List of defunct railway companies in Japan lists defunct Japanese railway operators. The list includes all types of railways, such as handcars, horsecars, trams, light railways, heavy rails, freight rails, industrial railways, monorails, new transit systems, or funiculars. Some companies are still active in other businesses, such as bus operation. Translated names might be tentative. "Former names" include those of preceding operators not directly related to their successors.

The list omits these types of operators:

  • Type 1: Direct predecessor of surviving railway operator. (e.g. Meguro Kamata Electric Railway, the current Tokyu Corporation.)
  • Type 2: Operator with lines largely succeeded by surviving railway operator. (e.g. Kaetsunō Railway, whose lines succeeded by Manyōsen.)
  • Type 3: Operator that was merged by surviving railway operator, Type 1, or Type 2. (e.g. Sanyō Railway, later merged into Japanese National Railways, which was later succeeded by Japan Railways Group Companies.)
  • Type 4: Planned line that was never built.


Kamitokoro Station, Hokkaidō Chihoku Kōgen Railway Line, 2006.
Yūbari Railway Line, presumably in the 1970s.
Ōyūbari Coal Mine Industrial Railway Line, 1912.
Abandoned bridge of Ōyūbari Forest Railway.
  • Abashiri Kōtsū 網走交通
    • Formerly called Higashi-Mokoto Transportation 東藻琴交通. Still active in bus and other businesses.
  • Asahikawa City Tramway 旭川市街軌道
  • Asahikawa Electric Tramway 旭川電気軌道
  • Ashibetsu Forest Railway 芦別森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Bekkai Municipal Tramway 別海村営軌道
  • Bifuka Municipal Tramway 美深町営軌道
  • Ebetsu Municipal Handcar Tramway 江別町営人車軌道
  • Forest Railway in Mikasa (Operator name unknown) 森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Garuishi Tramway 軽石軌道
  • Haboro Colliery Railway 羽幌炭礦鉄道
  • Haboro Forest Railway 羽幌森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Hamanaka Municipal Tramway 浜中町営軌道
  • Hayakita Railway 早来鉄道
    • Formerly called Hayakita Tramway 早来軌道. Still active as Atsuma Bus あつまバス, a bus operator.
  • Hokkaidō Chihoku Kōgen Railway 北海道ちほく高原鉄道
  • Hokkaidō Colliery and Steamship 北海道炭礦汽船
    • Formerly called Yūbari Railway 夕張鉄道. Hokkaidō Colliery and Steamship is still active as a chemical importer. Yūbari Railway is still active as a bus operator.
  • Hokkaidō Takushoku Railway 北海道拓殖鉄道
    • Still active as a truck company.
  • Horonobe Municipal Tramway 幌延町営軌道
  • Iwanai Horsecar 岩内馬車鉄道
  • Jōzankei Forest Railway 定山渓森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Jōzankei Railway 定山渓鉄道
  • Kakuta Coal Mine Industrial Railway 角田炭礦専用鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Kamikawa Horsecar 上川馬車鉄道
  • Kayanuma Colliery Tramway 茅沼炭鉱軌道
    • Opened in 1869, presumed to be the oldest railway in Japan.
  • Kitami Railway 北見鉄道
  • Kōtō Tramway 江当軌道
  • Kushiro Development Pier 釧路開発埠頭
    • Former names include Hokkaidō Colliery Railway 北海道炭礦鉄道, Yūbetsu Colliery Railway 雄別炭礦鉄道, Yūbetsu Railway 雄別鉄道, and Yūbetsu Coal Mine 雄別炭礦.
  • Kushiro Railway 釧路鉄道
  • Maruseppu Forest Railway 丸瀬布森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Mitsubishi Coal Mining 三菱石炭鉱業
    • Former names include Ōyūbari Coal Mine 大夕張炭礦, Bibai Railway 美唄鉄道, Mitsubishi Mining 三菱鉱業, and Mitsubishi Ōyūbari Coal Mine 三菱大夕張炭礦. Mitsubishi Mining was later merged into Mitsubishi Material 三菱マテリアル.
  • Mitsui Ashibetsu Railway 三井芦別鉄道
  • Mitsui Mining 三井鉱山
    • Still active in its main business.
  • Nemuro Takushoku Railway 根室拓殖鉄道
  • Nippon Soda 日本曹達 (Industrial railway)
    • Still active in its main business as a chemical company.
  • Noboribetsu Onsen Tramway 登別温泉軌道
  • Oketo Forest Railway 置戸森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Onneyu Forest Railway 温根湯森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Ōnuma Electric Railway 大沼電鉄
  • Ōyūbari Forest Office 大夕張営林署 (Industrial railway)
  • Rumoi Railway 留萠鉄道
  • Sapporo Suburban Electric Tramway 札幌郊外電気軌道
  • Sapporo Tramway 札幌軌道
  • Saru Railway 沙流鉄道
  • Shibecha Municipal Tramway 標茶町営軌道
  • Shibetsu Tramway 士別軌道
    • Still active as a bus operator.
  • Suttsu Railway 寿都鉄道
  • Teshio Colliery Railway 天塩炭砿鉄道
  • Tōbetsu Municipal Tramway 当別町営軌道
  • Tomakomai Port Development 苫小牧港開発
    • Still active as a developer.
  • Tōyako Electric Railway 洞爺湖電気鉄道
  • Tsurui Municipal Tramway 鶴居村営軌道
  • Utanobori Municipal Tramway 歌登町営軌道
  • Yoichi Rinkō Tramway 余市臨港軌道
  • Yūbetsu Tramway 湧別軌道

