List includes bills that were introduced in the 8th National Assembly.


Bill can be submitted to the National Assembly by:

Legislative procedure begins when Speaker passes bill to the MPs.

There are 3 possible legislative procedures:

  • regular legislative procedure,
  • shortened legislative procedure or
  • urgent legislative procedure.

Bills are usually passed with the majority of the present MPs. If the Constitution demands a two thirds majority (laws regulating electoral systems, referendums and constitutional laws which amend the Constitution) then at least 60 MPs have to vote in favor of the bill to pass it.


  Enacted into law

Acronyms for Ministries:

Ministry Acronym
Government G
Ministry of Finance MF
Ministry of Public Administration MJU
Ministry of Health MZ
Ministry of Foreign Affairs MZZ
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food MKGP
Ministry of the Interior MNZ
Ministry of Defence MO
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology MGRT
Ministry of Justice MP
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities MDDSZEM
Ministry of Education, Science and Sport MIZŠ
Ministry of Infrastructure MI
Ministry of Culture MK
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning MOP

Bills proposed by the government

Full list of the bills is available on the National Assembly website.

# EPA Slovenian title Acronym Introduced Legislative procedure Quorum In favor Against Description
1 0016-VIII Zakon o dopolnitvi Zakona o zdravniški službi ZZdrS-E 28 June 2018 G, MZ urgent 77 48 12 Allowing to employ physicians from the third countries (outside EU) more easily.
2 0042-VIII Zakon za zaščito vrednosti kapitalske naložbe Republike Slovenije v Novi Ljubljanski banki d.d., Ljubljana ZVKNNLB 16 July 2018 G, MF urgent 74 59 11 Protecting NLB from verdicts of Croatian courts against NLB.
3 0062-VIII Zakon o trgu finančnih instrumentov ZTFI-1 27 July 2018 G, MF urgent Implementing Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/65/EU, 600/2014 and 2016/1011 and delegated regulation of the Commission 2017/593.
4 0063-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o investicijskih skladih in družbah za upravljanje ZISDU-3C G, MF urgent Implementing Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council 600/2014, 648/2012 and 2016/1011, delegated regulation of the Commission 2017/593 and Directive MiFID II.
5 0066-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o upravljavcih alternativnih investicijskih skladov ZUAIS-A G, MF urgent Implementing Directive MiFID II, Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council 600/2014 and 2016/1011 and delegated regulation of the Commission 2017/593

Bills proposed by MPs

# EPA Slovenian title Acronym Introduced Legislative procedure Quorum In favor Against Description
1 0119-VIII Zakon o spremembah Zakona o dohodnini ZDoh-2T 6 September 2018 Group of MPs, first signatory Jožef Horvat regular
2 0117-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju ZZVZZ-N 6 September 2018 Group of MPs, first signatory Jožef Horvat regular
3 0121-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju ZPIZ-2F 11 September 2018 Group of MPs, first signatory Jožef Horvat regular
4 0122-VIII Zakon o spremembi Zakona o delovnih razmerjih ZDR-1B 11 September 2018 Group of MPs, first signatory Jožef Horvat regular

Bills proposed by the National Council

# EPA Slovenian title Acronym Introduced Legislative procedure Quorum In favor Against Description
1 0029-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o stvarnem premoženju države in samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti ZSPDSLS-1A 5 July 2018 shortened
2 0163-VIII Zakon o dopolnitvi Zakona o voznikih ZVoz-1B 13 September 2018 regular
3 0164-VIII Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Gradbenega zakona GZ-A 13 September 2018 shortened

Bills proposed by voters

No bills yet.

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