This is a list of parliamentary by-elections in the United Kingdom held between 1900 and 1918, with the names of the incumbent and victor and their respective parties. Where seats changed political party at the election, the result is highlighted: pink for a Labour (including Labour Representation Committee) gain, light blue for a Conservative (including Liberal Unionist, Irish Unionist and Scottish Unionist) gain, orange for a Liberal (including Liberal-Labour) gain, green for a Sinn Féin gain, light green for an Irish Parliamentary Party gain and grey for any other gain.


Where the cause of by-election is given as "resignation" or "seeks re-election", this indicates that the incumbent was appointed on his own request to an "office of profit under the Crown", either the Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds or the Steward of the Manor of Northstead. These appointments are made as a constitutional device for leaving the House of Commons, whose Members are not permitted to resign.


30th Parliament (August 1914 – 1918)

Wilton 6 November 1918[30 1] Sir Charles Bathurst Conservative Hugh Morrison Conservative Elevation
Prestwich 28 October 1918[30 1] Hon. Oswald Cawley Liberal Austin Hopkinson Liberal Killed in action
South Shields 28 October 1918[30 1] Cecil Cochrane Liberal Havelock Wilson Liberal Resignation
Elgin Burghs 25 October 1918[30 1] John Sutherland Liberal Charles Barrie Liberal Death
Mid Norfolk 23 October 1918[30 1] William Lewis Boyle Conservative Neville Jodrell Conservative Death
Bath 15 October 1918[30 1] Lord Alexander Thynne Conservative Charles Foxcroft Conservative Killed in action
St George's, Hanover Square 4 October 1918[30 1] Sir George Reid Conservative Sir Newton Moore Conservative Death
Banbury 24 September 1918[30 1] Hon Sir Eustace Fiennes Liberal Sir Rhys Williams Liberal Governor of the Seychelles
Canterbury 9 August 1918[30 1] Francis Bennett-Goldney Conservative George Knox Anderson Conservative Death
East Grinstead 29 July 1918[30 1] Henry Cautley Conservative Henry Cautley Conservative Recorder of Sunderland
Fareham 18 July 1918[30 1] Sir Arthur Lee Conservative John Humphrey Davidson Conservative Elevation
Manchester North East 16 July 1918[30 1] J. R. Clynes Labour J. R. Clynes Labour Food Controller[30 2]
Finsbury East 16 July 1918 Joseph Allen Baker Liberal Harry Cotton Liberal Death
Clapham 21 June 1918 Denison Faber Conservative Harry Greer Conservative Resignation
East Cavan 20 June 1918 Samuel Young Irish Parliamentary Arthur Griffith Sinn Féin Death
Bridgwater 18 June 1918[30 1] Robert Sanders Conservative Robert Sanders Conservative Treasurer of the Household[30 2]
Gravesend 7 June 1918 Sir Gilbert Parker Conservative Alexander Richardson Conservative Resignation
Wansbeck 28 May 1918 Charles Fenwick Liberal Robert Mason Liberal Death
Newcastle-upon-Tyne 13 May 1918[30 1] Edward Shortt Liberal Edward Shortt Liberal Chief Secretary for Ireland[30 2]
Exeter 7 May 1918[30 1] Henry Duke Conservative Sir Robert Newman Conservative Lord Justice of Appeal
Ross 4 May 1918 Percy Clive Conservative Charles Pulley Conservative Killed in action
Keighley 26 April 1918 Sir Swire Smith Liberal William Somervell Liberal Death
Birmingham West 25 April 1918[30 1] Austen Chamberlain Conservative Austen Chamberlain Conservative Minister without Portfolio[30 2]
Tullamore 19 April 1918[30 1] Edward John Graham Irish Parliamentary Dr Patrick McCartan Sinn Féin Death
East Tyrone 3 April 1918 William Redmond Irish Parliamentary Thomas Harbison Irish Parliamentary Resignation in order to contest Waterford
Manchester South 22 March 1918[30 1] Philip Glazebrook Conservative Robert Stoker Conservative Killed in action
Waterford City 22 March 1918 John Redmond Irish Parliamentary William Redmond Irish Parliamentary Death
South Armagh 2 February 1918 Charles O'Neill Irish Parliamentary Patrick Donnelly Irish Parliamentary Death
Prestwich 31 January 1918 Sir Frederick Cawley Liberal Hon. Oswald Cawley Liberal Elevation
Mid Armagh 23 January 1918[30 1] Sir John Lonsdale Conservative James Rolston Lonsdale Conservative Resignation
Southampton 19 December 1917[30 1] William Dudley Ward Liberal William Dudley Ward Liberal Vice-Chamberlain of the Household[30 2]
Wisbech 14 December 1917[30 1] Hon. Neil Primrose Liberal Colin Coote Liberal Died of wounds
North Armagh 22 November 1917[30 1] Sir William Moore Conservative William Allen Conservative Judge of the High Court of Justice in Ireland
Salford North 2 November 1917 Sir William Byles Liberal Ben Tillett Independent Labour Death
Basingstoke 25 October 1917[30 1] Arthur Salter Conservative Sir Auckland Geddes Conservative High Court judge
Spalding 25 October 1917[30 1] Hon. Francis McLaren Liberal Hon. George Peel Liberal Killed in action
Islington East 23 October 1917 Sir George Heynes Radford Liberal Edward Smallwood Liberal Death
Dublin University 5 October 1917[30 1] Arthur Warren Samuels Irish Unionist Arthur Warren Samuels Irish Unionist Solicitor-General for Ireland[30 2]
Norwich 26 August 1917[30 1] George Henry Roberts Labour George Henry Roberts Labour Minister of Labour[30 2]
Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities 10 August 1917[30 1] Sir Christopher Johnston Conservative Sir William Cheyne Conservative Senator of the College of Justice
Kilkenny City 10 August 1917 Patrick O'Brien Irish Parliamentary W. T. Cosgrave Sinn Féin Death
Dundee 30 July 1917 Winston Churchill Liberal Winston Churchill Liberal Minister of Munitions[30 2]
Chesterton 27 July 1917[30 1] Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Secretary of State for India[30 2]
Cambridge 25 July 1917[30 1] Almeric Paget Conservative Sir Eric Geddes Conservative Resignation
South Monmouthshire 13 July 1917 Sir Ivor Herbert Liberal Sir Abraham Garrod Thomas Liberal Elevation
East Clare 10 July 1917 Willie Redmond Irish Parliamentary Éamon de Valera Sinn Féin Killed in action
South Dublin 6 July 1917[30 1] William Francis Cotton Irish Parliamentary Michael Hearn Irish Parliamentary Death
Fulham 3 July 1917[30 1] William Hayes Fisher Conservative William Hayes Fisher Conservative President of the Local Government Board[30 2]
Belfast South 2 July 1917[30 1] James Chambers Conservative William Arthur Lindsay Conservative Death
Liverpool Abercromby 28 June 1917 Richard Chaloner Conservative Lord Stanley Conservative Elevation
Epping 28 June 1917[30 1] Amelius Lockwood Conservative Richard Colvin Conservative Elevation
Henley 20 June 1917[30 1] Valentine Fleming Conservative Robert Hermon-Hodge Conservative Killed in action
Edinburgh South 13 May 1917[30 1] Hon. Charles Henry Lyell Liberal Sir Edward Parrott Liberal Resignation
South Longford 10 May 1917 John Phillips Irish Parliamentary Joseph McGuinness Sinn Féin Death
Ealing 30 April 1917[30 1] Herbert Nield Conservative Herbert Nield Conservative Recorder of York
Belfast South 9 April 1917[30 1] James Chambers Irish Unionist James Chambers Irish Unionist Solicitor-General for Ireland[30 2]
