This is a list of lightships of the United States, listing lightships operated by the United States government. The first US lightship was put in place off of Willoughby Spit in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, in 1820.[1] Lightships remained in service in the United States until March 29, 1985, when the last ship, the Nantucket I, was decommissioned.[2] During that period, lightships were operated by several branches of the government: by the Lighthouse Establishment from 1820 to 1852, the Lighthouse Board from 1852 to 1910, the Lighthouse Service from 1910 to 1939, and the Coast Guard from 1939 to 1985.

The naming conventions used for lightships are not consistent. Until 1867, there was no uniform method to refer to individual lightships. Lightships in that period generally took the name of the station that they served, but occasionally other names. These names were not permanently assigned to an individual vessel. Rather, whenever a lightship was moved to a new station she took on that name. That made identifying individual ships nearly impossible. Beginning in 1867, lightship numbers (hull numbers) were assigned to ships still in service. These numbers are the primary means of identifying individual lightships across her various stations. In 1938, the Lighthouse Service retroactively allocated letter codes to the unnumbered lightships based on their research of available records, although some ships may have been lost or misidentified.[3] Even with the hull numbers, it is common to refer to a lightship by the name of the station it serves (or Relief, if it is a relief ship) and a few, such as the Nantucket I and Nantucket II have been given individual names.


Lightship LV-1 in 1907.
Lightship LV-2, c.1900.
Lightship LV-3 in 1907.
Lightship LV-71, c.1910.
Lightship LV-82 c.1915 after being raised
Designation Start Year End Year Stations Fate
Lightship Ac.1838c.1868St. Helena Bar (1838 1859)
Combahee Bank (18591868)
Lightship B18211861Smith Point (1821 1861)Sunk by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship C1820c.1859Willoughby's Spit (1820)
Craney Island (1821 1859)
Lightship Dc.1854c.1860Frying Pan Shoal (1854 1860)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy[A][3]
Lightship Ec.1854c.1860Rattlesnake Shoal (1854 1860)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy[A][3]
Lightship Fc.1849after1860Ship Shoal (1849 1859)
Relief (1860 Unknown)
Lightship Gc.18651866Cross Rip (1865 1866)Abandoned and sunk by December 30, 1866[A][3]
Lightship Hc.18281864Cross Rip (1828 1864)Wrecked at Cape Poge, Martha's Vineyard in 1864[A][3]
Lightship Kc.1839c.1859Martins Industry (1839 1855)
Calibouge Sound (1855 1859)
Lightship Lc.1835after1849Bartlett Reef (1835 1849)
Eel Grass Shoal (1849 Unknown)
Lightship Mc.1826c.1855Wade Point Shoal (1826 1855)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship N1823c.1855Brandywine Shoal (1823 1850)
Minots Ledge (1851 1854)
Relief (1855)
Lightship Oc.18351861Bowlers Rock (1835 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy[A][3]
Lightship Pc.1848after1848Tybee Island Knoll (1848 Unknown)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship Q1821c.1847Willoughby's Spit (1821 1847)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship R18471867Willoughby's Spit (1847 1867)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship S1821after1821Wolf Trap Shoal (1821 Unknown)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship T18561861Wolf Trap / York Spit (1856 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship Uc.18341861Windmill Point (1834 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship Vc.18631864Fishing Rip (1863 1864)Captured during the American Civil War, and commandeered by the United States Navy from July 5, 1863 to March 1864. It is unknown what became of it after the war.[A][3]