Tōhoku region

"Horse Face Train" of Hanamaki Electric Railway, preserved at a park.
Railbus of Nanbu Jūkan Railway Line, at the revival event, 2006.

Aomori Prefecture

Iwate Prefecture

  • Ganpoku Tramway 岩北軌道
  • Iwate Chūō Bus 岩手中央バス
    • Former names include Hanamaki Electric Tramway 花巻電気軌道, Hanamaki Electric Company 花巻電気, Morioka Electric Industry 盛岡電気工業, Hanamaki Onsen Electric Railway 花巻温泉電気鉄道/花巻温泉電鉄, Hanamaki Electric Railway 花巻電気鉄道/花巻電鉄. Later merged into Iwateken Kōtsū 岩手県交通, a bus operator.
  • Japan Iron & Steel 日本製鐵
    • Former names include Kamaishi Mine Horsecar 釜石鉱山馬車鉄道, Kamaishi Mine Railway 釜石鉱山鉄道, Tanaka Mine 田中鉱山, Kamaishi Mine 釜石鉱山, and Nittetsu Mining 日鉄鉱業. The last company is still active in its main business.
  • Matsuo Mining Railway 松尾鉱業鉄道
  • Mizusawa Forest Railway 水沢森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Tankō Tramway 胆江軌道
  • Waga Light Tramway 和賀軽便軌道

Miyagi Prefecture

  • Furukawa Horsecar 古川馬車鉄道
  • Kakuda Tramway 角田軌道
    • Formerly called Kakuda Horsecar 角田馬車軌道.
  • Kurihara Den'en Railway くりはら田園鉄道線
  • Miyagi Bus 宮城バス
    • Former names include Sendai Tramway 仙台軌道, Sendai Railway 仙台鉄道, Senpoku Railway 仙北鉄道, Kinkazan Tramway 金華山軌道, Ojika Tramway 牡鹿軌道, Kinkazan Jidōsha 金華山自動車, and Matsuyama Handcar Tramway 松山人車軌道. Later merged into Miyagi Transportation 宮城交通, a bus operator.
  • Sennan Kōtsū 仙南交通
    • Former names include Sennan Tramway 仙南軌道, Jōnan Tramway 城南軌道, Sennan Onsen Tramway 仙南温泉軌道, Sennan Kōtsū Jidōsha 仙南交通自動車, Akiu Stone Tramway 秋保石材軌道, Akiu Stone Electric Tramway 秋保石材電気軌道, Akiu Electric Tramway 秋保電気軌道, and Akiu Electric Railway 秋保電気鉄道. Later merged into Miyagi Transportation.
  • Zōtō Tramway 増東軌道

Akita Prefecture

  • Akita Chūō Kōtsū 秋田中央交通
    • Still active as a bus operator.
  • Akita City Transportation Bureau 秋田市交通局
  • Dōwa Kōgyō 同和鉱業
  • Jōgi Forest Railway 定義森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Nagakisawa Forest Railway 長木沢森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Nakanishi Tokugorō Operated Tramway 中西徳五郎経営軌道
  • Nibetsu Forest Railway 仁別森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Sugisawa Forest Railway 杉沢森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Takanosu Forest Railway 鷹巣森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Ugo Kōtsū 羽後交通
    • Former names include Ogachi Railway 雄勝鉄道, and Yokote Railway 横手鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.