Aberdeen South 3 April 1917 George Esslemont Liberal Sir John Fleming Liberal Resignation
Oxford 30 March 1917[30 1] Viscount Valentia Conservative John Marriott Conservative Elevation to a UK Peerage
Stockton-on-Tees 20 March 1917 Jonathan Samuel Liberal Bertrand Watson Liberal Death
Tamworth 23 February 1917[30 1] Francis Newdigate Conservative Henry Wilson-Fox Conservative Governor of Tasmania
West Perthshire 21 February 1917[30 1] John Stewart-Murray Conservative Archibald Stirling Conservative Succession
Rossendale 13 February 1917 Lewis Harcourt Liberal Sir John Maden Liberal Elevation
Rotherham 5 February 1917[30 1] Joseph Pease Liberal Arthur Richardson Liberal Elevation
Dublin University 5 February 1917 James Campbell Irish Unionist Arthur Warren Samuels Irish Unionist Lord Chief Justice of Ireland
North Roscommon 3 February 1917 James Joseph O'Kelly Irish Parliamentary Count George Noble Plunkett Sinn Féin Death
Inverness-shire 2 January 1917[30 1] Sir John Dewar Liberal Thomas Brash Morison Liberal Elevation
Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities 29 December 1916[30 1] Sir Robert Finlay Conservative Christopher Johnston Conservative Hereditary Peerage on appointment as Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Derby 29 December 1916[30 1] Sir Thomas Roe Liberal Sir William Collins Liberal Elevation
Whitechapel 28 December 1916[30 1] Sir Stuart Samuel Liberal James Kiley Liberal Resignation
Sheffield Hallam 23 December 1916[30 1][30 3] Charles Stuart-Wortley Conservative H. A. L. Fisher Liberal Elevation
Ashton-under-Lyne 23 December 1916[30 1] Sir Max Aitken Conservative Sir Albert Stanley Conservative Elevation
Hornsey 6 December 1916[30 1] Lawrence Dundas Conservative Kennedy Jones Conservative Governor of Bengal
West Cork 15 November 1916 James Gilhooly Irish Parliamentary Daniel O'Leary Irish Parliamentary Death
North Fermanagh 27 October 1916[30 1] Godfrey Fetherstonhaugh Irish Unionist Edward Archdale Irish Unionist Resignation
Winchester 19 October 1916 Hon. Guy Baring Conservative Hon. Douglas Carnegie Conservative Killed in action
St Pancras West 16 October 1916[30 1] Felix Cassel Conservative Richard Barnett Conservative Resignation
North Ayrshire 11 October 1916 Duncan Campbell Conservative Aylmer Hunter-Weston Conservative Death
Mansfield 20 September 1916 Sir Arthur Markham Liberal Sir Charles Seely Liberal Death
Abingdon 29 August 1916[30 1] Hon. Harold Henderson Conservative Archie Loyd Conservative Resignation
Colne Valley 25 August 1916[30 1] Rev. Charles Leach Liberal Frederick Mallalieu Liberal Member certified as insane
Berwick-upon-Tweed 16 August 1916 Sir Edward Grey Liberal Sir Francis Blake Liberal Elevation
Bodmin 15 August 1916[30 1] Sir Reginald Pole-Carew Conservative Charles Hanson Conservative Resignation
Exeter 7 August 1916[30 1] Henry Duke Conservative Henry Duke Conservative Chief Secretary for Ireland[30 2]
Berwickshire 18 July 1916[30 1] Harold Tennant Liberal Harold Tennant Liberal Secretary for Scotland[30 2]
Widnes 22 May 1916[30 1] William Walker Conservative William Walker Conservative Seeking re-election[30 4]
South Londonderry 22 May 1916 John Gordon Irish Unionist Denis Henry Irish Unionist Resignation (Justice of the High Court of Ireland)
Tewkesbury 16 May 1916 Michael Hicks Beach Conservative William Frederick Hicks-Beach Conservative Died of wounds
Ossory 28 April 1916 William Delany Irish Parliamentary John Lalor Fitzpatrick Irish Parliamentary Death
Dublin University 25 April 1916[30 1] James Campbell Irish Unionist James Campbell Irish Unionist Attorney-General for Ireland[30 2]
Wimbledon 19 April 1916 Henry Chaplin Conservative Sir Stuart Coats Conservative Resignation
Hyde 30 March 1916 Francis Neilson Liberal Thomas Jacobsen Liberal Resignation
Harborough 23 March 1916 John William Logan Liberal Percy Harris Liberal Resignation
South Shields 18 March 1916[30 1] Russell Rea Liberal Cecil Cochrane Liberal Death
Hertford 9 March 1916 Sir John Rolleston Conservative Noel Pemberton Billing Independent Resignation
Cockermouth 2 March 1916[30 1] Sir Wilfrid Lawson Liberal Joseph Bliss Liberal Resignation
Droitwich 29 February 1916[30 1] Hon. John Lyttelton Conservative Herbert Whiteley Conservative Resignation
Chester 29 February 1916[30 1] Robert Yerburgh Conservative Sir Owen Philipps Conservative Resignation
Bolton 29 February 1916[30 1] Thomas Taylor Liberal William Edge Liberal Resignation
South Tyrone 28 February 1916[30 1] Andrew Horner Irish Unionist William Coote Irish Unionist Death
North Louth 24 February 1916 Augustine Roche Irish Parliamentary Patrick Whitty Irish Parliamentary Death
Liverpool East Toxteth 21 February 1916[30 1] Edward Marshall Hall Conservative James Stuart Rankin Conservative Recorder of Guildford
Rotherham 26 January 1916[30 1] Joseph Pease Liberal Joseph Pease Liberal Postmaster-General[30 2]
Mile End 25 January 1916 Hon. Harry Levy-Lawson Conservative[30 5] Warwick Brookes Conservative Succession
Bradford Central 21 January 1916[30 1] Sir George Scott Robertson Liberal James Hill Liberal Death
Chesterton 20 January 1916[30 1] Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[30 2]
North West Staffordshire 17 January 1916[30 1] Albert Stanley Labour Samuel Finney Labour Death
Portsmouth 15 January 1916[30 1] Lord Charles Beresford Conservative Hon. Sir Hedworth Meux Conservative Elevation
St George, Hanover Square 11 January 1916[30 1] Sir Alexander Henderson Conservative Sir George Reid Conservative Elevation
Newington West 10 January 1916 Cecil Norton Liberal James Daniel Gilbert Liberal Elevation
Cleveland 9 December 1915 Herbert Samuel Liberal Herbert Samuel Liberal Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[30 2]
Tiverton 30 November 1915[30 1] Hon. William Walrond Conservative Charles Carew Conservative Died of wounds
Merthyr Tydfil 25 November 1915 Keir Hardie Labour Charles Stanton Independent Labour Death
St Austell 24 November 1915[30 1] Thomas Agar-Robartes Liberal Sir Francis Layland-Barratt Liberal Died of wounds
St Helens 24 November 1915[30 1] Rigby Swift Conservative Rigby Swift Conservative Recorder of Wigan
Kingston 16 November 1915[30 1] George Cave Conservative George Cave Conservative Solicitor General for England and Wales[30 2]
Cardiff 12 November 1915[30 1] Lord Ninian Crichton-Stuart Conservative James Cory Conservative Killed in action
Uxbridge 10 November 1915[30 1] Hon. Charles Thomas Mills Conservative Hon. Arthur Mills Conservative Killed in action
Heywood 10 November 1915[30 1] Harold Thomas Cawley Liberal Albert Illingworth Liberal Killed in action
Appleby 27 October 1915[30 1] Sir Lancelot Sanderson Conservative Cecil Lowther Conservative High Court judge
Dublin Harbour 1 October 1915 William Abraham Irish Parliamentary Alfie Byrne Irish Parliamentary Death
Glasgow Central 16 July 1915 Charles Dickson Conservative John MacLeod Conservative Lord Justice Clerk
