Ars Paulina, the third book of the grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon, is divided into two parts. The first part contains the angels of the hours of the day and night; the second part deals with the angels of the Zodiac signs. Unlike Ars Goetia, the first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon, Ars Paulina contains no description of the form and capabilities of the angels. Instead, it focuses on their names, seals, and the conjuration to call forth them.

Part 1: Ruling angels of the 24 hours

The first part of Ars Paulina tells of angels associated with the 24 hours of day, and their servants. Each angel has many servants, but only a few chief dukes and lesser dukes are named. Each hour is also given a name. Also, only the 24 ruling angels have corresponding seals; no seals are provided for the named dukes.

HourName of hourRuling angel Number of servants Named chief dukes Named lesser dukes
1st hour of day Barim Samuel Many dukes and servants
  • Ameniel
  • Charpon
  • Darosiel
  • Monasiel
  • Brumiel
  • Nestoriel
  • Chremas
  • Meresyn
2nd hour of day Cevorym Anael 20 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes
  • Menarchos
  • Archiel
  • Chardiel
  • Orphiel
  • Cursiel
  • Elmoym
  • Quosiel
  • Ermaziel
  • Granyel
3rd hour of day Dansor Vequaniel 20 greater dukes and 200 lesser dukes, and a great many other servants
  • Asmiel
  • Persiel
  • Mursiel
  • Zoesiel
  • Drelmech
  • Sadiniel
  • Parniel
  • Comadiel
  • Gemary
  • Xantiel
  • Serviel
  • Furiel
4th hour of day Elechym Vathmiel 10 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes, and many servants
  • Armmyel
  • Larmich
  • Marfiel
  • Ormyel
  • Zardiel
  • Emarfiel
  • Permiel
  • Queriel
  • Strubiel
  • Diviel
  • Jermiel
  • Thuros
  • Vanesiel
  • Zasviel
  • Hermiel
5th hour of day Fealech Sasquiel 10 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes, and very many servants
  • Damiel
  • Araniel
  • Maroch
  • Saraphiel
  • Putisiel
  • Jameriel
  • Futiniel
  • Rameriel
  • Amisiel
  • Uraniel
  • Omerach
  • Lameros
  • Zachiel
  • Fustiel
  • Camiel
6th hour of day Genapherim Saniel 10 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes, and many other servants
  • Arnebiel
  • Charuch
  • Medusiel
  • Nathmiel
  • Pemiel
  • Gamyel
  • Jenotriel
  • Sameon
  • Trasiel
  • Xamyon
  • Nedabor
  • Permon
  • Brasiel
  • Camosiel
  • Evadar
7th hour of day Hamarym Barquiel 10 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes, and many servants
  • Abrasiel
  • Farmos
  • Nestorii
  • Manuel
  • Sagiel
  • Harmiel
  • Nastrus
  • Varmay
  • Tulmas
  • Crosiel
  • Pasriel
  • Venesiel
  • Evarym
  • Drufiel
  • Kathos
8th hour of day Jafanym Osmadiel 10 greater dukes and 100 lesser dukes, and many servants
  • Sarfiel
  • Amalym
  • Chroel
  • Mesial
  • Lantrhots
  • Demarot
  • Janofiel
  • Larfuty
  • Vemael
  • Thribiel
  • Mariel
  • Remasyn
  • Theoriel
  • Framion
  • Ermiel
9th hour of day Karron Quabriel 10 greater dukes, 100 lesser dukes, 192980 servants
  • Astroniel
  • Charmy
  • Pamory
  • Damyel
  • Nadriel
  • Kranos
  • Menas
  • Brasiel
  • Nefarym
  • Zoymiel
  • Trubas
  • Xermiel
  • Lameson
  • Zasnor
  • Janediel
10th hour of day Lamarhon Oriel 5600 spiritis including dukes and servants, divided into 10 orders
  • Armosy
  • Drabiel
  • Penaly
  • Mesriel
  • Choreb
  • Lemur
  • Ormas
  • Charny
  • Zazyor
  • Naveron
  • Xantros
  • Basilion
  • Nameron
  • Kranoti
  • Alfrael
11th hour of day Maneloym Bariel 5600 spiritis including dukes and servants, divided into 10 orders
  • Almariziel
  • Prasiniel
  • Chadros
  • Turmiel
  • Lamiel
  • Menasiel
  • Demasor
  • Omary
  • Helmas
  • Zemoel
  • Almas
  • Perman
  • Comial
  • Temas
  • Lanifiel
12th hour of day Nahalon Beratiel 3700 spiritis including dukes and servants, divided into 12 degrees