Yamagata Prefecture

Fukushima Prefecture

Kantō region

Ruins of Dream Land Monorail, Dream Kankō.
Ayukawa Station, Hitachi Dentetsu Line, 2004.
Former Kita-Karuizawa Station of Kusakaru Electric Railway.

Ibaraki Prefecture

  • Haguro Tramway 羽黒軌道
  • Hitachi Dentetsu 日立電鉄
    • Formerly called Jōhoku Electric Railway 常北電気鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Ibaraki Tramway 茨城軌道
  • Inada Handcar Tramway 稲田人車軌道
  • Iwama Handcar Tramway 岩間人車軌道
  • Jōnan Electric Railway 常南電気鉄道
  • Kabaho Kōgyō 樺穂興業
  • Kasama Inari Transport 笠間稲荷運輸
  • Kashima Railway 鹿島鉄道
    • Formerly called Kashima Sangū Railway 鹿島参宮鉄道.
  • Kashima Tramway 鹿島軌道
  • Mito Electric Railway 水戸電気鉄道
  • Muramatsu Tramway 村松軌道
  • Tsukuba Railway 筑波鉄道
    • Formerly called Jōsō Tsukuba Railway 常総筑波鉄道. Still active as Kantetsu Tsukuba Shōji 関鉄筑波商事, a golf practice range company.

Tochigi Prefecture

Gunma Prefecture

  • Ikaho Cable Railway 伊香保ケーブル鉄道
    • Formerly called Kantō Cable Railway 関東鋼索鉄道.
  • Iwahana Light Railway 岩鼻軽便鉄道
  • Kusakaru Electric Railway 草軽電気鉄道
    • Former names include Kusakaru Light Railway 草津軽便鉄道, and Kusatsu Electric Railway 草津電気鉄道. Still active as Kusakaru Kōtsū 草軽交通, a bus operator.
  • Midorino Horsecar 緑野馬車鉄道
  • Satomi Tramway 里見軌道
  • Tokyo Light 東京電燈
    • Formerly called Agatsuma Onsen Horsecar 吾妻温泉馬車鉄道, Tone Tramway 利根軌道, Agatsuma Tramway 吾妻軌道, Gunma Electric Power Company 群馬電力, and Tokyo Electric Power Company 東京電力. The last company is different from the current company with the same name.
  • Usui Horsecar 碓氷馬車鉄道

Saitama Prefecture

  • Bushū Nakatsugawa Forest Railway 武州中津川森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Bushū Railway 武州鉄道
    • Former names include Chūō Light Electric Railway 中央軽便電気鉄道, and Chūō Railway 中央鉄道.
  • Chichibu Mining 秩父鉱業 (Industrial railway)
  • Chūbu Horsecar 中武馬車鉄道
  • Gyōda Horsecar 行田馬車鉄道
  • Honjō Electric Tramway 本庄電気軌道
  • Irikawa Forest Railway 入川森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Iruma Horsecar 入間馬車鉄道
  • Jōbu Railway 上武鉄道
    • Formerly called Japan Nickel 日本ニッケル. Japan Nickel is still active as Asahi Industries 朝日工業, a chemical company.
  • Senju Horsecar 千住馬車鉄道
  • Sōka Horsecar 草加馬車鉄道
  • University of Tokyo 東京大学 (Industrial railway)
    • Still active in its main operation.

Chiba Prefecture

Tokyo Metropolis

Kanagawa Prefecture

  • Atami Tramway Organization 熱海軌道組合
  • Dream Kōtsū ドリーム交通
  • Kawasaki City Transportation Bureau 川崎市交通局
    • Still active as a bus operator. Now planning a subway.
  • Shōnan Tramway 湘南軌道
    • Former names include Shōnan Horsecar 湘南馬車鉄道, and Shōnan Light Railway 湘南軽便鉄道.
  • Tsurumi Rinkō Railway 鶴見臨港鉄道
    • Formerly called Kaigan Electric Tramway 海岸電気軌道.

Chūbu region

Toyota IMTS guided bus system was operated only at Expo 2005, but still was considered as a railway.
Kamioka Railway Line, 2002.
Farewell run of Niigata Kōtsū train, 1999.
Peachliner (Tōkadai New Transit) was the first regular new transit system to be discontinued.