Arfon 6 July 1915[30 1] William Jones Liberal Griffith Rees Liberal Death
Keighley 29 June 1915[30 1] Sir Stanley Buckmaster Liberal Sir Swire Smith Liberal Hereditary Peerage on appointment as Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
North Tipperary 17 June 1915 Dr John Joseph Esmonde Irish Parliamentary Sir John Esmonde Irish Parliamentary Death
Dublin College Green 11 June 1915 Joseph Nannetti Irish Parliamentary John Dillon Nugent Irish Parliamentary Death
Preston 9 June 1915[30 1] Alfred Tobin Conservative Urban H. Broughton Conservative County Court judge
Kilmarnock Burghs 28 May 1915[30 1] William Glynne Gladstone Liberal Hon. Alexander Shaw Liberal Killed in action
Mid Durham 29 April 1915[30 1] John Wilson Liberal Samuel Galbraith Liberal Death
Carmarthen Boroughs 17 March 1915[30 1] W. Llewelyn Williams Liberal W. Llewelyn Williams Liberal Recorder of Cardiff
Maidstone 22 February 1915[30 1] Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart Conservative Carlyon Bellairs Conservative Succession
Mid Antrim 17 February 1915[30 1] Hon. Arthur O'Neill Irish Unionist Hon. Hugh O'Neill Irish Unionist Killed in action
Liverpool Kirkdale 15 February 1915[30 1] Gerald Kyffin-Taylor Conservative De Fonblanque Pennefather Conservative Resignation
Saffron Walden 13 February 1915[30 1] Cecil Beck Liberal Cecil Beck Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
Chesterton 13 February 1915[30 1] Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Edwin Samuel Montagu Liberal Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[30 2]
Wigtownshire 12 February 1915[30 1] John Dalrymple Conservative Hon. Hew Dalrymple Conservative Succession
Thirsk and Malton 12 February 1915[30 1] Charles Duncombe Conservative Edmund Turton Conservative Succession
Howdenshire 10 February 1915[30 1] Henry Harrison-Broadley Conservative Hon. Stanley Jackson Conservative Death
Shipley 9 February 1915[30 1] Percy Illingworth Liberal Oswald Partington Liberal Death (food poisoning)
Scarborough 9 February 1915[30 1] Walter Rea Liberal Walter Rea Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
Swansea District 6 February 1915[30 1] David Brynmor Jones Liberal Thomas Jeremiah Williams Liberal Master in Lunacy
Norwich 6 February 1915[30 1] Sir Frederick Low Liberal Hilton Young Liberal High Court judge
Sheffield Attercliffe 28 December 1914[30 1] Joseph Pointer Labour William Crawford Anderson Labour Death
Tullamore 8 December 1914 Edmund Haviland-Burke Irish Parliamentary Edward John Graham Independent Nationalist Death
East Galway 4 December 1914[30 1] John Roche Irish Parliamentary James Cosgrave Irish Parliamentary Death
Londonderry City 30 November 1914[30 1] David Cleghorn Hogg Liberal Sir James Brown Dougherty Liberal Death
The Hartlepools 22 September 1914[30 1] Sir Stephen Furness Liberal Sir Walter Runciman Liberal Death
Bolton 22 September 1914[30 1] Alfred Gill Labour Robert Tootill Labour Death
West Wicklow 20 August 1914[30 1] Edward O'Kelly Irish Parliamentary John Thomas Donovan Irish Parliamentary Death
Swansea District 13 August 1914[30 1] Sir David Brynmor Jones Liberal Sir David Brynmor Jones Liberal Recorder of Cardiff

    30th Parliament (December 1910 – July 1914)

    North Galway 21 July 1914[30 1] Richard Hazleton Irish Parliamentary Richard Hazleton Irish Parliamentary Seeks re-election[30 6]
    East Worcestershire 16 July 1914[30 1] Austen Chamberlain Conservative Frederick Leverton Harris Conservative Resignation in order to fight Birmingham West
    Birmingham West 14 July 1914[30 1] Joseph Chamberlain Conservative Austen Chamberlain Conservative Death
    Oxford University 30 June 1914[30 1] Sir William Anson Conservative Rowland Prothero Conservative Death
    Brighton 29 June 1914[30 1] Hon. John Gordon Conservative Charles Thomas-Stanford Conservative Resignation
    Ipswich 23 May 1914 Silvester Horne Liberal John Ganzoni Conservative Death
    North East Derbyshire 20 May 1914 W. E. Harvey Labour Harland Bowden Conservative Death
    Great Grimsby 12 May 1914 Sir George Doughty Conservative Thomas Tickler Conservative Death
    East Fife 8 April 1914[30 1] H. H. Asquith Liberal H. H. Asquith Liberal Secretary of State for War[30 2]
    Belfast East 6 April 1914[30 1] Robert McMordie Irish Unionist Robert Sharman-Crawford Irish Unionist Death
    Leith Burghs 26 February 1914 Ronald Munro-Ferguson Liberal George Welsh Currie Conservative Governor General of Australia
    Poplar 19 February 1914 Sydney Buxton Liberal Alfred William Yeo Liberal Governor-General of the Union of South Africa
    Bethnal Green South West 19 February 1914 Charles Masterman Liberal Mathew Wilson Conservative Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[30 2]
    Cork City 18 February 1914[30 1] William O'Brien All-for-Ireland William O'Brien All-for-Ireland Resigned to re-contest
    Wycombe 18 February 1914 Sir Charles Cripps Conservative William Baring du Pré Conservative Elevation
    North West Durham 30 January 1914 Llewellyn Atherley-Jones Liberal Aneurin Williams Liberal Judge of the City of London Court
    South Lanarkshire 12 December 1913 Sir Walter Menzies Liberal Hon. William Watson Conservative Death
    Wick Burghs 8 December 1913 Robert Munro Liberal Robert Munro Liberal Lord Advocate[30 2]
    Keighley 11 November 1913 Sir Stanley Buckmaster Liberal Sir Stanley Buckmaster Liberal Solicitor General for England and Wales[30 2]
    Reading 8 November 1913 Sir Rufus Isaacs Liberal Leslie Orme Wilson Conservative Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
    Linlithgowshire 7 November 1913 Alexander Ure Liberal John Pratt Liberal Lord President of the Court of Session
    North Cork 4 November 1913[30 1] Patrick Guiney All-for-Ireland John Guiney All-for-Ireland Death
    Chesterfield 20 August 1913 James Haslam Labour Barnet Kenyon Liberal Death
    St George's, Hanover Square 15 July 1913[30 1] Alfred Lyttelton Conservative Sir Alexander Henderson Conservative Death
    Leicester 27 June 1913 Eliot Crawshay-Williams Liberal Gordon Hewart Liberal Resignation
    Dover 23 June 1913[30 1] George Wyndham Conservative Vere Ponsonby Conservative Death
    Wandsworth 12 June 1913 Sir Henry Kimber Conservative Samuel Samuel Conservative Resignation
    Leix 9 June 1913[30 1] Patrick Aloysius Meehan Irish Parliamentary Patrick Joseph Meehan Irish Parliamentary Death
    Altrincham 28 May 1913 John Kebty-Fletcher Conservative George Hamilton Conservative Resignation
    Newmarket 16 May 1913 Sir Charles Rose Liberal John Denison-Pender Conservative Death
    Whitechapel 30 April 1913 Sir Stuart Samuel Liberal Sir Stuart Samuel Liberal Undertook a contract for the Public Service
    Shrewsbury 22 April 1913 Sir Clement Hill Conservative George Butler Lloyd Conservative Death
    Kendal 18 March 1913 Sir Josceline Bagot Conservative John Weston Ind. Conservative Death
