clear from records that they are particularly well-developed compared to other Australian Aboriginal sign languages.[7]

See also


  1. 1 2 "Census 2016, Language spoken at home by Sex (SA2+)". ABS. Retrieved 30 October 2017.
  2. 1 2 Y3 Meriam at the Australian Indigenous Languages Database, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
  3. ""2021 Census - Cultural Diversity, 2021, TableBuilder"". Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
  4. 1 2 Mitchell 2015.
  5. 1 2 Macqueen, Cristy-Lee (21 December 2020). "Torres Strait Islander language Meriam Mir preserved through Christmas hymn recordings". ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Retrieved 24 December 2020.
  6. Haddon, Alfred C. (1907). The gesture language of the Eastern Islanders, in "Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits." Cambridge, England: The University Press, v.3.
  7. Kendon, A. (1988) Sign Languages of Aboriginal Australia: Cultural, Semiotic and Communicative Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


  • Dixon, R. M. W. (2002). Australian Languages: Their Nature and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Mitchell, Rod (April 2015), "Ngalmun Lagaw Yangukudu: The Language of our Homeland in Goemulgaw Lagal: Cultural and Natural Histories of the Island of Mabuyag, Torres Strait", Memoirs of the Queensland Museum – Culture, 8 (1): 323–446, ISSN 1440-4788
  • Passi, Gamalai Ken; Piper, Nick (1994). "Meryam Mir". In Nick Thieberger; William McGregor (eds.). Macquarie Aboriginal Words. Macquarie Library. pp. 320–351.
  • Piper, N. (1989). A sketch grammar of Meryam Mer. MA thesis. Australian National University.
  • Ross, Malcolm (2005). "Pronouns as a preliminary diagnostic for grouping Papuan languages". In Andrew Pawley; Robert Attenborough; Robin Hide; Jack Golson (eds.). Papuan pasts: cultural, linguistic and biological histories of Papuan-speaking peoples. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. pp. 15–66.
  • Lawrie, Margaret (1970). Myths and Legends of Torres Strait. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
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