Niigata Prefecture

  • Echigo Kōtsū 越後交通
    • Former names include Tochio Railway 栃尾鉄道, Tochio Electric Railway 栃尾鉄道, and Nagaoka Railway 長岡鉄道. Still active as a bus operator..
  • Kanbara Railway 蒲原鉄道
    • Still active as a bus operator.
  • Kubiki Railway and Bus 頸城鉄道自動車
    • Formerly called Kubiki Railway 頸城鉄道. Still active as Kubiki Bus 頸城自動車, a bus operator.
  • Niigata Kōtsū 新潟交通
    • Former names include Nakanokuchi Electric Railway 中ノ口電気鉄道, and Niigata Electric Railway 新潟電鉄.

Yamanashi Prefecture

  • Fuji Kaiyū Tramway 富士廻遊軌道
  • Yamanashi Horsecar 山梨馬車鉄道
  • Yamanashi Kōtsū 山梨交通
    • Former names include Yamanashi Electric Railway 山梨電気鉄道, and Kyōsai Electric Railway 峡西電気鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.

Nagano Prefecture

Toyama Prefecture

Ishikawa Prefecture

  • Ogoya Railway 尾小屋鉄道
    • Former names include Ogoya Mine 尾小屋鉱山, and Yokoyama Mining 横山鉱業部. Still active as Komatsu Bus 小松バス, a bus operator.

Fukui Prefecture

  • Hongō Tramway 本郷軌道

Gifu Prefecture

Shizuoka Prefecture

  • Abe Railway 安倍鉄道
  • Atami Tramway Organization 熱海軌道組合
  • Fuji Tramway 富士軌道
  • Fujieda-Yaizu-kan Tramway 藤枝焼津間軌道
  • Gotenba Horsecar 御殿場馬車鉄道
    • Formerly called Nonaka Gotenba Horsecar 野中御殿場馬車鉄道.
  • Hamamatsu Electric Railway 浜松電気鉄道
    • Formerly called Dai-Nippon Tramway 大日本軌道.
  • Horinouchi Transport 堀之内運輸
    • Former names include Jōtō Horsecar 城東馬車鉄道, Omaezaki Tramway 御前崎軌道, and Horinouchi Tramway 堀之内軌道.
  • Ihara Tramway 庵原軌道
  • Kōmyō Electric Railway 光明電気鉄道
  • Misakubo Forest Railway 水窪森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Nakaizumi Tramway 中泉軌道
  • Nanzu Horsecar 南豆馬車鉄道
  • Negata Tramway 根方軌道
  • Seien Railway 西遠鉄道
  • Senzu Forest Railway 千頭森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
    • Former names include Second Fuji Electric Power Company 第二富士電力, and Fuji Electric Power Company 富士電力. Later merged into Chūbu Electric Power Company 中部電力.
  • Shimada Tramway 島田軌道

Aichi Prefecture

Mie Prefecture

  • Anō Railway 安濃鉄道
  • Chūsei Railway 中勢鉄道
    • Formerly called Dai-Nippon Tramway 大日本軌道.
  • Kuwana Electric Tramway 桑名電軌
  • Mie Electric Railway 三重電気鉄道
    • Former names include Matsuzaka Light Railway 松阪軽便鉄道, Matsuzaka Railway 松阪鉄道, Matsuzaka Electric Railway 松阪電気鉄道, Miyagawa Electric Company 宮川電気, Ise Electric Railway 伊勢電気鉄道, Mie Gōdō Electric Company 三重合同電気, Asama Tozan Railway 朝熊登山鉄道, Gōdō Electric Company 合同電気, Tōhō Electric Power Company 東邦電力, Shinto Kōtsū 神都交通, and Mie Kōtsū 三重交通. The last company is still active as a bus operator.
  • Ōsugidani Forest Railway 大杉谷森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)

Kansai region

Ruins of Atagoyama Railway Line.
Ruins of Daishōgun Station, Himeji Municipal Monorail.
Farewell run of Nokami Electric Railway Line, 1994.

Shiga Prefecture

Kyōto Prefecture

Ōsaka Prefecture

Hyōgo Prefecture

  • Awaji Railway 淡路鉄道
  • Banden Railway 播電鉄道
    • Former names include Tatsuno Electric Railway 龍野電気鉄道, Shingū Light Railway 新宮軽便鉄道, and Banshū Water Power Electric Company 播州水力電気.
  • Befu Railway 別府鉄道
    • Formerly called Befu Light Railway 別府軽便鉄道. Still active as a taxi and bus operator.
  • Himeji City Transportation Bureau 姫路市交通局
  • Izushi Railway 出石鉄道
  • Japan Trolleybus 日本無軌道電車
  • Kitazawa Industry 北沢産業
    • Still active in its main business as a developer.
  • Meishin Electric Railway 明神電車
  • Myōken Cable Railway 妙見鋼索鉄道
  • Sasayama Railway 篠山鉄道
    • Formerly called Sasayama Light Railway 篠山軽便鉄道

Wakayama Prefecture

  • Arida Railway 有田鉄道
    • Still active as a bus operator.
  • Kōyasan Forest Railway 高野山森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Nogami Electric Railway 野上電気鉄道
    • Formerly called Nogami Light Railway 野上軽便鉄道. Its group companies are still active.