    Houghton-le-Spring 18 March 1913 Robert Cameron Liberal Thomas Wing Liberal Death
    Chorley 19 February 1913 David Lindsay Conservative Sir Henry Hibbert Conservative Succession
    East Antrim 19 February 1913[30 1] James McCalmont Irish Unionist Robert McCalmont Irish Unionist Death
    East Waterford 15 February 1913[30 1] Patrick Joseph Power Irish Parliamentary Martin Joseph Murphy Irish Parliamentary Death
    Londonderry City 30 January 1913 James Hamilton Irish Unionist David Cleghorn Hogg Liberal Succession
    Flint Boroughs 21 January 1913 James Summers Liberal Thomas Henry Parry Liberal Death
    Bow and Bromley 26 November 1912 George Lansbury Labour Reginald Blair Conservative Resigned to recontest on platform of women's suffrage
    Bolton 23 November 1912 George Harwood Liberal Thomas Taylor Liberal Death
    Taunton 11 November 1912 Hon. William Peel Conservative Sir Gilbert Wills Conservative Succession
    Midlothian 10 September 1912 Alexander Murray Liberal John Hope Conservative Succession
    East Carmarthenshire 22 August 1912 Abel Thomas Liberal Rev Josiah Towyn Jones Liberal Death
    Manchester North West 8 August 1912 Sir George Kemp Liberal Sir John Randles Conservative Resignation
    Crewe 26 July 1912 Walter McLaren Liberal Ernest Craig Conservative Death
    Hanley 13 July 1912 Enoch Edwards Labour R. L. Outhwaite Liberal Death
    Ilkeston 1 July 1912 J. E. B. Seely Liberal J. E. B. Seely Liberal Secretary of State for War[30 2]
    Holmfirth 20 June 1912 Henry Wilson Liberal Sydney Arnold Liberal Resignation
    Hythe 11 June 1912 Sir Edward Sassoon Conservative Sir Philip Sassoon Conservative Death
    North West Norfolk 31 May 1912 Sir George White Liberal Edward Hemmerde Liberal Death
    Hackney South 24 May 1912 Horatio Bottomley Independent Liberal Hector Morison Liberal Resignation
    Forest of Dean 30 April 1912[30 1] Henry Webb Liberal Henry Webb Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
    Nottingham East 19 April 1912 James Morrison Conservative Sir John David Rees Conservative Resignation
    Epsom 21 March 1912[30 1] William Keswick Conservative Henry Keswick Conservative Death
    Leominster 18 March 1912[30 1] Sir James Rankin Conservative Henry FitzHerbert Wright Conservative Resignation
    South East Essex 16 March 1912[30 1] John Kirkwood Conservative Hon. Rupert Guinness Conservative Resignation
    Hereford 8 March 1912[30 1] John Arkwright Conservative William Hewins Conservative Resignation
    Manchester South 5 March 1912 Sir Arthur Haworth Liberal Philip Glazebrook Conservative Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
    Glasgow St Rollox 26 February 1912 Thomas McKinnon Wood Liberal Thomas McKinnon Wood Liberal Secretary for Scotland[30 2]
    Edinburgh East 2 February 1912 Sir James Gibson Liberal James Hogge Liberal Death
    Carmarthen District 29 January 1912 W. Llewelyn Williams Liberal W. Llewelyn Williams Liberal Recorder of Swansea
    Govan 22 December 1911 William Hunter Liberal Daniel Holmes Liberal Senator of the College of Justice
    North Ayrshire 20 December 1911 Andrew Anderson Liberal Duncan Campbell Conservative Solicitor General for Scotland[30 2]
    Hitchin 23 November 1911 Dr Alfred Hillier Conservative Robert Cecil Conservative Death
    South Somerset 21 November 1911 Sir Edward Strachey Liberal Aubrey Herbert Conservative Elevation
    Oldham 13 November 1911 Alfred Emmott Liberal Edmund Denniss Conservative Elevation
    Bristol East 3 November 1911 Charles Hobhouse Liberal Charles Hobhouse Liberal Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[30 2]
    Keighley 27 October 1911 Sir John Brigg Liberal Stanley Buckmaster Liberal Death
    North Tyrone 6 October 1911 Redmond Barry Liberal Thomas Russell Liberal Lord Chancellor of Ireland
    Kilmarnock Burghs 26 September 1911 Adam Rainy Liberal William Glynne Charles Gladstone Liberal Death
    Middleton 2 August 1911 Sir William Adkins Liberal Sir William Adkins Liberal Recorder of Nottingham
    Bethnal Green South West 29 July 1911 Edward Pickersgill Liberal Charles Masterman Liberal Resignation
    Wellington 21 July 1911 Sir Alexander Acland Hood Conservative Dennis Boles Conservative Elevation
    Luton 20 July 1911 Thomas Ashton Liberal Cecil Harmsworth Liberal Elevation
    East Cork 15 July 1911[30 1] Anthony Donelan Irish Parliamentary John Muldoon Irish Parliamentary Election declared void
    North East Cork 15 July 1911[30 1] Moreton Frewen All-for-Ireland Tim Healy All-for-Ireland Resignation
    East Wicklow 13 July 1911[30 1] John Muldoon Irish Parliamentary Anthony Donelan Irish Parliamentary Resignation in order to contest East Cork
    West Ham North 8 July 1911 Charles Masterman Liberal Baron Maurice de Forest Liberal Election declared void
    St Augustine's 7 July 1911[30 1] Aretas Akers-Douglas Conservative Ronald McNeill Conservative Elevation
    Glasgow Tradeston 6 July 1911 Archibald Corbett Liberal J. D. White Liberal Elevation
    Kingston upon Hull Central 5 July 1911 Sir Henry King Conservative Mark Sykes Conservative Election declared void
    Brighton 26 June 1911[30 1] Hon Walter Rice Conservative Hon John Gordon Conservative Succession
    Ross and Cromarty 14 June 1911 James Galloway Weir Liberal Ian Macpherson Liberal Death
    Barnstaple 6 May 1911 Ernest Soares Liberal Sir Godfrey Baring Liberal Appointed to the National Debt Office
    Birmingham South 3 May 1911[30 1] Charles Howard Conservative Leo Amery Conservative Succession
    East Dorset 29 April 1911[30 1] Hon Frederick Guest Liberal Hon Frederick Guest Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
    Cheltenham 28 April 1911 Richard Mathias Liberal James Agg-Gardner Conservative Election declared void
    Haddingtonshire 19 April 1911 Sir Richard Haldane Liberal John Deans Hope Liberal Hereditary Peerage on appointment as Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
    Bootle 27 March 1911 Thomas Sandys Conservative Bonar Law Conservative Resignation
    Brentford 23 March 1911[30 1] Lord Alwyne Compton Conservative William Joynson-Hicks Conservative Resignation
    North Louth 15 March 1911[30 1] Richard Hazleton Irish Parliamentary Augustine Roche Irish Parliamentary Void Election
    North East Lanarkshire 9 March 1911 Thomas Fleming Wilson Liberal James Duncan Millar Liberal Resignation
    Forest of Dean 24 February 1911 Sir Charles Dilke Liberal Henry Webb Liberal Death
    Westbury 22 February 1911 Sir John Fuller Liberal Hon Geoffrey Howard Liberal Resignation
    Horncastle 16 February 1911 Lord Willoughby de Eresby Conservative William Weigall Conservative Succession
    Cambridge University 11–16 February 1911 Samuel Butcher Conservative Sir Joseph Larmor Conservative Death
    Arfon 11 February 1911[30 1] William Jones Liberal William Jones Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[30 2]
    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 An uncontested by-election.