Lightship Wc.18471860Merrills Shell Bank (1847 1860)Sunk by the Confederate States Navy in 1860[A][3]
Lightship X1823c.1845Upper Middle Shoal (1823 1845)May be Lightship LV-19, which was sunk in 1900[A][3]
Lightship Yc.1857c.1861Dames Point (1857 1861)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship Z1847c.1860Vineyard Sound (1847 1860)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship AAc.1825c.1841Carysfort Reef (1825 1841)May have been converted to a bell boat in 1841, but may have been two ships. (The first retired in 1830.)[A][3]
Lightship BBc.1841c.1852Carysfort Reef (1841 1841)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship DDc.18251861Lower Cedar Point (1825 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship EEbefore1859c.1859Upper Cedar Point (Unknown 1859)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship FFc.1831after1831Brant Island Shoal (1831 Unknown)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship GGc.1863c.1863Brant Island Shoal (1863)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship HHc.1828c.1862Neuse River (1828 1862)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship JJc.18251861Long Shoal (1825 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship KKc.1864c.1867Long Shoal (1864 1867)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship LLc.1821after1821Upper Cedar Point (1821 Unknown)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship MMc.18351861Roanoke River (1835 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship NNc.1838c.1854Northwest Passage (1838 1854)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship PPc.1846c.1853Sand Key (1846 1853)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship QQc.18361861Harbor Island (1836 1861)Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship RRc.1835c.1861Roanoke Island (1835 1861)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship SSc.18271861Nine Foot Shoal (1827 1859)
Upper Cedar Point (1859 1861)
Sunk or captured by the Confederate States Navy in 1861[A][3]
Lightship TTc.1852c.1859Okracoke Channel (1852 1859)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship UUc.1851c.1870Horseshoe Shoal (1851 1870)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship VV1823c.1829Sandy Hook (1823 1829)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship WW1839c.1854Sandy Hook (1839 1854)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship XX1849c.1870Galveston (1849 c. 1870)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship YY1832c.1851Mackinaw Straight (1832 1851)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship ZZ1820c.1823Northeast Pass (1820 1823)Un­known[A][3]
Lightship LV-118561930Nantucket New South Shoal (1856 1892)
Martins Industry (1892 1896)
Frying Pan Shoal (1896 1911)
Martins Industry (1911 1922)
Savannah (1922 1930)
Donated to the Sea Scouts in 1930. Later ran aground on the banks of the Merrimack River in a flood that occurred in 1936.[B][4]
Lightship LV-218491921Pollock Rip (1849 1875)
Winter Quarter Shoal (1875 1876)
Hen and Chickens (1877 1907)
Relief (1907 1921)
Lightship LV-318521923Shovelful Shoal (1852 1916)
Relief (1916)
Handkerchief Shoal (1916 1923)
Lightship LV-418561924Bishop and Clerks (1856 1858)
Handkerchief Shoal (1858 1916)
Relief (1916 1924)
Lightship LV-518661930Hen and Chickens (1866 1867)
Cross Rip (1867 1915)
Relief (1916)
Stonehorse Shoal (1916 1923)
Handkerchief Shoal (1923 1924)
Relief (1925 1930)
Lightship LV-618621918Succonnesset Shoal (1862 1912)
Relief (1912 1915)
Cross Rip (1915 1918)
Disappeared on February 4, 1918. LV-6 was stuck in moving ice, and presumably sank with all hands.[B][9]
Lightship LV-718541909Minots Ledge (1854 1860)
Vineyard Sound (1861 1875)
