European Liberal Youth (LYMEC)
PresidentDan-Aria Sucuri[1]
Vice PresidentInes Holzegger
Secretary GeneralBàlint Gyevai
TreasurerTuuli Helind
HeadquartersRue d'Idalie 11, 6th floor, box 2, 1050 Brussels
Membership61 organisations across 38 countries
European federalism
Mother partyALDE
International affiliationInternational Federation of Liberal Youth

European Liberal Youth (abbreviated as LYMEC) is an international organisation of liberal youth movements – mostly the youth wings of members of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party but also individual members.[2]

LYMEC holds full members status to the European Youth Forum (YFJ).[3] It is the official youth wing of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party and holds separate votes in the statutory bodies of the ALDE Party.

Even though the organisation is now called European Liberal Youth, it is still known as LYMEC, which is the abbreviation of the name when the organisation was formed in 1976.[4][5] It was then known as Liberal and Radical Youth Movement of the European Communities.

Member organisations

  States with member organisations
Name in English Name in original language Country Mother party Type Status
Young Liberals of Andorra Joventut Liberal d'Andorra, JLA  Andorra PLA Youth Full member
ANC Youth  Armenia ANM Youth Full member
JUNOS – Young liberal NEOS JUNOS – Junge liberale NEOS  Austria NEOS Youth Full member
Musavat Youth Organization  Azerbaijan Musavat Youth Associate
Civil Forum Gramadzianski Forum  Belarus PFP Youth Full member
Young VLD Jong VLD  Belgium VLD Youth Full member
Federation of Liberal Students Fédération des Etudiants Libéraux, FEL  Belgium Students Full member
Youth of MR Jeunes MR  Belgium MR Youth Full member
Young Liberals of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladi Liberali Bosne i Hercegovine, MLBiH  Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth Full member
Forum Mladih Naša stranka Youth forum of Naša stranka  Bosnia and Herzegovina Naša stranka Youth Full member
Youth Movement for Rights and Freedom (YMRF) Mladejko dvijeni za prav i svobodi  Bulgaria DPS Youth Full member
Young Croatian Liberals Mladi hrvatski liberali, MHL  Croatia HSLS Youth Full member
Croatian People's Party Youth Mladi Hrvatske Narodne Stranke – Liberalni Demokrati, mHNS  Croatia HNS Youth Full member
Istrian Democratic Youth (IDY)  Croatia IDS Youth Full member
Young ANO (Mladé ANO) Mladé ANO  Czech Republic ANO Youth Full member
The Danish Social Liberal Youth Radikal Ungdom, RU  Denmark RV Youth Full member
Young Liberals of Denmark Venstres Ungdom (VU)  Denmark V Youth Full member
Estonian Centre Party Youth Eesti Keskerakonna Noortekogu, YAECP  Estonia K Youth Full member
Estonian Reform Party Youth Eesti Reformierakonna Noortekogu, ERPY  Estonia RE Youth Full member
Centre Party Students Keskustan Opiskelijaliitto, KOL  Finland KESK Students Full member
Finnish Centre Youth Suomen Keskustanuoret, FCY  Finland KESK Youth Full member
Swedish Youth Svensk Ungdom, SU  Finland SFP Youth Full member
Young Radicals Jeunes Radicaux, JR  France MR Youth Full member
UDI Youth UDI Jeunes  France UDI Youth Associate
Federal Association of Liberal Students Groups Bundesverband Liberaler Hochschulgruppen, LHG  Germany FDP Students Full member
Young Liberals Junge Liberale, JuLis  Germany FDP Youth Full member
Young Liberals Greece Ελεύθεροι Νέοι, ΕΛ.ΝΕ  Greece Youth Full member
Momentum TizenX -  Hungary Momentum Youth Full Member
Hungarian Liberal Youth LiFT – Liberális Fiatalok Társasága  Hungary Liberalisok Youth Associate