    2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Seat vacated on appointment to the office noted.
    3. A rare case of a gain in an unopposed election.
    4. Walker owned a stud of thoroughbred horses. When he was given a contract to supply horses to the Army, questions were raised as to whether this contract disqualified him from the House of Commons, so Walker sought re-election in order to remove doubts as to his position.
    5. Levy-Lawson was a Liberal Unionist until 1912, when his party merged with the Conservatives.
    6. Hazleton resigned after submitting his own bankruptcy petition.

    29th Parliament (January 1910 – December 1910)

    Walthamstow 1 November 1910 John Simon Liberal Sir John Simon Liberal Solicitor General for England and Wales[29 1]
    South Shields 27 October 1910 Sir William Robson Liberal Russell Rea Liberal Lord of Appeal
    Liverpool Kirkdale 20 July 1910 Charles McArthur Conservative Gerald Kyffin-Taylor Conservative Death
    East Dorset 30 June 1910 Frederick Guest Liberal Henry Guest Liberal Election declared void
    Hartlepool 20 June 1910 Sir Christopher Furness Liberal Stephen Furness Liberal Election declared void
    Lewes 17 June 1910[29 2] Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher Conservative William Campion Conservative Death
    Dublin Harbour 14 June 1910[29 2] Timothy Harrington Irish Parliamentary William Abraham Irish Parliamentary Death
    Crewe 30 April 1910 James Tomkinson Liberal Walter McLaren Liberal Death
    Edinburgh South 29 April 1910 Arthur Dewar Liberal Charles Henry Lyell Liberal Senator of the College of Justice
    North Down 28 April 1910[29 2] Thomas Corbett Conservative William Mitchell-Thomson Conservative Death
    Govan 28 April 1910[29 2] William Hunter Liberal William Hunter Liberal Solicitor General for Scotland[29 1]
    Mid Glamorganshire 31 March 1910 Sir Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal Frederick Gibbins Liberal President of the Probate and Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice
    West Wicklow 29 March 1910[29 2] James O'Connor Irish Parliamentary Edward Peter O'Kelly Irish Parliamentary Death
    Reading 12 March 1910[29 2] Rufus Isaacs Liberal Rufus Isaacs Liberal Solicitor General for England and Wales[29 1]
    Shipley 10 March 1910[29 2] Percy Illingworth Liberal Percy Illingworth Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[29 1]
    Ilkeston 7 March 1910 Balthazar Foster Liberal J. E. B. Seely Liberal Resignation
    North East Cork 2 March 1910[29 2] William O'Brien All-for-Ireland Maurice Healy All-for-Ireland Elected to sit for Cork City
    Barnstaple 2 March 1910[29 2] Ernest Soares Liberal Ernest Soares Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[29 1]
    Rotherham 1 March 1910[29 2] Sir William Holland Liberal Jack Pease Liberal Resignation
    Tower Hamlets St George 1 March 1910 William Wedgwood Benn Liberal William Wedgwood Benn Liberal Commissioner of the Treasury[29 1]
    Swansea District 28 February 1910[29 2] Sir David Brynmor Jones Liberal Sir David Brynmor Jones Liberal Recorder of Merthyr Tydvil
    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Seat vacated on appointment to the office noted.
    2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 An uncontested by-election.

    28th Parliament (1906 – January 1910)

    South Armagh 5 November 1909 William McKillop Irish Parliamentary Charles O'Neill Irish Parliamentary Death
    Bermondsey 28 October 1909 George Cooper Liberal John Dumphreys Conservative Death
    West Clare 3 September 1909[28 1] James Halpin Irish Parliamentary Arthur Lynch Irish Parliamentary Death
    South Kilkenny 10 August 1909[28 1] Nicholas Joseph Murphy Irish Parliamentary Matthew Keating Irish Parliamentary Declared bankrupt
    North Sligo 5 August 1909[28 1] P. A. McHugh Irish Parliamentary Thomas Scanlan Irish Parliamentary Death
    High Peak 22 July 1909 Oswald Partington Liberal Oswald Partington Liberal Appointed Junior Lord of the Treasury[28 2]
    Dumfries Burghs 20 July 1909 John Gulland Liberal John Gulland Liberal Appointed Junior Lord of the Treasury[28 2]
    Mid Derbyshire 15 July 1909 James Alfred Jacoby Liberal John Hancock Liberal Death
    Cleveland 9 July 1909 Herbert Samuel Liberal Herbert Samuel Liberal Appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[28 2]
    East Limerick 10 June 1909 William Lundon Irish Parliamentary Thomas Lundon Irish Parliamentary Death
    Edinburgh West 17 May 1909[28 1] Lewis McIver Liberal Unionist James Avon Clyde Liberal Unionist Resignation
    Stratford-on-Avon 4 May 1909 Thomas Kincaid-Smith Liberal Philip Staveley Foster Conservative Resigned to restand following his resignation from the Liberal Party
    Sheffield Attercliffe 4 May 1909 J. Batty Langley Liberal Joseph Pointer Labour Resignation
    Cork City 1 May 1909 William O'Brien Irish Parliamentary Maurice Healy All-for-Ireland Resignation
    Edinburgh East 16 April 1909 George McCrae Liberal James Gibson Liberal Resignation
    East Denbighshire 2 April 1909 Edward Hemmerde Liberal Edward Hemmerde Liberal Recorder of Liverpool
    Croydon 29 March 1909 H. O. Arnold-Forster Liberal Unionist Robert Hermon-Hodge Conservative Death
    Hawick Burghs 5 March 1909 Thomas Shaw Liberal John Barran Liberal Resignation (appointed Lord of Appeal in Ordinary)
    Edinburgh South 4 March 1909 Arthur Dewar Liberal Arthur Dewar Liberal Appointed Solicitor General for Scotland[28 2]
    Glasgow Central 2 March 1909 Andrew Mitchell Torrance Liberal Charles Dickson Conservative Death
    Forfarshire 27 February 1909 John Sinclair Liberal James Falconer Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Taunton 23 February 1909 Edward Boyle Conservative William Peel Conservative Resignation
    Tamworth 16 January 1909[28 1] Sir Philip Muntz Conservative Francis Newdegate Conservative Death
    Chelmsford 1 December 1908 Carne Rasch Conservative E. G. Pretyman Conservative Resignation
    Newcastle-upon-Tyne 25 September 1908 Thomas Cairns Liberal George Renwick Conservative Death
    Haggerston 1 August 1908 Randal Cremer Lib-Lab Rupert Guinness Conservative Death
    Pembrokeshire 16 July 1908 John Philipps Liberal Walter Roch Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Pudsey 20 June 1908 George Whiteley Liberal John James Oddy Conservative Resignation
    Stirling Burghs 22 May 1908 Henry Campbell-Bannerman Liberal Arthur Ponsonby Liberal Death
    Newport (Shropshire) 14 May 1908 William Kenyon-Slaney Conservative Beville Stanier Conservative Death
    Montrose Burghs 12 May 1908 John Morley Liberal Robert Harcourt Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Dundee 9 May 1908 Edmund Robertson Liberal Winston Churchill Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Wolverhampton East 5 May 1908 Henry Fowler Liberal George Rennie Thorne Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Kincardineshire 25 April 1908 John William Crombie Liberal Arthur Murray Liberal Death
    Manchester North West 24 April 1908 Winston Churchill Liberal William Joynson-Hicks Conservative Appointed President of the Board of Trade[28 2]
    Dewsbury 23 April 1908 Walter Runciman Liberal Walter Runciman Liberal Appointed President of the Board of Education[28 2]
