This is a list of aircraft carriers of the Second World War.

Aircraft carriers of World War II by country

Aircraft carriers serve as a seagoing airbases, equipped with a flight deck and facilities for carrying, arming, deploying and recovering aircraft.[1] Typically, they are the capital ships of a fleet, as they project air power worldwide without depending on local bases for operational support. Aircraft carriers are expensive and are considered critical assets. By the Second World War aircraft carriers had evolved from converted cruisers, to purpose built vessels of many classes and roles. Fleet carriers were the largest type, operating with the main fleet to provide offensive capability. Light aircraft carriers were fast enough to operate with the fleet but smaller and with fewer aircraft.

Escort carriers were smaller and slower, with low numbers of aircraft, and provided defense for convoys. Most of the latter were built from mercantile hulls or, in the case of merchant aircraft carriers, were bulk cargo ships with a flight deck added on top. Catapult aircraft merchant ships, were cargo-carrying merchant ships that could launch (but not retrieve) a single fighter aircraft from a catapult to defend the convoy from long-range German aircraft.

The aircraft carrier dramatically changed naval combat in the war, as air power became a significant factor in warfare. The advent of aircraft as primary weapons was driven by the superior range, flexibility and effectiveness of carrier-launched aircraft. They had higher range and precision than naval guns, making them highly effective. The versatility of the carrier was demonstrated in November 1940 when HMS Illustrious launched a long-range strike on the Italian fleet at their base in Taranto, signalling the beginning of effective and highly mobile aircraft strikes. This operation incapacitated three of the six battleships at a cost of two torpedo bombers.

In the Pacific Ocean clashes occurred between aircraft carrier fleets. The 1941 Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was a clear illustration of the power projection capability afforded by a large force of modern carriers. Concentrating six carriers in a single unit turned naval history about, as no other nation had fielded anything comparable. However, the vulnerability of carriers compared to traditional battleships when forced into a gun-range encounter was quickly illustrated by the sinking of HMS Glorious by German battleships during the Norwegian campaign in 1940.

This new-found importance of naval aviation forced nations to create a number of carriers, in an effort to provide air superiority for every major fleet. This extensive usage required the construction of several new 'light' carriers. Escort aircraft carriers, such as USS Bogue, were sometimes purpose-built, but most were converted from merchant ships as a stop-gap measure to provide anti-submarine air support for convoys and amphibious invasions. Following this concept, light aircraft carriers built by the US, such as USS Independence, represented a larger and more "militarized" version of the escort carrier. Although with complements similar to escort carriers, they had the advantage of speed from their converted cruiser hulls. The British 1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier was designed for quick construction by civilian shipyards and a short three-year service life. They served the Royal Navy during the war, and their hull design was chosen for nearly all aircraft carrier equipped navies after the war until the 1980s. Emergency situations during the war spurred the creation of highly unconventional aircraft carriers, such as the CAM ships.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

The List of ships of World War II contains major military vessels of the war, arranged alphabetically and by type. The list includes armed vessels that served during the war and in the immediate aftermath, inclusive of localized ongoing combat operations, garrison surrenders, post-surrender occupation, colony re-occupation, troop and prisoner repatriation, to the end of 1945. For smaller vessels, see also List of World War II ships of less than 1000 tons. Some uncompleted Axis ships are included, out of historic interest. Ships are designated to the country under which they operated for the longest period of World War II, regardless of where they were built or previous service history.