  • Camaron
  • Astrofiel
  • Penatiel
  • Demarac
  • Famaras
  • Plamiel
  • Nerastiel
  • Fimarson
  • Quirix
  • Sameron
  • Edriel
  • Choriel
  • Romiel
  • Fenosiel
  • Harmary
1st hour of night Omalharien Sabrathan 1540 dukes and servants, divided into 10 orders
  • Domaras
  • Amerany
  • Penoles
  • Mardiel
  • Nastul
  • Ramesiel
  • Omedriel
  • Franedac
  • Chrasiel
  • Dormason
  • Hayzoym
  • Emalon
  • Turtiel
  • Quenol
  • Rymaliel
2nd hour of night Panezur Tartys 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Almodar
  • Famoriel
  • Nedroz
  • Ormezyn
  • Chabriz
  • Praxiel
  • Permaz
  • Vameroz
  • Emaryel
  • Fromezyn
  • Ramaziel
  • Granozyn
  • Gabrinoz
  • Mercoph
  • Tameriel
  • Venomiel
  • Jenaziel
  • Xemyzin
3rd hour of night Quabrion Serquanich 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Menarym
  • Chrusiel
  • Penargos
  • Amriel
  • Demanoz
  • Nestoroz
  • Evanuel
  • Sarmozyn
  • Haylon
  • Quabriel
  • Thurmytz
  • Fronyzon
  • Vanosyr
  • Lemaron
  • Almonoyz
  • Janothyel
  • Melrotz
  • Xanthyozod
4th hour of night Ramersy Jefischa 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Armosiel
  • Nedruan
  • Maneyloz
  • Ormael
  • Phorsiel
  • Rimezyn
  • Rayziel
  • Gemezin
  • Fremiel
  • Hamayz
  • Japuriel
  • Jasphiel
  • Lamediel
  • Adroziel
  • Zodiel
  • Bramiel
  • Coreziel
  • Enatriel
5th hour of night Sanayfar Abasdarhon 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Meniel
  • Charaby
  • Appiniel
  • Deinatz
  • Nechorym
  • Hameriel
  • Vulcaniel
  • Samelon
  • Gemary
  • Vanescor
  • Samerym
  • Xantropy
  • Herphatz
  • Chrymas
  • Patrozyn
  • Nameton
  • Barmas
  • Platiel
  • Neszomy
  • Quesdor
  • Caremaz
  • Umariel
  • Kralym
  • Habalon
6th hour of night Thaazaron Zaazenach 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Amonazy
  • Menoriel
  • Prenostix
  • Namedor
  • Cherasiel
  • Dramaz
  • Tuberiel
  • Humaziel
  • Lanoziel
  • Lamerotzod
  • Xerphiel
  • Zeziel
  • Pammon
  • Dracon
  • Gematzod
  • Enariel
  • Rudefor
  • Sarmon
7th hour of night Venaydor Mendrion 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Ammiel
  • Choriel
  • Genarytz
  • Pandroz
  • Menesiel
  • Sameriel
  • Ventariel
  • Zachariel
  • Dubraz
  • Marchiel
  • Jonadriel
  • Pemoniel
  • Rayziel
  • Tarmytz
  • Anapion
  • Jmonyel
  • Framoth
  • Machmag
8th hour of night Xymalim Narcoriel 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Cambriel
  • Nedarym
  • Astrocon
  • Marifiel
  • Dramozyn
  • Lustifion
  • Amelson
  • Lemozar
  • Xernifiel
  • Kanorsiel
  • Bufanotz
  • Jamedroz
  • Xanoriz
  • Jastrion
  • Themaz
  • Hobraiym
  • Zymeloz
  • Gamsiel
9th hour of night Zeschar Pamyel 101550 dukes and servants divided into 12 orders
  • Demaor
  • Nameal
  • Adrapan
  • Chermel
  • Fenadros
  • Vemasiel
  • Comary
  • Matiel
  • Zenoroz
  • Brandiel
  • Evandiel
  • Tameriel
  • Befranzy
  • Jachoroz
  • Xanthir
  • Armapy
  • Druchas
  • Sardiel
10th hour of night Malcho Iassuarim 100 greater dukes, 100 lesser dukes, many other servants
  • Lapheriel
  • Emarziel
  • Nameroyz
  • Chameray
  • Hazaniel
  • Uraniel
11th hour of night Aalacho Dardariel Many dukes and servants
  • Cardiel
  • Permon
  • Armiel
  • Nastoriel
  • Casmiroz
  • Dameriel
  • Furamiel
  • Mafriel
  • Hariaz
  • Damar
  • Alachuc
  • Emeriel
  • Naveroz
  • Alaphar
  • Nermas
  • Druchas
  • Carman
  • Elamyz
  • Jatroziel
  • Lamersy
  • Hamarytzod
12th hour of night Xephan Sarandiel Many dukes and servants
  • Adoniel
  • Damasiel
  • Ambriel
  • Meriel
  • Denaryz
  • Emarion
  • Kabriel
  • Marachy
  • Chabrion
  • Nestoriel
  • Zachriel
  • Naveriel
  • Damery
  • Namael
  • Hardiel
  • Nefrias
  • Irmanotzod
  • Gerthiel
  • Dromiel
  • Ladrotzod
  • Melanas