    Sheffield Central 21 April 1908[28 1] Howard Vincent Conservative James Hope Conservative Death
    West Derbyshire 15 April 1908[28 1] Victor Cavendish Liberal Unionist Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice Liberal Unionist Succession to the peerage
    Peckham 24 March 1908 Charles Clarke Liberal Harry Gooch Conservative Death
    West Down 20 March 1908 Arthur Hill Irish Unionist William MacCaw Irish Unionist Resignation
    Hastings 3 March 1908 Harvey du Cros Conservative Arthur du Cros Conservative Resignation
    Bewdley 29 February 1908[28 1] Alfred Baldwin Conservative Stanley Baldwin Conservative Death
    West Carmarthenshire 26 February 1908[28 1] John Lloyd Morgan Liberal John Lloyd Morgan Liberal Recorder of Swansea
    North Leitrim 21 February 1908 Charles Dolan Irish Parliamentary Francis Meehan Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Leeds South 13 February 1908 John Lawson Walton Liberal William Middlebrook Liberal Death
    Mid Glamorganshire 7 February 1908[28 1] Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal Solicitor-General for England and Wales[28 2]
    Worcester 7 February 1908 George Henry Williamson Conservative Edward Goulding Conservative Void election
    St Austell 5 February 1908[28 1] William Alexander McArthur Liberal Thomas Agar-Robartes Liberal Resignation
    County Carlow 3 February 1908[28 1] John Hammond Irish Parliamentary Walter Kavanagh Irish Parliamentary Death
    Ross 31 January 1908 Alan Coulstoun Gardner Liberal Percy Clive Conservative Death
    Ashburton 17 January 1908 Harry Trelawney Eve Liberal Ernest Morrison-Bell Liberal Unionist Appointment as a judge
    Kingston upon Hull West 29 November 1907 Charles Wilson Liberal Guy Greville Wilson Liberal Succession to peerage
    Liverpool Kirkdale 27 September 1907 David MacIver Conservative Charles McArthur Conservative Death
    South Longford 6 September 1907[28 1] Edward Blake Irish Parliamentary John Phillips Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    West Down 6 September 1907 Harry Liddell Irish Unionist Arthur Hill Irish Unionist Resignation
    Bury St Edmunds 24 August 1907 Frederick Hervey Conservative Walter Guinness Conservative Succession to the peerage
    Anglesey 21 August 1907[28 1] Ellis Griffith Liberal Ellis Griffith Liberal Recorder of Birkenhead
    North West Staffordshire 31 July 1907 Alfred Billson Liberal Albert Stanley Lib-Lab Death
    East Wicklow 29 July 1907[28 1] Denis Joseph Cogan Irish Parliamentary John Muldoon Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    South Kilkenny 29 July 1907[28 1] James O'Mara Irish Parliamentary Nicholas Joseph Murphy Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Colne Valley 18 July 1907 James Kitson Liberal Victor Grayson Independent Labour Elevation to the peerage
    Jarrow 4 July 1907 Charles Palmer Liberal Pete Curran Labour Death
    North Monaghan 20 June 1907[28 1] Patrick O'Hare Irish Parliamentary James Carrige Rushe Lardner Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Rutlandshire 11 June 1907 George Finch Conservative John Gretton Conservative Death
    Hornsey 5 June 1907[28 1] Charles Balfour Conservative Lawrence Dundas Conservative Resignation
    Wimbledon 14 May 1907 Eric Hambro Conservative Henry Chaplin Conservative Resignation
    Stepney 10 May 1907 William Evans-Gordon Conservative Frederick Leverton Harris Conservative Resignation
    North Belfast 17 April 1907 Daniel Dixon Irish Unionist George Clark Irish Unionist Death
    South Westmeath 13 April 1907[28 1] Donal Sullivan Irish Parliamentary Walter Nugent Irish Parliamentary Death
    Hexham 27 March 1907 Wentworth Beaumont Liberal Richard Durning Holt Liberal Succession to the peerage
    North Tyrone 8 March 1907 William Huston Dodd Liberal Redmond Barry Liberal Appointed as a Judge
    Halifax 6 March 1907[28 1] John Henry Whitley Liberal John Henry Whitley Liberal Appointed Junior Lord of the Treasury[28 2]
    Brigg 26 February 1907 Harold Reckitt Liberal Berkeley Sheffield Conservative Resignation
    Aberdeen South 20 February 1907 James Bryce Liberal George Esslemont Liberal Appointed British Ambassador to the United States
    North Monmouthshire 19 February 1907[28 1] Reginald McKenna Liberal Reginald McKenna Liberal Appointed President of the Board of Education[28 2]
    Banffshire 16 February 1907 Alexander William Black Liberal Walter Waring Liberal Death
    Perth 12 February 1907[28 1] Robert Wallace Liberal Robert Pullar Liberal Resignation
    North East Derbyshire 30 January 1907 Thomas Bolton Liberal W. E. Harvey Lib-Lab Death
    Mid Cork 31 December 1906[28 1] D. D. Sheehan Irish Parliamentary D. D. Sheehan Independent Labour Resigned following expulsion from Nationalist group
    Huddersfield 28 November 1906 James Woodhouse Liberal Arthur Sherwell Liberal Appointed Rail and Canal Traffic Commissioner
    North Armagh 16 November 1906 Edward James Saunderson Irish Unionist William Moore Irish Unionist Death
    Galway Borough 3 November 1906 Charles Ramsay Devlin Irish Parliamentary Stephen Gwynn Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Mid Glamorganshire 8 October 1906[28 1] Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal Samuel Thomas Evans Liberal Recorder of Swansea
    East Denbighshire 14 August 1906 Samuel Moss Liberal Edward Hemmerde Liberal Resignation
    Cockermouth 3 August 1906 Sir Wilfrid Lawson Liberal Sir John Scurrah Randles Conservative Death
    East Tyrone 5 July 1906 Patrick Doogan Irish Parliamentary Thomas Kettle Irish Parliamentary Death
    Bodmin 24 July 1906 Hon Thomas Agar-Robartes Liberal Freeman Freeman-Thomas Liberal Unseated on petition
    St George's, Hanover Square 15 June 1906[28 1] Heneage Legge Conservative Alfred Lyttelton Liberal Unionist Resignation
    City of London 15 June 1906[28 1] Sir Edward Clarke Conservative Frederick Banbury Conservative Resignation
    Eifion 5 June 1906[28 1] John Bryn Roberts Liberal Ellis William Davies Liberal Resignation
    Dulwich 15 May 1906 Frederick Rutherfoord Harris Conservative Bonar Law Conservative Went abroad
    Eye 6 April 1906 Francis Seymour Stevenson Liberal Harold Pearson Liberal Resignation
    Leicester 30 March 1906 Henry Broadhurst Liberal Franklin Thomasson Liberal Resignation
    Basingstoke 12 March 1906 Arthur Frederick Jeffreys Conservative Arthur Salter Conservative Death
    North Kilkenny 3 March 1906[28 1] Joseph Devlin Irish Parliamentary Michael Meagher Irish Parliamentary Double election, chose to sit for Belfast West
    North Leitrim 28 February 1906[28 1] P. A. McHugh Irish Parliamentary Charles Dolan Irish Parliamentary Double election, chose to sit for North Sligo
    North Galway 28 February 1906[28 1] Thomas Higgins Irish Parliamentary Richard Hazleton Irish Parliamentary Death
    East Aberdeenshire 28 February 1906[28 1] James Annand Liberal James Murray Liberal Death
    City of London 27 February 1906 Alban Gibbs Conservative Arthur Balfour Conservative Retired in favour of Balfour
    Westbury 26 February 1906[28 1] John Fuller Liberal John Fuller Liberal Appointed a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury[28 2]
    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 An uncontested by-election.