List of ships

List of aircraft carriers of World War II
Ship Operator Class Type Displacement (tons) First commissioned Fate
Admiralty Islands  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 13 June 1944 scrapped 1947
Adula  Royal Navy Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 16,000 1 February 1944 returned to merchant service post-war
Akagi  Imperial Japanese Navy Amagi fleet carrier 36,500 27 March 1927 sunk 5 June 1942
Akitsu Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Akitsu Maru escort carrier 11,800 30 January 1942 sunk 15 November 1944
Albatross  Royal Navy seaplane carrier 6,350 29 September 1938 torpedoed 1944, not repaired, scrapped 1954
Alexia Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 8,010 1 December 1943 returned to merchant service post-war
Altamaha  United States Navy Bogue escort carrier 7,800 15 September 1942 scrapped 1946
Amagi  Imperial Japanese Navy Unryū fleet carrier 17,150 10 August 1944 sunk 27 July 1945
Amastra  Royal Navy Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 16,000 1 September 1943 scrapped 1955
Ameer Ruler escort carrier 7,800 20 July 1943 paid off 20 March 1946, scrapped 1969
Ancylus Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 16,000 October 1943 scrapped 1954
Antietam  United States Navy Essex fleet carrier 30,800 28 January 1945 decommissioned 8 May 1963, scrapped 1974
Aquila  Regia Marina ex-SS Roma fleet carrier 23,500 not completed, scrapped 1952
Arbiter  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 31 December 1943 paid off 12 April 1946, scrapped 1972
Archer Long Island escort carrier 8,200 17 November 1941 paid off 6 November 1943, scrapped 1962
Argus ex-SS Conte Rosso light aircraft carrier 14,860 1 September 1918 scrapped 1946
Ariguani Pegasus fighter catapult ship 1940 Damaged 1943, returned to merchant service
Ark Royal Ark Royal fleet carrier 22,000 16 December 1938 sunk 14 November 1941
Atheling Ruler escort carrier 7,800 28 October 1943 paid off 6 December 1946, scrapped 1967
Attacker Attacker escort carrier 7,800 30 September 1942 paid off 5 January 1946, scrapped 24 May 1980
Attu  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 30 June 1944 scrapped 1947
Audacity  Royal Navy ex-SS Hannover escort carrier 11,000 20 June 1941 sunk 21 December 1941
Avenger Avenger escort carrier 8,200 2 March 1942 sunk 15 November 1942
Bairoko  United States Navy Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 16 July 1945 decommissioned 1955, scrapped 1960
Barnes Bogue escort carrier 7,800 20 February 1943 decommissioned 29 August 1946, scrapped 1959
Bataan Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 17 November 1943 decommissioned 9 April 1954, scrapped 1960
Battler  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 31 October 1942 paid off 12 February 1946, scrapped 14 May 1946
Béarn  French Navy
 Free French Naval Forces
Normandie light aircraft carrier 22,150 1 May 1927 struck November 1966, scrapped March 1967
Begum  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 2 August 1943 paid off 20 March 1946, scrapped 1974
Belleau Wood  United States Navy Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 31 March 1943 decommissioned 13 January 1947, scrapped 1961
Bennington Essex fleet carrier 30,800 6 August 1944 decommissioned 15 January 1970, scrapped 1994
Bismarck Sea Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 20 May 1944 sunk 21 February 1945
Biter  Royal Navy
 French Navy
Avenger escort carrier 8,200 5 May 1942 transferred to France as Dixmude 1945
Block Island (CVE-21)  United States Navy Bogue escort carrier 7,800 8 March 1943 sunk 29 May 1944
Block Island (CVE-106) Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 30 December 1944 decommissioned 1954, scrapped 1960
Bogue Bogue escort carrier 7,800 26 September 1942 decommissioned 30 November 1946, scrapped 1960
Bon Homme Richard Essex fleet carrier 30,800 26 November 1944 decommissioned 2 July 1971, scrapped 1992
Bougainville Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 18 June 1944 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1960
Boxer Essex fleet carrier 30,800 16 April 1945 decommissioned 1 December 1969, scrapped 1971
Breton Bogue escort carrier 7,800 12 April 1943 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1972
Bunker Hill Essex fleet carrier 30,800 24 May 1943 decommissioned 9 January 1947, scrapped 1973
Cabot Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 24 July 1943 decommissioned 21 January 1955, scrapped 2002
Campania  Royal Navy Nairana escort carrier 13,000 9 February 1944 paid off 30 December 1945, scrapped 1955
