Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, is a multinational state, and is home to over 190 ethnic groups nationwide. According to the population census at the end of 2021, more than 147.1 million people lived in Russia, which is 4.3 million more than in the 2010 census, or 3.03%. At the same time, only 130.587 million census participants indicated their nationality. The top ten largest nations besides Russians included in descending order: Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Avars, Armenians, Ukrainians, Dargins and Kazakhs. Population censuses in Russia allow citizens to report their nationality according not only to their ancestry, but also to self-identification.[1] The 83 (or 85) federal subjects which together constitute the Russian Federation include:

Ethnic groups of Russia, 1926–2021

Categories Year
1926 Census 1939 Census 1959 Census 1970 Census 1979 Census 1989 Census 2002 Census 2010 Census 2021 Census[3]
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %, Number % of total population % of those who declared ethnicity Number % of total population % of those who declared ethnicity Number % of total population % of those who declared ethnicity
Russians Slavic European Russia 71,374,28378.1% 89,747,79582.9% 97,863,57983.3% 107,747,63082.8% 113,521,88182.6% 119,865,46981.5% 115,889,107 79.83%80.6% 111,016,896 77.71%80.9% 105,620,17971.76% 80.85%
Tatars Turkic European Russia 3,926,0533.2% 3,682,9563.4% 4,074,2533.5% 4,577,0613.5% 5,055,7573.6% 5,522,0963.8% 5,554,601 3.83%3.9% 5,310,649 3.72%3.9% 4,713,6693.2% 3.61%
Chechens Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 318,3610.34% 400,3250.37% 261,3110.22% 572,2200.44% 712,1610.52% 898,9990.61% 1,360,253 0.95%0.95% 1,431,360 1.00%1.04% 1,674,8541.14% 1.28%
Bashkir Turkic European Russia 738,8610.80% 824,5370.76% 953,8010.81% 1,180,9130.91% 1,290,9940.94% 1,345,2730.92% 1,673,389 1.16%1.16% 1,584,554 1.11%1.15% 1,571,8791.07% 1.2%
Chuvashs Turkic European Russia 1,112,4781.20% 1,346,2321.24% 1,436,2181.22% 1,637,0281.26% 1,689,8471.23% 1,773,6451.21% 1,637,094 1.14%1.14% 1,435,872 1.01%1.05% 1,067,1390.73% 0.82%
Avars Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 178,2630.19% 235,7150.22% 249,5290.21% 361,6130.28% 438,3060.32% 544,0160.37% 814,473 0.57%0.57% 912,090 0.64%0.66% 1,012,0740.69% 0.78%
Armenians Indo-European Caucasus 183,7850.20% 205,2330.19% 255,9780.22% 298,7180.23% 364,5700.27% 532,3900.36% 1,132,033 0.79%0.79% 1,182,388 0.83%0.86% 946,1720.64% 0.72%
Ukrainians Slavic European Russia 6,870,9767.9% 3,205,0613.0% 3,359,0832.9% 3,345,8852.6% 3,657,6472.7% 4,362,8723.0% 2,942,961 2.03%2.0% 1,927,888 1.35%1.4% 884,0070.6% 0.68%
Dargins Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 125,7590.14% 152,0070.14% 152,5630.13% 224,1720.17% 280,4440.20% 353,3480.24% 510,156 0.35%0.35% 589,386 0.41%0.43% 626,6010.43% 0.48%
Kazakhs Turkic Southern 136,5010.15% 356,5000.33% 382,4310.33% 477,8200.37% 518,0600.38% 635,8650.43% 653,962 0.46%0.46% 647,732 0.45%0.47% 591,9700.4% 0.45%
Kumyks Turkic Caucasus 94,5090.10% 110,2990.10% 132,8960.11% 186,6900.14% 225,8000.16% 277,1630.19% 422,409 0.29%0.29% 503,060 0.35%0.37% 565,8300.38% 0.43%
Kabardins Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 139,8640.15% 161,2160.15% 200,6340.17% 277,4350.21% 318,8220.23% 386,0550.26% 519,958 0.36%0.36% 516,826 0.36%0.38% 523,4040.36% 0.4%