    2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Seat vacated on appointment to the office noted.

    27th Parliament (1900–1906)

    New Forest 6 December 1905 John Douglas-Scott-Montagu Conservative Henry Francis Compton Conservative Succession to peerage
    Normanton 27 November 1905[27 1] William Parrott Lib-Lab Frederick Hall Lib-Lab Death
    Hampstead 26 October 1905 Thomas Milvain Conservative John Fletcher Conservative Judge Advocate General[27 2]
    Barkston Ash[27 3] 13 October 1905 Sir Robert Gunter Conservative Joseph Andrews Liberal Death
    Belfast North 14 September 1905 Sir James Horner Haslett Irish Unionist Sir Daniel Dixon Irish Unionist Death
    Elgin Burghs 8 September 1905 Alexander Asher Liberal John Sutherland Liberal Death
    Carlisle 14 July 1905 William Gully Liberal Frederick Chance Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    West Down 10 July 1905 Arthur Hill Irish Unionist Harry Liddell Irish Unionist Resignation
    Kingswinford 3 July 1905 William George Webb Conservative Henry Staveley-Hill Conservative Death
    Finsbury East[27 4] 29 June 1905 Henry Charles Richards Conservative Joseph Allen Baker Liberal Death
    North Donegal 15 June 1905[27 1] William O'Doherty Irish Parliamentary John Muldoon Irish Parliamentary Death
    Cork City 14 June 1905[27 1] J. F. X. O'Brien Irish Parliamentary Augustine Roche Irish Parliamentary Death
    Chichester 2 June 1905 Lord Edmund Talbot Conservative Lord Edmund Talbot Conservative Lord Commissioner of the Treasury[27 2]
    Whitby[27 3] 1 June 1905 Ernest Beckett Conservative Noel Buxton Liberal Succession to peerage
    Brighton[27 4] 5 April 1905 Gerald Loder Conservative Ernest Villiers Liberal Lord Commissioner of the Treasury[27 2]
    Bute[27 4] 3 March 1905 Andrew Murray Conservative Norman Lamont Liberal Resignation
    Appleby 2 March 1905 Richard Rigg Liberal Leifchild Jones Liberal Resignation
    Liverpool Everton 22 February 1905 John A. Willox Conservative John Harmood-Banner Conservative Resignation
    North Kildare 14 February 1905[27 1] Edmund Leamy Irish Parliamentary John O'Connor Irish Parliamentary Death
    North Dorset[27 4] 26 January 1905 John Wingfield-Digby Conservative Arthur Walters Wills Liberal Death
    Mile End 12 January 1905 Spencer Charrington Conservative Harry Levy-Lawson Liberal Unionist Death
    Stalybridge[27 4] 7 January 1905 Matthew White Ridley Conservative John Frederick Cheetham Liberal Succession to peerage
    Horsham 11 November 1904 John Heywood Johnstone Conservative Edward Turnour Conservative Death
    West Monmouthshire 3 November 1904 Sir William Harcourt Liberal Thomas Richards Lib-Lab Death
    Isle of Thanet 7 October 1904 James Lowther Conservative Harry Marks Conservative Death
    Cork City 19 August 1904[27 1] William O'Brien Irish Parliamentary William O'Brien Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    North East Lanarkshire[27 4] 10 August 1904 William Henry Rattigan Liberal Unionist Alexander Findlay Liberal Death
    Reading 6 August 1904 George William Palmer Liberal Rufus Isaacs Liberal Resignation
    Oswestry[27 3] 26 July 1904 George Ormsby-Gore Conservative Allan Heywood Bright Liberal Succession to peerage
    Chertsey 6 July 1904 John Arthur Fyler Conservative Lord Bingham Conservative Resignation
    Sowerby 2 July 1904 John William Mellor Liberal John Sharp Higham Liberal Resignation
    Devonport[27 4] 20 June 1904 John Lockie Conservative John Benn Liberal Resignation
    Harborough 17 June 1904 John William Logan Liberal Philip Stanhope Liberal Resignation
    West Cavan 11 June 1904[27 1] Thomas McGovern Irish Parliamentary Vincent Kennedy Irish Parliamentary Death
    Isle of Wight[27 4] 6 April 1904[27 1] J. E. B. Seely Conservative J. E. B. Seely Ind. Conservative Resignation on leaving party
    Dublin St Stephen's Green 21 March 1904 James McCann Irish Parliamentary Laurence Ambrose Waldron Irish Parliamentary Death
    East Dorset[27 4] 16 March 1904 Humphrey Sturt Conservative Charles Henry Lyell Liberal Succession to peerage
    Rossendale 15 March 1904[27 1] Sir William Mather Liberal Lewis Harcourt Liberal Resignation
    Normanton 1 March 1904 Benjamin Pickard Lib-Lab William Parrott Lib-Lab Death
    Birmingham South 26 February 1904 Joseph Powell Williams Liberal Unionist Charles Howard Liberal Unionist Death
    St Albans[27 4] 12 February 1904 Vicary Gibbs Conservative John Bamford Slack Liberal Disqualification for undertaking an Admiralty contract
    City of London 9 February 1904[27 1] Alban Gibbs Conservative Alban Gibbs Conservative Disqualification for undertaking an Admiralty contract
    Ayr Burghs[27 3] 30 January 1904 Charles Lindsay Orr-Ewing Conservative Joseph Dobbie Liberal Death
    Gateshead 20 January 1904 William Allan Liberal John Johnson Lib-Lab Death
    Norwich[27 4] 15 January 1904 Harry Bullard Conservative Louis Tillett Liberal Death
    Ashburton 7 January 1904 Charles Seale-Hayne Liberal Harry Trelawney Eve Liberal Death
    Ludlow 22 December 1903 Robert Jasper More Liberal Unionist Rowland Hunt Liberal Unionist Death
    Lewisham 15 December 1903 John Penn Conservative Major Edward Coates Conservative Death
    Dulwich 15 December 1903 Sir John Blundell Maple Conservative Frederick Rutherfoord Harris Conservative Death
    Chorley 4 November 1903 Lord Balcarres Conservative Lord Balcarres Conservative Lord Commissioner of the Treasury[27 2]
    Fareham 28 October 1903[27 1] Arthur Lee Conservative Arthur Lee Conservative Civil Lord of the Admiralty[27 2]
    Westhoughton 24 October 1903[27 1] Lord Stanley Conservative Lord Stanley Conservative Postmaster General[27 2]
    Warwick and Leamington 23 October 1903 Alfred Lyttelton Liberal Unionist Alfred Lyttelton Liberal Unionist Secretary of State for the Colonies[27 2]
    Belfast West 23 October 1903 H. O. Arnold-Forster Liberal Unionist H. O. Arnold-Forster Liberal Unionist Secretary of State for War[27 2]
    South Meath[27 4] 9 October 1903 James Laurence Carew Independent Nationalist David Sheehy Irish Parliamentary Death
    Londonderry 8 October 1903[27 1] James Hamilton Irish Unionist James Hamilton Irish Unionist Treasurer of the Household[27 2]
    North Leitrim 3 October 1903[27 1] P. A. McHugh Irish Parliamentary P. A. McHugh Irish Parliamentary Bankruptcy
    Rochester 22 September 1903 James Gascoyne-Cecil Conservative Charles Tuff Conservative Succession to peerage
    St Andrews Burghs[27 4] 17 September 1903 Henry Torrens Anstruther Liberal Unionist Edward Charles Ellice Liberal Resignation
    Argyllshire[27 4] 26 August 1903 Donald Ninian Nicol Conservative John Ainsworth Liberal Death
    Barnard Castle[27 4] 24 July 1903 Joseph Pease Liberal Arthur Henderson Labour Repr. Cmte.[27 5] Death
    South Kildare 23 May 1903[27 1] Matthew Minch Irish Parliamentary Denis Kilbride Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Preston 14 May 1903 Robert William Hanbury Conservative John Kerr Conservative Death