Cape Esperance  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 9 April 1944 scrapped 1959
Cape Gloucester Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 5 March 1945 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1971
Card Bogue escort carrier 7,800 8 November 1942 scrapped 1971
Casablanca Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 8 July 1943 decommissioned 10 June 1946, scrapped 1947
Charger Avenger escort carrier 8,200 3 March 1942 paid off 15 March 1946, scrapped 1969
Chaser  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 9 April 1943 paid off 12 May 1946, sold into merchant service, scrapped 1972/73
Chenango  United States Navy Sangamon escort carrier 11,400 19 September 1942 decommissioned 14 August 1946, scrapped 1960
Chigusa Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Yamashio Maru escort carrier 15,864 not completed during war, converted to tanker 1945, scrapped June 1963
Chitose  Imperial Japanese Navy Chitose light aircraft carrier 11,190 25 July 1938 sunk 25 October 1944
Chiyoda Chitose light aircraft carrier 11,190 15 December 1938 sunk 25 October 1944
Chūyō Taiyō escort carrier 18,116 25 November 1942 sunk 4 December 1943
Colossus  Royal Navy Colossus light aircraft carrier 13,200 16 December 1944 transferred to France, renamed Arromanches 6 August 1946
Commandant Teste  French Navy seaplane carrier 10,000 18 April 1932 scuttled on 27 November 1942, scrapped 15 May 1950
Commencement Bay  United States Navy Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 27 November 1944 decommissioned 30 November 1946, scrapped 1971
Copahee Bogue escort carrier 7,800 15 June 1942 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1961
Coral Sea Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 27 August 1943 renamed Anzio, decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1959
Core Bogue escort carrier 7,800 10 December 1942 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1971
Corregidor Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 31 August 1943 scrapped 1959
Courageous  Royal Navy Courageous fleet carrier 22,500 4 November 1916 sunk 17 September 1939
Cowpens  United States Navy Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 28 May 1943 decommissioned 13 January 1947, scrapped 1960
Croatan Bogue escort carrier 7,800 28 April 1943 decommissioned 1946, scrapped 1971
Daiju Maru  Imperial Japanese Navy Shimane Maru escort carrier 11,800 laid down 18 December 1944, not completed, converted to merchant ship as Ryūhō Maru 19 October 1949, scrapped May 1964
Dasher  Royal Navy Avenger escort carrier 8,200 2 July 1942 sunk 27 March 1943
Dristigheten  Swedish Navy seaplane carrier 3,445 5 September 1901 paid off 13 June 1947
Eagle  Royal Navy Almirante Latorre light aircraft carrier 22,600 26 February 1924 sunk 11 August 1942
Elbe  Kriegsmarine Jade escort carrier 17,530 work halted 2 February 1943; seized 20 June 1946, renamed Empire Fowey
Emperor  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 6 August 1943 paid off 28 March 1946, scrapped 1946
Empire Activity Empire merchant aircraft carrier 14,250 29 September 1942 Converted to merchant service 20 October 1945; scrapped 24 April 1967
Empire MacAlpine Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 14 April 1943 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed Derryname
Empire MacAndrew Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 7 July 1943 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed Derryheen
Empire MacCabe Empire merchant aircraft carrier 9,000 1 December 1943 transferred to merchant service 1946, renamed British Escort
Empire MacCallum Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 22 December 1943 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed Alpha Zambesi
Empire MacColl Empire merchant aircraft carrier 9,000 1 November 1943 transferred to merchant service 1946, renamed British Pilot
Empire MacDermott Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 31 March 1944 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed La Cumbre
Empire MacKay Empire merchant aircraft carrier 9,000 5 October 1943 transferred to merchant service 1946, renamed British Swordfish
Empire MacKendrick Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 1 December 1943 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed Granpond
Empire MacMahon Empire merchant aircraft carrier 9,000 1 December 1943 transferred to merchant service 1946, renamed Naninia
