Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu High School in Bârlad in the 1930s

The Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu National College (Romanian: Colegiul Național Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu) is a high school in the city of Bârlad, Romania.

The school was established by Gheorghe and Neculai Roșca Codreanu as a gymnasium in 1858,[1] being upgraded to a complete high school in 1864. It is the fourth high school established in Romania, after the ones in Bucharest, Iași, and Craiova. The present building of the school was inaugurated on April 27, 1886.[2] It is listed as a historic monument by Romania's Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs.[3]



  1. Iacov Antonovici - Frații Gheorghe și Neculai Roșca Codrianu, fundatorii liceului și școlii secundare-profesionale de fete din Bârlad
  2. "Colegiul Național Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu".
  3. (in Romanian) Lista Monumentelor Istorice 2010: Județul Vaslui
Gheorghe Roșca Codreanu National College in Bârlad

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