Ógra Fianna Fáil -  Ireland FF Youth Full Member
Uppreisn  Iceland Viðreisn Youth Full Member
Youth Forum of AKR Kosovo Kosovo AKR Youth Associate
Youth for Development Jaunieši attīstībai  Latvia LA Youth Full Member
Movement For! Youth Par! Jauniešiem  Latvia Par! Youth Full Member
Lithuanian Liberal Youth Lietuvos liberalus jaunimas, LLJ  Lithuania Youth Full member
Young Democrats of Luxemburg Jonk Demokraten  Luxembourg PD Youth Full member
Liberal-Democratic Youth Liberalno-Demokratska Mladina, LiDeM  North Macedonia LDP Youth Full member
Liberal youth of Montenegro Mladi Liberali Crne Gore, MLCG  Montenegro LPCG Youth Full member
Liberal Youth of Moldova  Moldova PL Youth Full member
Young Democrats Jonge Democraten, JD  Netherlands D66 Youth Full member
Youth Organisation Freedom and Democracy Jongeren Organisatie Vrijheid & Democratie, JOVD  Netherlands VVD Youth Full member
Young Liberals of Norway Norges Unge Venstre, NUV  Norway V Youth Full member
Norwegian Liberal Students Norges Liberale Studentforbund, NLSF  Norway V Students Associate
Nowoczesna Youth Młodzi .Nowocześni  Poland .N Youth Associate
Save Romania Union Youth USR Tineret  Romania USR Youth Associate
Vesna Youth Democratic Movement Молодёжное демократическое движения «Весна»  Russia Youth Full member
New Party Youth Forum Forum mladih Nove stranke  Serbia Nova Youth Full member
Liberal Democratic Party Youth (mLDP)  Serbia LDP Youth Full member
Youth Circle of SMC Krog Mladih SMC  Slovenia SMC Youth Associate
Young Progressives Mladí progresívci, MP  Slovakia PS Youth Full member
Young Citizens Jóvenes Ciudadanos, Jcs  Spain Cs Youth Full member
Nationalist Youth of Catalonia Joventut Nacionalista de Catalunya, JNC  Spain JUNTS Youth Full member
Centre Party Students Centerstudenter, CS  Sweden C Students Full member
Centre Party Youth Centerpartiets ungdomsförbund, CUF  Sweden C Youth Full member
Liberal Youth of Sweden Liberala ungdomsförbundet, LUF  Sweden L Youth Full member
Young Liberals of Switzerland Jungfreisinnige Schweiz, JFS   Switzerland FDP Youth Full member
Young Green Liberals of Switzerland Junge Grünliberale, jglp   Switzerland glp Youth Full member
European Youth of Ukraine Європейська молодь України, EMU  Ukraine Youth Full member
Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine Ліберально-демократична ліга України, LDLU  Ukraine Youth Full member
Ze!Molodizhka Зе!Молодіжка  Ukraine SN Youth Associate
Young Liberals  United Kingdom LD Youth Full member
Gibraltar Liberal Youth (GLY) -  United Kingdom LPG Youth Full member
Alliance Youth -  United Kingdom Alliance Party Youth Associate


In 2020, LYMEC adopted a resolution, according to which the organisations call for recognition of Taiwan as an independent country. The initiative was submitted by the Danish member organisation Radikal Ungdom.[6]

See also


  1. "Meet the LYMEC Bureau 2022 - 2024!". LYMEC. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
  2. "About". LYMEC. Retrieved 16 June 2020.
  3. "Our Members". European Youth Forum. Retrieved 16 June 2020.
  4. Haute, Emilie van; Close, Caroline (12 February 2019). Liberal Parties in Europe. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-351-24548-7.
  5. Corijn, Lex; Krings, Thomas (2004). Liberalism in the European Union: The Way Forward. BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. p. 28. ISBN 978-3-8305-0601-0.
  6. "Pan-European youth group recognizes Taiwan's independence". Taiwan News. 16 November 2020. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
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