Empire MacRae Empire merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 20 September 1943 returned to merchant service 1947, renamed Alpha Zambesi
Empress Ruler escort carrier 7,800 9 August 1943 paid off 28 March 1946, scrapped 1946
Enterprise  United States Navy Yorktown fleet carrier 25,100 12 May 1938 decommissioned 1947, scrapped 1959
Essex Essex fleet carrier 30,800 31 December 1942 decommissioned 30 June 1969, scrapped 1975
Fanshaw Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 9 December 1943 decommissioned 14 August 1946, scrapped 1959
Fencer  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 20 February 1943 paid off 21 December 1945, sold as a merchant ship; scrapped 1975
Flugzeugträger B  Kriegsmarine Graf Zeppelin fleet carrier 23,200 not completed, construction halted on 19 September 1939, scrapped 28 February 1940[8]
Formidable  Royal Navy Illustrious fleet carrier 23,000 24 November 1940 scrapped 1953
Franklin  United States Navy Essex fleet carrier 30,800 31 January 1944 decommissioned 17 February 1947, scrapped 1964
Franklin D. Roosevelt Midway fleet carrier 45,000 27 October 1945 decommissioned 30 September 1977, scrapped 3 May 1978
Furious  Royal Navy Courageous fleet carrier 22,400 14 October 1917 scrapped 1948
Gadila  Royal Netherlands Navy Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 1 March 1944 returned to merchant service 1946; scrapped 1958
Gambier Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 28 December 1943 sunk 25 October 1944
Gilbert Islands Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 5 February 1945 decommissioned 15 January 1955, scrapped 1 November 1979
Giuseppe Miraglia  Regia Marina ex-Città di Messina seaplane carrier 4,965 1 November 1927 decommissioned 15 July 1950
Glorious  Royal Navy Courageous fleet carrier 22,500 20 April 1916 sunk 8 June 1940[9]
Glory Colossus light aircraft carrier 13,200 2 April 1945 scrapped August 1961
Graf Zeppelin  Kriegsmarine Graf Zeppelin fleet carrier 23,200 launched 8 December 1938, not completed, scuttled 16 August 1947[10]
Guadalcanal  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 25 September 1943 decommissioned 15 July 1946, scrapped 1959
Hancock Essex fleet carrier 27,100 15 April 1944 sold for scrap, 1 September 1976
Hermes  Royal Navy Hermes light aircraft carrier 10,850 7 July 1923 sunk 9 April 1942
Hiryū  Imperial Japanese Navy Hiryū fleet carrier 17,300 5 July 1939 sunk 5 June 1942
Hiyō Hiyō fleet carrier 24,140 31 July 1942 sunk 20 June 1944
Hoggatt Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 11 January 1944 decommissioned 20 July 1946, scrapped 1960
Hollandia Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 1 June 1944 decommissioned 17 January 1947, scrapped 1961
Hornet (CV-8) Yorktown fleet carrier 26,500 25 October 1941 sunk 27 October 1942
Hornet (CV-12) Essex fleet carrier 27,100 29 November 1943 decommissioned 26 June 1970; museum ship
Hōshō  Imperial Japanese Navy Hōshō light aircraft carrier 7,470 27 December 1922 scrapped 1947
Hunter  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 9 January 1943 paid off 17 January 1947, scrapped May 1946
Ibuki  Imperial Japanese Navy Ibuki light aircraft carrier 14,600 launched 21 May 1943, not completed, scrapped 22 November 1946
Illustrious  Royal Navy Illustrious fleet carrier 30,530 25 May 1940 scrapped 1956
Implacable Implacable fleet carrier 32,624 28 August 1944 scrapped 1955
Indefatigable Implacable fleet carrier 32,110 3 May 1944 scrapped 1956
Independence  United States Navy Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 14 January 1943 decommissioned 28 August 1946, target ship scuttled 1951
Indomitable  Royal Navy Illustrious fleet carrier 23,000 10 October 1941 scrapped 1955
Intrepid  United States Navy Essex fleet carrier 27,100 16 August 1943 decommissioned 15 March 1974, museum ship
Joffre  French Navy Joffre fleet carrier 18,000 laid down 26 November 1938, not completed, construction stopped June 1940
Junyō  Imperial Japanese Navy Hiyō fleet carrier 26,949 5 May 1942 scrapped 1947
Kadashan Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 18 January 1944 decommissioned 14 June 1946, scrapped 1959
Kaga  Imperial Japanese Navy Tosa fleet carrier 38,200 1 November 1929 sunk 4 June 1942
Kaiyō ex-MV Argentina Maru escort carrier 16,223 23 November 1943 scrapped 1 September 1946
Kalinin Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 27 November 1943 decommissioned 15 May 1946, scrapped 1947
Kasaan Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 4 December 1943 decommissioned 6 July 1946, scrapped 1960
Katsuragi  Imperial Japanese Navy Unryū fleet carrier 22,178 15 October 1944 scrapped 1947