Chūgoku region

Type 1 Locomotive of Ikasa Railway, preserved at a museum.
Ōmoto Station, Okayama Rinkō Railway Line, 1984.

Tottori Prefecture

  • Hinomaru Bus 日ノ丸自動車
    • Former names include Hosshōji Railway 法勝寺鉄道, Hakuyō Electric Railway 伯陽電鉄, and San'in Chūō Railway 山陰中央鉄道.
  • Iwai Municipal Tramway 岩井町営軌道
    • Former names include Iwai Village Tramway 岩井村自働車軌道, and Iwai Municipal Tramway 岩井村営軌道.
  • Yonago Electric Tramway 米子電車軌道 The successive bus company was merged into Hinomaru Bus.

Shimane Prefecture

  • Hinomaru Bus 日ノ丸自動車
    • Former names include Hosshōji Railway 法勝寺鉄道, Hakuyō Electric Railway 伯陽電鉄, and San'in Chūō Railway 山陰中央鉄道.

Okayama Prefecture

  • Chūgoku Inariyama Cable Railway 中国稲荷山鋼索鉄道
  • Dōwa Kōgyō 同和鉱業
    • Former names include Katakami Railway 片上鉄道, and Fujita Kōgyō 藤田興業. Still active as Dōwa Holdings DOWAホールディングス in its main business, a metal company.
  • Ikasa Tetsudō 井笠鉄道
    • Former names include Ibara Kasaoka Light Railway 井原笠岡軽便鉄道, Ryōbi Light Railway 両備軽便鉄道, Ryōbi Railway 両備鉄道, and Shinkō Railway 神高鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Okayama Rinkō Railway 岡山臨港鉄道
  • Ryōbi Bus 両備バス
    • Former names include Saidaiji Tramway 西大寺軌道, Saidaiji Railway 西大寺鉄道, Sanban Light Railway 三蟠軽便鉄道, and Sanban Railway 三蟠鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Shimotsui Dentetsu 下津井電鉄
    • Former names include Shimotsui Light Railway 下津井軽便鉄道, and Shimotsui Railway 下津井鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Tamano Municipal Electric Railway 玉野市営電気鉄道

Hiroshima Prefecture

  • Ikasa Tetsudō 井笠鉄道
    • Former names include Ibara Kasaoka Light Railway 井原笠岡軽便鉄道, Ryōbi Light Railway 両備軽便鉄道, Ryōbi Railway 両備鉄道, and Shinkō Railway 神高鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Kure City Transportation Bureau 呉市交通局
    • Still active as a bus operator.
  • Onomichi Railway 尾道鉄道
    • Later merged into Chūgoku Bus 中国バス, a bus operator.
  • Tomotetsudō 鞆鉄道
    • Formerly called Tomo Light Railway 鞆軽便鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.

Yamaguchi Prefecture

  • Bōseki Railway 防石鉄道
    • Later merged into Bōchō Kōtsū 防長交通, a bus operator.
  • Dai-Nippon Tramway 大日本軌道
  • Funaki Railway 船木鉄道
    • Formerly called Funaki Light Railway 船木軽便鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • San'yō Electric Tramway 山陽電気軌道
    • Former names include Chōshū Railway 長州鉄道, and Nagato Railway 長門鉄道. Still active as Sanden Kōtsū サンデン交通, a bus operator.
  • Yamaguchi Prefectural Tramway 山口県営軌道
    • Former names include Iwakuni Electric Tramway 岩国電気軌道, Iwakuni Electric Company 岩国電気, and Chūgai Electric Company 中外電気.

Shikoku region

Tokushima Prefecture

Kagawa Prefecture

Ehime Prefecture

  • Sumitomo Metal Mining 住友金属鉱山 (Industrial railway)
    • Still active in its main business.

Kōchi Prefecture

Kyūshū region

Type 2 Locomotive of Nansatsu Railway, preserved at a park.
Takachiho Railway Line acrossing Gokase River, 2005.
Daitō Tōgyō sugarcane train, preserved at a park.

