Political parties in the Maldives were legalized when the Maldivian parliament voted unanimously for the creation of a multi-party system on 2 June 2005. This came after decades of authoritarian rule. Prior to this ruling, political parties had not been not allowed under the Maldivian legal system.

Current list


Party Leader Founded MPs Ideology
MDP Maldivian Democratic Party
ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާޓީ
Dhivehi ra yitungedimokretik paatee
Ibrahim Mohamed Solih 2005 56 Liberal conservatism
Islamic democracy
JP Republican Party
ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީ
Jumhooree paatee
Qasim Ibrahim 2008 3 Economic liberalism
Social conservatism
Islamic democracy
PPM Progressive Party of Maldives
ޕްރޮގްރެސިވް ޕާޓީ އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސް
N/A 2011 4 Political Islam
PNC People's National Congress
ޕީޕަލްސް ނެޝެނަލް ކޮންގްރެސް
Abdul Raheem Abdulla 2019 3 Conservatism
Political Islam
MDA Maldives Development Alliance
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޑިވެލޮޕްމަންޓް އެލަޔަންސް
Ahmed Shiyam 2012 2 Economic liberalism
Political Islam
MNP Maldives National Party
މޯލްޑިވްސް ނޭޝަނަލް ޕާޓީ
Mohamed Nazim 2021 3 Islamic democracy
Democrat The Democrats
ދަ ޑިމޮކްރެޓްސް
Mohamed Nasheed 2023 12 Liberal conservatism


Party Leader Founded Ideology
AP Justice Party
ޢަދާލަތު ޕާޓީ
Adhaalath pati
Sheikh Imran Abdulla 2005 Religious conservatism
Islamic democracy
MTWD Maldives Third Way Democrats
މޯލްޑިވްސް ތަރޑް ވޭ ޑިމޮކެރެޓްސް
Ahmed Adeeb 2018 Third Way
PNF People's National Front
ޕީޕަލްސް ނެޝެނަލް ފްރޮންޓް
Abdulla Yameen 2023 (unknown)

Dissolved parties

Political Party Bill

On March 12, 2013, President Waheed ratified a new 'Political Party Bill',[1] replacing the guidelines established in 2005, when a multi-party system was created in the country. The bill saw the raising of the minimum number of members required to register a political party from 3000 to 10,000. With the ratification of the bill, all political parties which did not have 10,000 members registered were dissolved. From the 11 dissolved parties, Gaumee Itthihaad and Maldives Development Alliance presented the Elections Commission with the needed documents and retained their legitimacy.

The following is a list of parties dissolved under the new law:

Party Leader (at time of dissolution) Founded Ideology
PA People's Alliance
ޕީޕަލްސް އެލަޔަންސް
Ahmed Nazim 2008
DQP Dhivehi Qaumee Party
ދިވެހި ޤައުމީ ޕާޓީ
Hassan Saeed 2009
GIP National Unity Party
ޤައުމީ އިއްތިޚާދު
Gaumee itthihaad
Mohamed Waheed Hassan 2008 Social democracy
IDP Islamic Democratic Party
އިސްލާމިކް ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާޓީ
Hassan Zareer 2005 Islamism
Islamic democracy
MSDP Maldives Social Democratic Party
ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ސޯޝަލް ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާޓީ
Reeko Ibrahim Manik 2006
PP People's Party
ޕީޕަލްސް ޕާޓީ
Ahmed Riyaz 2007
MNC Maldives National Congress
މޯލްޑިވިއަން ނެޝަނަލް ކޮންގްރެސް
Ali Amjad (Deputy) 2007
SLP Social Liberal Party
ސޯޝަލް ލިބަރަލް ޕާޓީ
Mazlaan Rasheed 2007 Social liberalism
MLP Poverty Alleviating Party
މޯލްޑިވިއަން ލޭބަރ ޕާޓީ
Ahmed Moosa (Deputy) 2008 Socialism
MRM Maldives Reform Movement
މޯލްޑިވްސް ރިފޯމް މޫވްމަންޓް
Mohamed Munnavaru 2011
MLSDP Maldives Labour and Social Democratic Party
މޯލްޑިވްސް ލޭބަރ އެންޑް ސޯޝަލް ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާޓީ
Ahmed Shiham 2019 Social democracy
DRP Maldivian People's Party
ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުންގެ ޕާޓީ
Dhivehi rayyithunge paatee
Abdulla Jabir 2005 Conservatism
Islamic democracy
MRM Maldives Reform Movement
މޯލްޑިވްސް ރިފޯމް މޫވްމެންޓް
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom 2019 Conservatism
Islamic democracy

See also


  1. Naif, Ahmed (March 12, 2013). "President Waheed's GIP among 11 political parties dissolved". Haveeru Daily. Archived from the original on March 16, 2013.
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