Kumano Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Kumano Maru escort carrier 8,258 31 March 1945 converted to merchant ship 1947, scrapped 1948
Khedive  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 25 August 1943 paid off 19 July 1946, scrapped 1975
Kitkun Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 15 December 1943 decommissioned 19 April 1946, scrapped 1947
Kula Gulf Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 12 May 1945 decommissioned 15 December 1955, scrapped 1971
Kwajalein Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 7 June 1944 decommissioned 16 August 1946, scrapped 1961
Lake Champlain Essex fleet carrier 27,100 3 June 1945 decommissioned 2 May 1966, scrapped 1972
Langley (CV-1) ex-USS Jupiter seaplane carrier 11,500 7 April 1913 sunk 27 February 1942
Langley (CVL-27) Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 31 August 1943 decommissioned 11 February 1947, scrapped 1964
Lexington (CV-2) Lexington fleet carrier 33,000 14 December 1927 sunk 8 May 1942
Lexington (CV-16) Essex fleet carrier 27,100 17 February 1943 decommissioned 8 November 1991; museum ship
Liscome Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 7 August 1943 sunk 24 November 1943
Long Island Long Island escort carrier 13,500 2 June 1941 decommissioned 26 March 1946
Lunga Point Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 14 May 1944 decommissioned 24 October 1946, scrapped 1960
Macoma  Royal Netherlands Navy Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 8,000 1 April 1944 transferred to merchant service post-war
Makassar Strait  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 27 April 1944 decommissioned 9 August 1946, scrapped 1961
Makin Island Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 9 May 1944 decommissioned 19 April 1946, scrapped 1947
Manila Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 5 October 1943 decommissioned 31 July 1946, scrapped 1959
Maplin  Royal Navy Pegasus fighter catapult ship Returned to her owner 1 August 1942 (had been requisitioned by the Admiralty in September 1940)
Marcus Island  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 26 January 1944 decommissioned 12 December 1946, scrapped 1960
Matanikau Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 22 May 1944 decommissioned 11 October 1946, scrapped 1960
Midway Midway fleet carrier 45,000 10 September 1945 decommissioned 11 April 1992; Museum Ship
Miralda  Royal Navy Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 16,000 1 January 1944 returned to merchant service post-war; renamed Marisa
Mizuho  Imperial Japanese Navy seaplane carrier 10,930 25 February 1939 sunk 2 May 1942
Mission Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 13 September 1943 decommissioned 21 February 1947, scrapped 1959
Monterey Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 17 June 1943 decommissioned 16 January 1956, scrapped 1971
Munda Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 8 July 1944 decommissioned 26 April 1946, scrapped 1960
Nabob  Royal Navy
 Royal Canadian Navy
Ruler escort carrier 7,800 7 September 1943 crewed by RCN, paid off 10 October 1944, scrapped December 1977
Nairana  Royal Navy Nairana escort carrier 14,280 12 December 1943 to Netherlands 23 March 1946, scrapped 1971
Nassau  United States Navy Bogue escort carrier 7,800 20 August 1942 decommissioned 28 October 1946, scrapped 1961
Natoma Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 14 October 1943 decommissioned 20 May 1946, scrapped 1959
Nehenta Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 3 January 1944 decommissioned 15 May 1946, scrapped 1960
Nigitsu Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Akitsu Maru escort carrier 11,800 March 1943 sunk 12 January 1944
Nisshin  Imperial Japanese Navy seaplane carrier 12,500 27 February 1942 sunk 22 July 1943
Ocean  Royal Navy Colossus light aircraft carrier 13,200 8 August 1945 scrapped May 1962
Ommaney Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 11 February 1944 scuttled 4 January 1945
Ōtakisan Maru  Imperial Japanese Navy Shimane Maru escort carrier 11,800 launched 14 January 1945, 70% complete, sunk 25 August 1945, scrapped 1948
Patia  Royal Navy Pegasus fighter catapult ship sunk 1941
Patroller Ruler escort carrier 7,800 22 October 1943 paid off 7 February 1947, scrapped February 1974
Pegasus Pegasus seaplane carrier/fighter catapult ship 7,080 10 December 1914 known as HMS Ark Royal until 1934. Used as seaplane training ship and aircraft transport until converted in 1940. Paid off June 1946.