    Camborne 8 April 1903 William Sproston Caine Liberal Wilfrid Lawson Liberal Death
    Chertsey 26 March 1903 Henry Leigh-Bennett Conservative John Arthur Fyler Conservative Death
    North Fermanagh[27 3] 20 March 1903 Edward Archdale Irish Unionist Edward Mitchell Russellite Unionist Resignation
    Rye[27 3] 17 March 1903 Arthur Montagu Brookfield Conservative Charles Frederick Hutchinson Liberal Resignation
    Woolwich[27 4] 11 March 1903[27 5] Lord Charles Beresford Conservative Will Crooks Labour Repr. Cmte.[27 5] Resignation
    Galway Borough 9 March 1903[27 1] Arthur Lynch Irish Parliamentary Charles Ramsay Devlin Irish Parliamentary Disqualification on conviction for high treason
    Dublin University 5 March 1903 William Edward Hartpole Lecky Liberal Unionist James Campbell Irish Unionist Resignation
    East Perthshire 26 February 1903[27 1] John Kinloch Liberal Thomas Buchanan Liberal Resignation
    South Antrim 5 February 1903 William Ellison-Macartney Irish Unionist Charles Craig Irish Unionist Resignation
    Liverpool West Derby 20 January 1903 Samuel Higginbottom Conservative William Rutherford Conservative Death
    Newmarket[27 4] 2 January 1903 Harry McCalmont Conservative Charles Day Rose Liberal Death
    Orkney and Shetland[27 4] 18–19 November 1902 Cathcart Wason Liberal Unionist Cathcart Wason Independent Liberal Resignation on leaving party
    Liverpool East Toxteth 6 November 1902 Augustus Frederick Warr Conservative Austin Taylor Conservative Resignation
    Cleveland 5 November 1902 Alfred Pease Liberal Herbert Samuel Liberal Resignation
    Devonport[27 3] 22 October 1902 E. J. C. Morton Liberal John Lockie Conservative Death
    Sevenoaks 21 August 1902 Henry Forster Conservative Henry Forster Conservative Lord Commissioner of the Treasury[27 2]
    Belfast South[27 4] 18 August 1902 William Johnston Irish Unionist Thomas Sloan Ind. Unionist Death
    East Worcestershire 15 August 1902[27 1] Austen Chamberlain Liberal Unionist Austen Chamberlain Liberal Unionist Postmaster General[27 2]
    Tiverton 14 August 1902[27 1] William Walrond Conservative William Walrond Conservative Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster[27 2]
    Clitheroe[27 4] 1 August 1902[27 1][27 6] Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth Liberal David Shackleton Labour Repr. Cmte.[27 5] Elevation to the peerage
    Leeds North[27 4] 29 July 1902 William Jackson Conservative Rowland Barran Liberal Elevation to the peerage
    Bury[27 4] 10 May 1902 James Kenyon Conservative George Toulmin Liberal Resignation
    Woolwich 25 April 1902[27 1] Edwin Hughes Conservative Lord Charles Beresford Conservative Resignation
    West Donegal 25 April 1902[27 1] James Boyle Irish Parliamentary Hugh Law Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    Wakefield 25 March 1902 William Wentworth-FitzWilliam Conservative Edward Brotherton Conservative Succession to peerage
    South Monaghan 4 March 1902[27 1] James Daly Irish Parliamentary John McKean Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    North Kilkenny 26 February 1902[27 1] Patrick McDermott Irish Parliamentary Joseph Devlin Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    South Down 19 February 1902[27 1] Michael McCartan Irish Parliamentary Jeremiah McVeagh Irish Parliamentary Resignation
    East Down[27 4] 5 February 1902 James Alexander Rentoul Irish Unionist James Wood Russellite Unionist Assistant Judge, City of London Court[27 2]
    Sheffield Ecclesall 3 February 1902 Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett Conservative Samuel Roberts Conservative Death
    Dewsbury 28 January 1902 Mark Oldroyd Liberal Walter Runciman Liberal Resignation
    Hampstead 24 January 1902 Edward Brodie Hoare Conservative Thomas Milvain Conservative Resignation
    Galway Borough[27 4] 21 November 1901 Martin Morris Irish Unionist Arthur Lynch Irish Parliamentary Succession to peerage
    North East Lanarkshire[27 4] 26 September 1901 John Colville Liberal William Henry Rattigan Liberal Unionist Death
    Andover 26 August 1901 William Wither Bramston Beach Conservative Edmund Faber Conservative Death
    Wokingham 12 July 1901[27 1] Oliver Young Conservative Ernest Gardner Conservative Resignation
    Stratford-on-Avon 25 June 1901 Victor Milward Conservative Philip Staveley Foster Conservative Death
    Saffron Walden 31 May 1901 Hon. Armine Wodehouse Liberal Jack Pease Liberal Death
    Oswestry 24 May 1901 Stanley Leighton Conservative George Ormsby-Gore Conservative Death
    Mid Cork 17 May 1901[27 1] Charles Tanner Irish Parliamentary D. D. Sheehan Irish Parliamentary Death
    Monmouth 7 May 1901 Frederick Rutherfoord Harris Conservative Joseph Lawrence Conservative Unseated on petition
    Maidstone 1 March 1901 John Barker Liberal Sir Francis Evans Liberal Void election
    Stretford 26 February 1901 Sir John Maclure Conservative Charles Cripps Conservative Death
    North Monaghan 21 December 1900[27 1] Daniel MacAleese Irish Parliamentary Edward Charles Thompson Irish Parliamentary Death
    Blackpool 21 December 1900 Sir Matthew White Ridley Conservative Henry Worsley-Taylor Conservative Elevation to the peerage
    West Derbyshire 11 December 1900[27 1] Victor Cavendish Liberal Unionist Victor Cavendish Liberal Unionist Treasurer of the Household[27 2]
    Woodbridge 10 December 1900[27 1] E. G. Pretyman Conservative E. G. Pretyman Conservative Civil Lord of the Admiralty[27 2]
    Wellington (Somerset) 10 December 1900[27 1] Alexander Acland-Hood Conservative Alexander Acland-Hood Conservative Vice-Chamberlain of the Household[27 2]
    Guildford 10 December 1900[27 1] St John Broderick Conservative St John Broderick Conservative Secretary of State for War[27 2]
    Preston 8 December 1900[27 1] Robert William Hanbury Conservative Robert William Hanbury Conservative President of the Board of Agriculture[27 2]
    Dover 8 December 1900[27 1] George Wyndham Conservative George Wyndham Conservative Chief Secretary for Ireland[27 2]
    1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 An uncontested by-election.
    2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Seat vacated on appointment to the office noted.
    3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gain not retained at the 1906 general election.
    4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Gain retained at the 1906 general election.
    5. 1 2 3 4 The Labour Representation Committee formally changed its name to the Labour Party in 1906.
    6. A gain at an uncontested by-election.


      • List of MPs since 1660[usurped]
      • F. W. S. Craig, British Parliamentary Election Statistics 1832-1987
      • F. W. S. Craig, British Parliamentary Election Results 1885-1918
      • F. W. S. Craig, Chronology of British Parliamentary By-elections 1833-1987
      • Walker, Brian M., ed. (1978). Parliamentary Election Results in Ireland, 1801–1922. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. ISBN 0901714127.
      This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.