Relief (1875 1881)
Wreck of Scotland (1881 1902)
Relief (1902 1909)
Lightship LV-818601879Frying Pan Shoal (1860)
Han and Chickens (1867 1877)
Relief (1877 1879)
Sunk by the Confederate States Navy in 1860 at Cape Fear River. LV-8 was later salvaged by USLHT Iris in 1866, and repaired. It is unknown what became of this ship.[B][11]
Lightship LV-918581925Relief (18581915)
Hedge Fence (19151925)
Lightship LV-1018871902Grosse Pointe (18871902)LV-10 was originally purchased as a construction barge for the Lighthouse Service, then was converted to a lightship in 1887. It is unknown what became of this ship after it left service.[13]
Lightship LV-1118541925Nantucket New South Shoal (18541855)
Brenton Reef (18561897)
Relief (18971902)
Scotland (19021925)
Lightship LV-12c.18351871Eel Grass Shoal (Unknown1871)Un­known[C][15]
Lightship LV-1318541913Relief (1854 1855)
Succonnessett Shoal (1855 1862)
Relief (1862 1867)
Bartlett Reef (1867 1933)
Relief (1933 1934)
Lightship LV-1418531872Brenton Reef (1853 1856)
Cornfield Point (1856 1872)
Relief (1872)
Lightship LV-1518381879Stratford Shoal (1837 1877)
Relief (1877 1879)
LV-15 was replaced by Stratford Shoal Light in 1877, then was used as a barracks for workers building the Great Beds Light in 1880. She was sold at the end of that year at auction for $1,010. It is unknown what became of this ship after the auction.[B][18]
Lightship LV-1618541935Sandy Hook (1854 1891)
Relief (1891 1935)
Lightship LV-1718481891Bartlett Reef (1848 1867)
Relief (1867 1877)
Eel Grass Shoal (1877 1882)
Relief (1882 1891)
Transferred to US Navy in 1891 for use as target practice, and sunk later that year.[B][20]
Lightship LV-1818391875Five Fathom Bank (1839 1869)
Relief (1869 1875)
Transferred to US Navy in 1875 for use as target practice, presumably sunk.[B][21]
Lightship LV-19c.18451900Cross Ledge (1845 1875)
Fourteen Foot Bank (1876 1886)
Ram Island Reef (1886 1894)
Relief (1894 1900)
May be the same ship as Lightship X. LV-19 was transferred to US Navy in 1900 for use as target practice, and presumably sank.[B][22]
Lightship LV-2018671923Relief (1867 1868)
Wreck of Scotland (1868 1870)
Relief (1870 1876)
Wreck of Scotland (1876 1880)
Relief (1880 1886)
Wreck of Oregon (1886)
Relief (1886 1918)
Cross Rip (1918 1922)
Relief (1923)
Sold in 1923 and used by rumrunners during Prohibition. She was eventually grounded, abandoned, and burned near Plymouth, Massachusetts.[B][23]
Lightship LV-2118641880Upper Cedar Point (1864 1867)
Willoughby Split (1867 1868)
Relief (1869 1871)
Wreck of Weehawken (1871 1872)
Tybee Island Knoll (1872 1880)
Lightship LV-22c.18461903Relief (1846Unknown)
York Split (18631864)
Wolf Trap Shoal (18641870)
Eel Grass Shoal (18711872)
Cornfield Point (18721882)
Relief (18841885)
Hog Island Shoal (18851901)
Relief (19011903)
This was the only lightship to be renumbered (see note C). It is unknown what became of LV-22.[C][15][25]
Lightship LV-2318621925Smith Point (1862 1868)
Willoughby Split (1868 1872)
Relief (1872 1874)
Wreck of Scotland (1874 1876)
Relief (1876 1882)
Cornfield Point (1882 1892)
Relief (1892 1894)
Ram Island Reef (1894 1925)
Originally A. J. W. Applegarth, she was acquired by the Lightship Service in 1862. It is unknown what became of this ship after she left service.[B][26]
Lightship LV-2418641869Lower Cedar Point (1864 1867)
York Spit (1867 1870)
Relief (1870 1874)
Winter Quarter Shoal (1874 1875)
Relief (1875 1889)
Lightship LV-2518271884Hooper Straight (1827 1867)
Relief (1867 1870)
Choptank River entrance (1870 1871)
Eel Grass Shoal (1872 1877)
Relief (1877 1884)
Lightship LV-2818641906Bowlers Rock (1864 1868)
Relief (1868 1869)
Galveston (1870 1906)
Lightship LV-2918651915Frying Pan Shoal (1865 1871)
Martins Industry (1871 1875)
Frying Pan Shoal (1875 1877)
Relief (1877 1880)
Martins Industry (1880 1887)