Perseus Colossus aircraft maintenance carrier 13,200 16 December 1944 transferred to France 6 August 1946, renamed Arromanches
Petrof Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 18 February 1944 decommissioned 31 July 1955, scrapped 1959
Pioneer  Royal Navy Colossus aircraft maintenance carrier 13,200 8 February 1945 scrapped September 1954
Premier Ruler escort carrier 7,800 3 November 1943 paid off 21 May 1946, scrapped 1976
Prince William  United States Navy Bogue escort carrier 7,800 9 April 1943 scrapped 1961
Princeton Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 25 February 1943 sunk 24 October 1944
Puget Sound Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 18 June 1945 decommissioned 18 October 1946, scrapped 10 January 1962
Puncher  Royal Navy
 Royal Canadian Navy
Ruler escort carrier 7,800 5 February 1944 crewed by RCN, paid off 16 February 1946, scrapped 1973
Pursuer  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 14 June 1943 returned to USN 12 February 1946, sold for scrap May 1946
Queen Ruler escort carrier 7,800 7 December 1943 paid off July 1947, scrapped 1972
Rajah Ruler escort carrier 7,800 17 January 1944 paid off 7 February 1947, scrapped 1975
Randolph  United States Navy Essex fleet carrier 27,100 9 October 1944 decommissioned 13 February 1969, scrapped 1975
Ranger Ranger fleet carrier 14,500 4 June 1934 decommissioned 18 October 1946, scrapped 1947
Ranee  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 2 June 1943 paid off 22 January 1947, scrapped 1973
Rapana Rapana merchant aircraft carrier 16,000 1 July 1943 transferred to merchant service post-war; renamed Rotula
Ravager Attacker escort carrier 7,800 25 April 1943 paid off February 1946, scrapped 1973
Reaper Ruler escort carrier 7,800 21 February 1944 paid off 2 July 1946, scrapped 1967
Regele Carol I  Royal Romanian Navy seaplane carrier 2,653 July 1898 sunk 10 October 1941
Roi  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 6 July 1944 decommissioned 9 May 1946, scrapped 1947
Rudyerd Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 25 February 1944 decommissioned 11 June 1946, scrapped 1960
Ruler  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 22 December 1943 paid off 29 January 1946, scrapped 31 May 1946
Ryūhō  Imperial Japanese Navy ex-Taigei light aircraft carrier 13,360 31 March 1934 struck 30 November 1945, scrapped 1946
Ryūjō Ryūjō light aircraft carrier 10,600 9 May 1933 sunk 24 August 1942
Sable  United States Navy ex-SS Greater Buffalo training aircraft carrier 6,690 8 May 1943 scrapped 1948
Saginaw Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 2 March 1944 decommissioned 19 June 1946, scrapped 1960
St. Lo Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 23 October 1943 sunk 25 October 1944
Salamaua Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 26 May 1944 decommissioned 9 May 1946, scrapped 1947
Salerno Bay Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 19 May 1945 decommissioned 16 February 1954, scrapped 30 October 1961
Sangamon Sangamon escort carrier 11,400 25 August 1942 decommissioned 24 October 1945, scrapped 1960
Santee Sangamon escort carrier 11,400 24 August 1942 decommissioned 21 October 1946, scrapped 1960
San Jacinto Independence light aircraft carrier 11,000 15 November 1943 decommissioned 1 March 1947, scrapped 1972
Saratoga Lexington fleet carrier 33,000 16 November 1927 sunk as a target 1946
Sargent Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 9 March 1944 decommissioned 23 June 1946, scrapped 1959
Savo Island Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 3 February 1944 decommissioned 12 December 1946, scrapped 1960