Fukuoka Prefecture

  • Asakura Tramway 朝倉軌道
    • Former names include Chūō Tramway 中央軌道, and Ryōchiku Tramway 両筑軌道.
  • Ashiya Railway 芦屋鉄道
  • Chikugo Tramway 筑後軌道
    • Formerly called Chikugo Horsecar 筑後馬車鉄道. The successive bus company was merged into Nishi-Nippon Railroad 西日本鉄道.
  • Chikuhō Railway 筑豊鉄道
    • Former names include Kurate Light Railway 鞍手軽便鉄道, Teikoku Coal 帝国炭業, Kyūshū Mining 九州鉱業, and Chikuhō Mining Railway 筑豊鉱業鉄道.
  • Kitakyūshū City Transportation Bureau 北九州市交通局
    • Formerly called Wakamatsu City Transportation Bureau 若松市交通局. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Kurate Tramway 鞍手軌道
  • Kyūshū Chikuhi Railway 九州肥筑鉄道
    • Formerly called Tōhi Railway 東肥鉄道.
  • Mizuma Tramway 三潴軌道
  • Nanchiku Tramway 南筑軌道
  • Ōkuma Tramway 大隈軌道
  • Tokuriki Tramway 徳力軌道
  • Unoshima Railway 宇島鉄道
  • Yanagawa Tramway 柳河軌道

Saga Prefecture

  • Asakura Tramway 朝倉軌道
    • Former names include Chūō Tramway 中央軌道, and Ryōchiku Tramway 両筑軌道.
  • Hichiku Tramway 肥筑軌道
  • Hizen Electric Railway 肥前電気鉄道
    • Formerly called Hizen Electric Tramway 肥前電気軌道.
  • Saga Electric Tramway 佐賀電気軌道
    • Former names include Kawakami Tramway 川上軌道, Saga Horsecar 佐賀馬車鉄道, and Saga Tramway 佐賀軌道.
  • Yūtoku Tramway 祐徳軌道

Nagasaki Prefecture

Kumamoto Prefecture

  • Arao City Transportation Bureau 荒尾市交通局
    • Formerly called Arao City Transportation Division 荒尾市交通部.
  • Kumamoto Light Railway 熊本軽便鉄道
  • Kyūshū Chikuhi Railway 九州肥筑鉄道
    • Formerly called Tōhi Railway 東肥鉄道.
  • Naidaijin Forest Railway 内大臣森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Yamaga Onsen Railway 山鹿温泉鉄道
    • Former names include Kamoto Tramway 鹿本軌道, and Kamoto Railway 鹿本鉄道. Still active as Katetsu Kōtsū 鹿鉄交通, a bus operator.
  • Yūen Railway 熊延鉄道
    • Formerly called Mifune Railway 御船鉄道. Still active as Kumamoto Bus 熊本バス, a bus operator.

Ōita Prefecture

  • Chikugo Tramway 筑後軌道
    • Former names include Chikugo Horsecar 筑後馬車鉄道. The successive bus company was merged into Nishi-Nippon Railroad 西日本鉄道.
  • Nippon Mining 日本鉱業 (Industrial railway)
    • Still active as Nippon Mining & Metals 日鉱金属 in its main business.
  • Ōita Kōtsū 大分交通
    • Former names include Usa Sangū Railway 宇佐参宮鉄道, Kunisaki Railway 国東鉄道, Hijū Railway 日出生鉄道, Hōshū Railway 豊州鉄道, Hōshū Electric Railway 豊州電気鉄道, Hōgo Electric Railway 豊後電気鉄道, Kyūshū Water Power Electric Company 九州水力電気, Beppu Ōita Electric Railway 別府大分電鉄, and Yabakei Railway 耶馬渓鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.

Miyazaki Prefecture

  • Aya Forest Railway 綾森林鉄道 (Industrial railway)
  • Hyūga Tramway 日向軌道
  • Miyazaki Kōtsū 宮崎交通
    • Former names include Miyazaki Light Railway 宮崎軽便鉄道, and Miyazaki Railway 宮崎鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.
  • Shiromi Tramway 銀鏡軌道
  • Takachiho Railway 高千穂鉄道

Kagoshima Prefecture

  • Kagoshima Kōtsū 鹿児島交通
    • Former names include Nansatsu Railway 南薩鉄道, and Satsunan Chūō Railway 薩南中央鉄道. Still active as a bus operator.

Okinawa Prefecture

See also

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