This List of synagogues in Ukraine contains active, otherwise used and destroyed synagogues in Ukraine. In all cases the year of the completion of the building is given. Italics indicate an approximate date.

Location Oblast Name Built Destroyed Remarks Picture
Alushta Republic of Crimea Alushta Synagogue 2007–2008 1910-1913
Belz Lviv Belz Old Synagogue
Belz Lviv Belz New Synagogue 1843 1950s 1905-1910
Berdyansk Zaporizhzhia Berdyansk Synagogue 1910
Berdychiv Zhytomyr Berdychiv Choral Synagogue 1850 1913
Berehove Zakarpattia Great Synagogue 1890 closed in 1959, covered by concrete shell and used as theatre
Beresdivtsi Lviv Beresdivtsi 1790
end 18th century
destroyed in WW II
between 1900, 1939
Bershad Vinnytsia Synagogue 1820 neither destroyed during World War II nor closed after the war; still active
Bila Tserkva Kyiv Great Synagogue 1860 closed around 1930. Building well preserved. Used as college
Bilky Zakarpattia Bilky Synagogue 1910/16
Boiany Chernivtsi Boiany Synagogue 1917
Brody Lviv Brody Synagogue 1742 Ruined
Chechelnik Vinnytsia Chechelnik Synagogue 1750 To be restored after 2018
Chernivtsi Chernivtsi Synagogue Chernivtsi 1873–1878 closed in 1940, later burnt down
1959 partially rebuilt and used as a cinema
Chervonohrad Lviv Chervonohrad Synagogue 1910/24
Chop Zakarpattia Synagogue Chop 1908
Chortkiv Ternopil Chortkiv Old Synagogue 1771 devastated during WW II 2016
Chortkiv Ternopil Chortkiv Hasidic Synagogue 1881–1885 2011
Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk Golden Rose Synagogue 1868 1924 workers club and storehouse
1996 returned to Jewish community
Dolyna (Terebovlia)
(Janów Trembovelski)
Ternopil Dolyna (Terebovlia) Synagogue 1700 1941 Built around 1700;
burnt down in WW II
Synagogue in the 1920s
Donetsk Donetsk Donetsk Synagogue 1887
Dowhe Zakarpattia Dowhe Synagogue
Drohobych Lviv Choral-Synagogue 1844–1863 warehouse after WW II
later ruined
renovated since 2016
Drohobych Lviv Progressive Synagogue 1909
Druzkopol Volyn Druzkopol Synagogue
Dubno Rivne Dubno Synagogue 1782-1784 1939
Feodosia Crimea Feodosia Choral Synagogue
Halych Ivano-Frankivsk Halych Synagogue 16th century ,
Horokhiv Volyn Horokhiv Synagogue ,
Horodok Lviv Horodok, Lviv Oblast Synagogue
Husiatyn Ternopil Synagogue Husiatyn 1654 damaged during WW II
1960 renovated, museum
deteriorating since 1990
Hvizdets Ivano-Frankivsk Gwoździec Synagogue 1640 1941 wooden Synagogue, damaged during WW I, 1941 completely burnt down
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk Great Synagogue 1894-1895
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk Otyner Kloyz Synagogue
Kamianets-Podilskyi Khmelnytskyi Kamianets-Podilskyi Synagogue 1850
middle of 18th century
today used as restaurant
Kharkiv Kharkiv Choral-Synagogue 1913 biggest synagogue in Ukraine
Kherson Kherson Kherson Old Synagogue 1780 1940s
Kherson Kherson Kherson New Synagogue 1895
Khodoriv Lviv Khodoriv Synagogue 17th century 1940s between  1914, 1918
Kyiv Kyiv Great Choral Synagogue 1895 1929 riding stable
after 1945 again used as synagogue
Kyiv Kyiv Brodsky Choral Synagogue 1898 1929 artists club
1941 horse stable
1955 puppet theatre
1997 returned to Jewish community
Kyiv Kyiv Karaite Kenesa 1902 belonged to the der Karaite Community,
after 1919/1926 no longer used as a synagogue
Kyiv Kyiv Galitska Synagogue 1910 1930 closed as a synagogue
2001 returned to the Jewish community
Kolomyia Ivano-Frankivsk Kolomyia Synagogue second half 19th century 1941
Kozliv Ternopil Kozliv Synagogue
Kremenchuk Poltava Kremenchuk Synagogue 19th century 1994
Kremenets Ternopil Kremenets Great Synagogue 1839 1941 1925
Kropyvnytskyi (Kirovograd) Kirovohrad Kropyvnytskyi Choral Synagogue 1895-1897
Liuboml Volyn Liuboml Synagogue 1510 1947
Lutsk Volyn Kenesa, Lutsk 1814 1972 Kenesa of the Karaite community (wooden building)
Lutsk Volyn Great Synagogue 1626–1629 after 1942 partially destroyed
after 1970 restored
today used as a sports club
Lviv Lviv Golden Rose Synagogue 1582 1941
Lviv Lviv Great Suburb Synagogue 1633 1941
Lviv Lviv Great City Synagogue 1801 1943
Lviv Lviv Jakob Glanzer Shul 1844 1941 used as a horse stable
after 1945 school
after 1989 Jewish cultural centre
Lviv Lviv Tempel Synagogue 1840–1846 1941
Lviv Lviv Tsori Gilod Synagogue 1925 also known as Beis Aharon V'Yisrael Synagogue
1941 used as a horse stable
afterwards storehouse