Shamrock Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 15 March 1944 decommissioned 6 July 1946, scrapped 1958
Shangri-La Essex fleet carrier 30,800 15 September 1944 decommissioned 30 July 1971, scrapped 1988
Shimane Maru  Imperial Japanese Navy Shimane Maru escort carrier 11,800 28 February 1945 sunk 24 July 1945, scrapped 1948
Shinano Yamato fleet carrier 64,800 19 November 1944 sunk 29 November 1944
Shin'yō ex-SS Scharnhorst escort carrier 17,500 15 November 1943 sunk 17 November 1944
Siboney  United States Navy Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 14 May 1945 decommissioned 31 July 1956, scrapped 1971
Shipley Bay Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 21 March 1944 decommissioned 28 June 1946, scrapped 1960
Shōhō  Imperial Japanese Navy Zuihō light aircraft carrier 11,260 30 November 1941 sunk 8 May 1942
Shōkaku Shōkaku fleet carrier 25,675 8 August 1941 sunk 19 June 1944
Sōryū Sōryū fleet carrier 15,900 29 January 1937 sunk 4 June 1942
Searcher  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 3 April 1943 paid off 1945, scrapped 21 April 1976
Shah Ruler escort carrier 7,800 27 September 1943 paid off 7 February 1946
Sitkoh Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 28 March 1944 decommissioned 27 July 1954, scrapped 1960
Slinger  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 11 August 1943 paid off 12 April 1946, scrapped 1969/70
Smiter Ruler escort carrier 7,800 20 January 1944 paid off 6 May 1946, scrapped 1967
Solomons  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 21 November 1943 decommissioned 15 May 1946, scrapped 1947
Sparviero  Regia Marina ex-MS Augustus escort carrier 30,418 not completed, scrapped 1951
Speaker  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 20 November 1943 paid off 25 September 1946, scrapped 1972
Springbank Pegasus fighter catapult ship sunk 27 September 1941
Stalker Attacker escort carrier 7,800 21 December 1942 paid off 29 December 1945, sold into merchant service as Riouw
Steamer Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 4 April 1944 decommissioned January 1947, scrapped 1959
Striker  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 29 April 1943 paid off 12 February 1946, scrapped 1948
Suwannee  United States Navy Sangamon escort carrier 11,400 24 September 1942 decommissioned 8 January 1947, scrapped 1962
Taihō  Imperial Japanese Navy Taihō fleet carrier 29,300 7 March 1944 sunk 19 June 1944
Taiyō Taiyō escort carrier 18,116 2 September 1941 sunk 18 August 1944
Takanis Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 15 April 1944 decommissioned 18 June 1946, scrapped 29 June 1960
Thane  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 19 November 1943 paid off October 1945, scrapped 1946
Thetis Bay  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 12 April 1944 decommissioned 1 March 1964, scrapped December 1964
Ticonderoga Essex fleet carrier 30,800 8 May 1944 decommissioned 1 September 1973, scrapped 1975
Tracker  Royal Navy Attacker escort carrier 7,800 31 January 1943 paid off 2 November 1946, scrapped 1964
Tripoli  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 31 October 1943 decommissioned 25 November 1958, scrapped 1960
Trouncer  Royal Navy Ruler escort carrier 7,800 31 January 1944 paid off 12 April 1946, scrapped 1973
Trumpeter Ruler escort carrier 7,800 4 August 1943 paid off 19 June 1946, scrapped 1971
Tulagi  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 21 December 1943 decommissioned 30 April 1946
Unyō  Imperial Japanese Navy Taiyō escort carrier 17,830 31 August 1942 sunk 15 September 1944