Relief (1887 1888)
Frying Pan Shoal (1888 1892)
Relief (1893 1906)
Martins Industry (1906 1911)
Relief (1911 1915)
Lightship LV-3018631871Rattlesnake Shoal (1863 1871)Un­known[B][31]
Lightship LV-3118651871Wreck of Weehawken (1865 1871)Formerly James Gray, commissioned in the Confederate States Navy as CSS Lady Davis. Captured by the USN in 1865, stripped, and transferred into lightship service. LV-31 served until 1871 after which her fate is unknown.[B][32]
Lightship LV-3218631890Frying Pan Shoal (1863 1864)
Martins Industry (1864 1871)
Relief (1871 1877)
Frying Pan Shoal (1877 1883)
Relief (1883 1886)
Rattlesnake Shoal (1886 1889)
Relief (1889 1890)
Lightship LV-3318571872Relief (1857 1861)
Martins Industry (1862 1864)
Relief (1864 1868)
Fishing Rip (1868 1869)
Tybee Island Knoll (1869 1872)
Lightship LV-3418661924Relief (1866 1876)
Frying Pan Shoal (1871 1875)
Martins Industry (1876 1880)
Rattlesnake Shoal (1880 1886)
Martins Industry (1887 1892)
Rattlesnake Shoal (1892 1894)
Charleston (1894 1924)
Lightship LV-3518581862Martins Industry (1858 1862)it was originally sunk by the Confederate States Navy in the Savannah River in 1862. Four years later it was raised, and intended to be used for lightship duly as LV-35. Subsequently, it was found to be too damaged so it was scrapped.[D][36]
Lightship LV-3718691893Five Fathoms Bank (1869 1876)
Winter Quarter Shoal (1876 1888)
Relief (1888)
Fenwick Island Shoal (1888 1892)
Relief (1892 1893)
Sank on station on August 4, 1893 with the loss of four crewmen.[E][37]
Lightship LV-3818701892Relief (1870 1871)
Rattlesnake Shoal (1871 1880)
Relief (1881 1883)
Frying Pan Shoal (1883 1888)
Relief (1888 1889)
Rattlesnake Shoal (1889 1892)
Lightship LV-3918751935Vineyard Sound (1875 1876)
Five Fathom Bank (1876 1877)
Relief (1877 1897)
Brenton Reef (1897 1935)
Sank in 1975 near Beverly, Massachusetts.[39]
Lightship LV-5818941905Nantucket New South Shoal (1894 1896)
Fire Island (1896 1897)
Relief (1897 1905)
Sank in 1905 due to a gale.[40]
Lightship LV-7118971918Diamond Shoals (1897 1918)Torpedoed, and sank in 1918[41]
Lightship LV-7319011944Pollock Rip Shoal (1901 19??)
Vineyard Sound (19?? 1944)
Sunk on September 19, 1944 in a hurricane.[42]
Lightship LV-7919041967Five Fathom Bank (1904 1924)
Relief (1924 1926)
Barnegat (1927 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Barnegat (1945 1967)
Now a museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[43]
Lightship LV-8219121936Buffalo (1912-1913)
Relief (1916-1925)
Eleven Foot (1926-1936)
Scrapped in 1942, or possibly sunk by vandals in 1945.[44]
Lightship LV-8319051960Blunts Reef (1905 1930)
San Francisco (1930 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
San Francisco (1945 1951)
Relief (1951 1960)
Now a museum in Seattle, Washington.[45]
Lightship LV-8719071966Now a museum in New York City, New York.
Lightship LV-9718951918Bush Bluff (1895 1918)Scrapped in 1945.[46]
Lightship LV-10019291971Blunts Reef (1930 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Blunts Reef (1945 1959)
Relief (1959 1969)
San Francisco (1969 1971)
Transferred to the U.S. Navy on August 6, 1971 for further transfer to Vietnam. it is unknown what became of this ship.[F][47]
Lightship LV-10119161963Cape Charles (1916 1924)
Relief (1925 1926)
Overfalls (1926 1951)
Stonehorse Shoal (1951 1963)
Now a museum in Portsmouth, Virginia.[48]
Lightship LV-10219161963Southwest Pass (1917 1918)
South Pass (1918 1933)
Relief (1933 1934)
Brenton Reef (1935 1962)
Cross Rip (1962 1963)
Lightship LV-10319211970Relief (1921 1923)
Grays Reef (1924 1926)
Relief (1927 1928)
Grays Reef (1929)
Relief (1929 1933)
North Manitou Shoal (1934 1935)
Relief (1935)
Lake Huron (1936 1970)
Now a museum in Port Huron, Michigan.[50]
Lightship LV-10519221944Diamond Shoal (1922 1942)