after 1989 returned to the Jewish community
Mariupol Donetsk Choral Synagogue 1882
Mukachevo Zakarpattia Synagogue Mukachevo
Mykolaiv Mykolaiv Mykolaiv Synagogue 1880–1884
Mykolaiv Mykolaiv Mykolaiv Synagogue 1880–1884
Norynsk Zhytomyr Norynsk Synagogue 1800
end 18th, begin 19th century
Norynsk Wooden Synagogue
Norynsk Wooden Synagogue
Odessa Odessa Beit Chabad Synagogue 1893
Odessa Odessa Brodsky Synagogue 1863–1867 since 1925 workers club "Rosa Luxemburg"
later city archive
2016 returned to Jewish community
Odessa Odessa Kenesa-Synagogue 1895
Odessa Odessa Nachlas Eliezer Synagogue 1890
Nachlas Elieser Synagoge (2014)
Nachlas Elieser Synagoge (2014)
Odessa Odessa Or-Sameach Synagogue 1855 since 1923 used as a museum, music theater, sports hall
1996 returned to Jewish community
Olyka Volyn Olyka Great Synagogue 1879 1942 Wooden synagogue; destroyed sometime after liquidation of ghetto (July 1942)
Oleksandriia Kirovohrad Oleksandriia Synagogue
Oleksandrivsk Luhansk Oleksandrivsk Synagogue
Pavlivka Volyn Pavlivka Synagogue 18th century 1940s 1930
Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv Oblast (Golta) Mykolaiv Pervomaisk Synagogue 1908
Pidhaitsi Ternopil Pidhaitsi Synagogue 1648 in ruinous state Pidhaitsi Synagogue RB
Pohrebyshche Vinnytsia Pohrebyshche Synagogue 1690 1941 since 1928 workers club
destroyed during WW II
Radomyshl Zhytomyr Radomyshl Synagogue 1887 1930 burnt down in 1926; demolished in the 1930s
Rivne Rivne Rivne Synagogue 1840–1874
Rozdil Lviv Rozdil Synagogue 1730 1907 destroyed by fire either 1907 or in WK I
Sadhora Chernivtsi Sadhora Hasidic Synagogue 19th century
Sataniv Khmelnytskyi Sataniv Synagogue 1514 probably the oldest synagogue in Ukraine
Sharhorod Vinnytsia Synagogue 1589 one of the oldest synagogues in Ukraine
Simferopol Crimea Simferopol Synagogue 1881 1975
Skelivka Lviv Skelivka Synagogue 1800 1941 burnt down in WW II
Skhidnytsia Lviv Skhidnytsia Synagogue 1880 only wooden synagogue in Ukraine that still exists
Storozhynets Chernivtsi Storozhynets Synagogue 1890
Stryi Lviv Stryi Small Synagogue 1689 reconstruction around 1886
Ternopil Ternopil Ternopil Synagogue 1622–1628 1940s
Tulchyn Vinnytsia Tulchyn Synagogue 1815 1948–1949
Uzhhorod Zakarpattia Synagogue Uschhorod 1910 not used as a synagogue
concert hall,
Velyki Mosty Lviv Synagogue 1900 deteriorating since 1950
Vinnytsia Vinnytsia Vinnytsia Synagogue 1904
Voinyliv Ivano-Frankivsk Voinyliv Synagogue
Volodymyr-Volynskyi Volyn Volodymyr-Volynskyi Great Synagogue after 1945 ,
Vyzhnytsia Chernivtsi Vyzhnytsia Synagogue
Vyzhnytsia Chernivtsi Vyzhnytsia Mendel Synagogue late 19th century
Vyzhnytsia Chernivtsi Vyzhnytsia Hasidic Synagogue 19th century
Yabluniv Ivano-Frankivsk Yabluniv Synagogue 1674
between 1650 and 1674
in WW I
Yazlovets Ternopil Yazlovets Synagogue 1650 1941
in WW II
Yevpatoria Crimea Yevpatoria Synagogue
Yevpatoria Crimea Yevpatoria Kariate Synagogue
Zabolotiv Ivano-Frankivsk Zabolotiv Synagogue 19th century
Zaporizhzhia Zaporizhzhia Zaporizhzhia Synagogue 19th century
Zarichanka (Lanckorun) Khmelnytskyi Zarichanka Synagogue end of 17th century 1940s
Zhovkva Lviv Zhovkva Synagogue 1690–1692 ZolkiewSynagoga
Zhuravne Lviv Zhuravne Synagogue
Zhydachiv Lviv Zhydachiv Synagogue 1742 1941
in WW II
well known for wall paintings
  • Old postcards and photos of synagogues in Ukraine
  • Old pictures of synagogues (many in Ukraine) -


  • Maria and Kazimierz Piechotka: Landscape With Menorah: Jews in the towns and cities of the former Rzeczpospolita of Poland and Lithuania. Salix alba Press, Warsaw 2015, ISBN 978-83-930937-7-9.
  • Maria und Kazimierz Piechotka: Heaven’s Gates. Wooden synagogues in the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commenwealth. Polish Institute of World Art Studies & POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warschau 2015, ISBN 978-83-942048-6-0.
  • Maria und Kazimierz Piechotka: Heaven’s Gates. Masonry synagogues in the territories of the former Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Polish Institute of World Art Studies & POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warschau 2017, ISBN 978-83-949149-5-0.
  • Sergey R. Kravtsov, Vladimir Levin. Synagogues in Ukraine VOLHYNIA Volume 1 and 2. The Center Of Jewish Art. ISBN 978-965-227-342-0.
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