Unicorn  Royal Navy maintenance aircraft carrier 16,510 12 March 1943 paid off 17 November 1953
Unryū  Imperial Japanese Navy Unryū fleet carrier 17,150 6 August 1944 sunk 19 December 1944
Vella Gulf  United States Navy Commencement Bay escort carrier 10,900 9 April 1945 decommissioned 9 August 1946, scrapped 1971
Venerable  Royal Navy Colossus light aircraft carrier 13,200 17 January 1945 paid off April 1947
Vengeance Colossus light aircraft carrier 13,200 15 January 1945 paid off 1952
Victorious Illustrious fleet carrier 23,000 29 May 1941 scrapped 1969
Vindex Nairana escort carrier 13,671 3 December 1943 paid off 1947, scrapped August 1971
Wake Island  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 7 November 1943 decommissioned 5 April 1946, scrapped April 1946
Warrior  Royal Navy Colossus light aircraft carrier 18,300 2 April 1945 paid off 1970, scrapped 1971
Wasp (CV-7)  United States Navy Wasp fleet carrier 14,700 25 April 1940 sunk 15 September 1942
Wasp (CV-18) Essex fleet carrier 30,800 24 November 1943 decommissioned 1 July 1972
Weser  Kriegsmarine Admiral Hipper escort carrier 17,140 work halted June 1943; scuttled 29 January 1945
White Plains  United States Navy Casablanca escort carrier 8,188 15 November 1943 decommissioned 10 July 1946, scrapped 29 July 1958
Windham Bay escort carrier 8,188 3 May 1944 decommissioned January 1959, scrapped February 1961
Wolverine ex-SS Seeandbee training aircraft carrier 7,300 12 August 1942 scrapped 1947
Yamashio Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Yamashio Maru escort carrier 15,864 27 January 1945 sunk 17 February 1945
Yorktown (CV-5)  United States Navy Yorktown fleet carrier 25,100 30 September 1937 sunk 7 June 1942
Yorktown (CV-10) Essex fleet carrier 36,380 15 April 1943 decommissioned 27 June 1970
Zuihō  Imperial Japanese Navy Zuihō light aircraft carrier 11,260 27 December 1940 sunk 25 October 1944
Zuikaku Shōkaku fleet carrier 29,800 25 September 1941 sunk 25 October 1944
Zuiun Maru  Imperial Japanese Army Yamashio Maru escort carrier 15,864 not completed during war, converted to tanker 1945, scrapped 15 June 1964


  1. "Aircraft carrier".
  2. Robbins, Guy (2001). The Aircraft Carrier Story: 1908–1945. London: Cassel. p. 91. ISBN 978-0-30435-308-8.
  3. "Hulls Listed by Name". Naval Vessel Register.
  4. "US Navy Inactive Classification Symbols". Naval Vessel Register. NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office. Retrieved 28 December 2017.
  5. "Index". Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.
  6. Wise (1974).
  7. "Royal Navy operations in the Second World War". The National Archives. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  8. Emmerich, Michael (25 June 2003). "Flugzeugträger B".
  9. Asmussen, John. "Scharnhorst - The History; Operation "Juno"". Archived from the original on 15 December 2012. Retrieved 19 October 2012.
  10. Emmerich, Michael (25 June 2003). "Graf Zeppelin".


  • Colledge, J. J.; Warlow, Ben (2006) [1969]. Ships of the Royal Navy: The Complete Record of all Fighting Ships of the Royal Navy (Rev. ed.). London: Chatham Publishing. ISBN 978-1-86176-281-8.
  • "NavSource Naval History".
  • Ader, Clement (2003). Military Aviation, 1909. Edited and translated by Lee Kennett. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Air University Press. ISBN 978-1-58566-118-3.
  • Francillon, René J. (1988). Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club: US Carrier Operations off Vietnam. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. ISBN 978-0-87021-696-1.
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