Examination vessel (1942 1944)
Lightship LV-10619231967Nantucket Shoals (1923 1931)
Relief (1931 1934)
Nantucket Shoals (1934 1936)
Relief (1936 1942)
Examination vessel (1942 1945)
Relief (1945 1967)
Lightship LV-10719231968Cape Lookout Shoals (1924 1933)
Winter Quarter Shoal (1934 1942)
Examination vessel (1942 1956)
Winter Quarter Shoal (1945 1960)
Delaware (1960 1965)
Relief (Third District) (1965 1968)
Moored at the Liberty Landing Marina in Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey[53]
Lightship LV-10819231970Relief (Third District) (1923)
Five Fathom Bank (1924 1942)
Examination vessel (1942 1945)
Five Fathom Bank (1945 1970)
Lightship LV-10919231966Relief (6th district) (1924 1954)
Savannah (1954 1964)
New Orleans (165 1966)
Lightship LV-11019231972Pollack Rip (1924 1942)
Examination vessel (1942 1945)
Pollack Rip (1945 1947)
Vineyard Sound (1945 1947)
Cross Rip (1954 1958)
Buzzards Bay (1959 1961)
Relief (4th and 5th districts) (1961 1967)
Barnegat (1967 1969)
Five Fathom Bank (1970 1971)
Lightship LV-11119261969Northeast End (1927 1932)
Ambrose Channel (1932 1952)
Portland (1952 1969)
Lightship LV-11219361975Nantucket Shoals (1936 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Nantucket Shoals (1945 1958)
Relief (1958 1960)
Nantucket Shoals (1960 1975)
Now a museum in East Boston, Massachusetts.[58]
Lightship LV-11319301968Swiftsure Bank (1930 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Swiftsure Bank (1945 1961)
Umatilla Reef (1961)
Relief (1961 1968)
Sank on June 16, 1988 while being towed to Ketchikan, Alaska.[F][59]
Lightship LV-11419301971Fire Island (1930 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Diamond Shoal (1945 1947)
Relief (1947 1958)
Pollock Rip (1958 1969)
Portland (1969 1971)
Scrapped in 2007 after sinking (later raised) in New Bedford, Massachusetts.[F][60]
Lightship LV-11519301965Frying Pan Shoals (1930 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Frying Pan Shoals (1945 1964)
Relief (1964 1965)
Operational, and available for rent[F][61]
Lightship LV-11619301970Fenwick Island Shoal (1930 1933)
Chesapeake (1933 1942)
Examination Vessel, WWII (1942 1945)
Chesapeake (1945 1965)
Delaware (1965 1970)
Now a museum in Baltimore, Maryland[F][62]
Lightship LV-11719311934Nantucket Shoals (1931 1934)Sank in 1934 after being struck by the RMS Olympic.[F][63]
Lightship LV-11819381972Cornfield Point (1938 1957)
Cross Rip (1958 1962)
Boston (1962 1972)
Now a museum in Lewes, Delaware.[64]
Lightship WLV-60419511979Columbia River (1951 1979)Now a museum in Astoria, Oregon.[65]
Lightship WAL-60519511975Overfalls (1951 1960)
Blunts Reef' (1960 1969)
Relief (1969 1975)
Now a museum in Oakland, California.[66]
Lightship WLV-61219501985San Francisco (1951 1969)
Blunts Reef (1969 1971)
Portland (1971 1975)
Nantucket Shoals (1975 1983)
Sold to private owner, operational and available for charter. She is the last lightship to be decommissioned by the coast guard.[67]
Lightship WLV-61319521983Ambrose Channel (1952 1967)
Relief (1967 1979)
Nantucket Shoals (1979 1983)
Sold to private owner. Located in Wareham and New Bedford, Massachusetts in the 2010s.[68]


  • ^ A. Name assigned retroactively in 1938. During her years in service, this ship was referred to exclusively by her station name.
  • ^ B. Name/hull number assigned between 186770. Previously, she was referred to exclusively by her station name.
  • ^ C. LV-12 was assigned to two ships. From circa 1867 to 1871, LV-12 was the former Guthrie and LV-22 was an unnamed Fifth District relief vessel. In 1871, old LV-12 was decommissioned and LV-22 was renumbered LV-12. For clarity, this list refers to her as LV-22 exclusively.
  • ^ D. Name/hull number assigned between 186768 in anticipation of her return to service, but she was found not fit, condemned, and sold.