Part 2: Ruling angels of the Zodiac signs

Part 2 of Ars Paulina contains mystical names of the angels of the Zodiac signs in general, and also the names of the angels of every degree and the signs. These are called the angels of men: because under some one of those signs and degrees, every man is born.

The following 12 names are attributed to 12 signs of the Zodiac. If a man knows merely his sign, but not the exact degree of his nativity, he could make use of this table.

AriesTaurusGemini CancerLeoVirgo LibraScorpioSagittarius Capricornus AquariusPisces
Ruling angel AielTualGielCaelOlVoilJaelJoselSuiajaselCasujojahAusiulPasil
Nature FireEarthAirWaterFireEarthAirWaterFireEarthAirWater

The names of the other angels which are attributed to every degree are as follows. Notice that since some angels govern more than one position, the number of distinct angels is 259.

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeo VirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornus AquariusPisces
1 BiaelLatielLatielSachielMechielCelielIbajahTelielTalielChushelChamielLachiel
2 GesielHujaelNagaelMetielSatielSenaelChaielJenielJanielTemaelTesaelNeliel
3 HaelSachielSachaelAselAjelNasaelSahaelCesielCasielJaajahJaajehSanael
4 VanielGnelielGnalielSachielMechielSangielNavielLengaelLangaelCashielCamielGnasiel
5 ZacielPanaelPanielMihelSahelGnaphielSazielNaphaelNaphaelLamajahLashielPangael
6 CegnelJezisielTzisielAnielAnielParzielGnachielSatzielSatzielNaajahNaajahTzapheal
7 JaphaelKingaelKingaelSasaelMasielTzakielPatielGnakielGnakielSasajahSamielKphiel
8 ItaelRaphielRaphielMagnaelSengaelKrielTrajaelPerielPerielGnamielGnashielRatziel
9 CakielTezaelGnetielAphielAphielRathielKachielTzethielTzangielPaajahPaajahTarajah
10 LarielGnakielBakielSersaelMetzielTangielBalielRenglielJebielIzashielIzamielGnathiel
11 NatheelBerielGerielMakaelSekielGnasielTamaelRebielRegaelKmielKshielBengiel
12 SagnelGethielDathielArielArielBagielGnamielTagielTedielRiajahRaajahGebiel
13 GabielDagnelHegnelSethielGnethielGedielBangielGnadielGnaheelTashielTamielDagiel
14 PegielVabielVabielMagnaelSagielDahielGepheelBevaelBevaelGnamielGnashielHadiel
15 GadielZegielZagielAbielAbielHevaelDatzielGezielGezielBaajahBaajahVahajah
16 KheelChadielChadielSagelMagielVazielHekielDachielDachielGashielGashielZavael
17 LevielTahielTahielMadielSadielZachielVarielHephielHephielDashielDashielChazael
18 HezaelJavielJavielAthielAthielChetielZethielVagaelVagaelHaajahHaajahTachael
19 GecielChazaelChazaelSavaelMuvielTiielChengielZackielZackielVashielVashielJatael
20 BetielBachielBachielMazielSavielJechielTibielChabielChabielZamielZamielCajaiel
21 GielGetielGetielAchielAchielCabielJagielTagielTagielChaelChaelBachiel
22 DachaelDajielDajielSetielMetielBagielCedielJadielJadielTashielTashielGabiel
23 HabielHachaelHachaelMaielSielGedielBehelCahaelCahaelJashielJashielDagiel
24 VagelVabielVabielAchaelAchaelDahielGevaelBavielBavielCiajahCiajahHediel
25 ZadielZagielZagielSabielMabielHovielDazielGezaelGezaelBeshaelBeshaelVahejah
26 ChahelChadielChadielMagielSagielVazielHeckielDachaelDachaelGamaelGamaelZavael
27 TavaelTahielTahielAdielAdielZachielVatielHatielHatielDaaelDaaelChazael
28 JezelJavaelJavaelSahielMahielChetivelZajelVajaelVajaelHeshaelHeshaelTachiel
29 CechielChazielChazielMevielSavaelTajaelChechielZachielZachielVamielVamielJatael
30 HetielSachaelSachaelAzielAzielJachielTehielChasielChasielZaajahZaajahCajael
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