  • ^ E. Either LV-37 or LV-38 was the first lightship to have launched with a LV designation. Except for the anomalously numbered LV-10 (which would have been 43), all subsequent US lightships were numbered sequentially.
  • ^ F. Six identical vessels: LV 100/WAL 523 (1929), LV 113/WAL 535 (1929) and LV 114 / WAL 536 (1930) built at Albina Iron Works, Portland, Oregon. LV 115 / WAL 537 (1930), LV 116 / WAL 538 (1930) and LV 117 (1930) built at Charleston Drydock & Machine Company, Charleston, South Carolina.


  1. Flint, Willard. A History of U.S. Lightships. p. 2.
  2. Flint, Willard. A History of U.S. Lightships. p. 19.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 "Early U.S. Lightships". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  4. "Vessel Designation: LV1". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  5. "Vessel Designation: LV2". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  6. "Vessel Designation: LV3". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  7. "Vessel Designation: LV4". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  8. "Vessel Designation: LV5". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  9. "Vessel Designation: LV6". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Archived from the original on December 12, 2012. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  10. "Vessel Designation: LV7". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  11. "Vessel Designation: LV8". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  12. "Vessel Designation: LV9". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Archived from the original on December 12, 2012. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  13. "Vessel Designation: LV10". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  14. "Vessel Designation: LV11". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  15. 1 2 "Vessel Designation: LV12". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  16. "Vessel Designation: LV13". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  17. "Vessel Designation: LV14". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  18. "Vessel Designation: LV15". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  19. "Vessel Designation: LV16". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  20. "Vessel Designation: LV17". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  21. "Vessel Designation: LV18". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  22. "Vessel Designation: LV19". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  23. "Vessel Designation: LV20". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  24. "Vessel Designation: LV21". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  25. "Eel Grass Shoal Lightship Station History". United States Coast Guard Lightship Sailors Association. October 23, 2006. Retrieved July 19, 2008.
  26. "Vessel Designation: LV23". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  27. "Vessel Designation: LV24". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  28. "Vessel Designation: LV25". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  29. "Vessel Designation: LV28". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  30. "Vessel Designation: LV29". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  31. "Vessel Designation: LV30". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  32. "Vessel Designation: LV31". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  33. "Vessel Designation: LV32". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  34. "Vessel Designation: LV33". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  35. "Vessel Designation: LV34". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  36. "Vessel Designation: LV35". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  37. "Vessel Designation: LV37". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. June 18, 2008. Retrieved August 24, 2008.
  38. "Vessel Designation: LV38". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. July 28, 2008. Retrieved September 4, 2008.
  39. "Vessel Designation: LV39" (PDF). U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. July 28, 2008. Retrieved September 4, 2008.
  40. "Vessel Designation: LV 58". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  41. "Wreck of Diamond Shoal Lightship No. 71".
  43. "Vessel Designation: LV 79/WAL 506". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  44. "Buffalo Lightship LV-82". Lightship Sailors Association. Retrieved 2 July 2017.
  45. "Vessel Designation: LV 83/WAL 508". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  46. "Vessel Designation: LV 97". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  47. "Vessel Designation: LV 100/WAL 523". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved April 24, 2015.
  48. "Vessel Designation: LV 101 / WAL 524". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  49. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  50. "Vessel Designation: LV 103/WAL 526". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  51. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  52. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  53. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  54. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  55. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  56. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  57. Flint, Willard (1989). Lightships and Lightship Stations of the U.S. Government. U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office.
  58. "Vessel Designation: LV 112/WAL 534". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  59. "Vessel Designation: LV 113/WAL 535". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved April 24, 2015.
  60. "Vessel Designation: LV 114 / WAL 536". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  61. "Vessel Designation: LV 115 / WAL 537". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  62. "Vessel Designation: LV 116 / WAL 538". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  63. "Vessel Designation: LV 117". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  64. "Vessel Designation: LV 118/WAL 539". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  65. "Vessel Designation: WLV 604". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  66. "Vessel Designation: WLV 605". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.
  67. "Nantucket I Lightship (WLV-612)". US Lighthouses. Retrieved January 4, 2018.
  68. "Vessel Designation: WLV 613". U.S. Coast Guard Lightships. United States Coast Guard. November 17, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2015.

Further reading

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