Ingush Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 72,1370.08% 90,9800.08% 55,7990.05% 137,3800.11% 165,9970.12% 215,0680.15% 413,016 0.29%0.29% 444,833 0.31%0.32% 517,1860.35% 0.4%
Lezgins Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 92,9370.10% 100,3280.09% 114,2100.10% 170,4940.13% 202,8540.15% 257,2700.17% 411,535 0.28%0.29% 473,722 0.33%0.34% 488,6080.33% 0.37%
Ossetians Iranian Caucasus 157,2800.17% 195,6240.18% 247,8340.21% 313,4580.24% 352,0800.26% 402,2750.27% 514,875 0.36%0.36% 528,515 0.37%0.38% 485,6460.33% 0.37%
Mordvins Uralic European Russia 1,306,7981.41% 1,375,5581.27% 1,211,1051.03% 1,177,4920.91% 1,111,0750.81% 1,072,9390.73% 843,350 0.59%0.59% 744,237 0.52%0.54% 484,4500.33% 0.37%
Yakuts (icl. Dolgans 1939–1959) Turkic Far East 240,6820.26% 241,8700.22% 236,1250.20% 295,2230.23% 326,5310.24% 380,2420.26% 443,852 0.31%0.31% 478,085 0.34%0.35% 478,4090.33% 0.37%
Azerbaijanis Turkic Caucasus 24,3350.03% 43,0140.04% 70,9470.06% 95,6890.07% 152,4210.11% 335,8890.23% 621,840 0.43%0.43% 603,070 0.42%0.44% 474,5760.32% 0.36%
Buryats (incl. Soyots 1939–1989) Mongolic Siberia 237,4900.26% 220,6180.20% 251,5040.21% 312,8470.24% 349,7600.25% 417,4250.28% 445,175 0.31%0.31% 461,389 0.32%0.34% 460,0530.31% 0.35%
Mari Uralic European Russia 427,8740.46% 476,3140.44% 498,0660.42% 581,0820.45% 599,6370.44% 643,6980.44% 604,298 0.42%0.42% 547,605 0.38%0.40% 423,8030.29% 0.32%
Udmurts (incl. Besermyan 1939–1989) Uralic European Russia 503,9700.54% 599,8930.55% 615,6400.52% 678,3930.52% 685,7180.50% 714,8830.49% 636,906 0.44%0.45% 552,299 0.39%0.40% 386,4650.26% 0.3%
Tajiks Iranian Saint Petersburg 520.00% 3,3150.00% 7,0270.01% 14,1080.01% 17,8630.01% 38,2080.03% 120,136 0.08%0.08% 200,666 0.14%0.15% 350,2360.24% 0.27%
Uzbeks Turkic Moscow 9420.00% 16,1660.01% 29,5120.03% 61,5880.05% 72,3850.05% 126,8990.09% 122,916 0.09%0.09% 289,862 0.20%0.21% 323,2780.22% 0.25%
Tuvans Turkic Siberia 2000.00% 7940.00% 99,8640.08% 139,0130.11% 165,4260.12% 206,1600.14% 243,442 0.17%0.17% 263,934 0.19%0.19% 295,3840.2% 0.23%
Crimean Tatars Turkic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 4160.00% 2,8520.00% 5,1650.00% 21,2750.01% 4,131 0.00% 2,449 0.00% 257,5920.18% 0.2%
Karachays Turkic Caucasus 55,1160.06% 74,4880.07% 70,5370.06% 106,8310.08% 125,7920.09% 150,3320.10% 192,182 0.13%0.13% 218,403 0.15%0.16% 226,2710.15% 0.17%
Belarusians Slavic European Russia 607,8450.66% 451,9330.42% 843,9850.72% 964,0820.74% 1,051,9000.77% 1,206,2220.82% 807,970 0.56%0.56% 521,443 0.37%0.38% 208,0460.14% 0.16%
Germans Germanic European Russia 707,2770.76% 811,2050.75% 820,0160.70% 761,8880.59% 790,7620.58% 842,2950.57% 597,212 0.41%0.42% 394,138 0.28%0.29% 195,2560.13% 0.15%
Kalmyks Mongolic Caucasus 128,8090.14% 129,7860.12% 100,6030.09% 131,3180.10% 140,1030.10% 165,1030.11% 174,000 0.12%0.12% 183,372 0.13%0.13% 179,5470.12% 0.14%
Laks Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 40,2430.04% 54,3480.05% 58,3970.05% 78,6250.06% 91,4120.07% 106,2450.07% 156,545 0.11%0.11% 178,630 0.13%0.13% 173,4160.12% 0.13%
Roma Indo-Aryan European Russia 39,0890.04% 59,1980.05% 72,4880.06% 97,9550.08% 120,6720.09% 152,9390.10% 183,252 0.13%0.13% 204,958 0.14%0.15% 173,4000.12% 0.13%
Tabasarans Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 31,9830.03% 33,4710.03% 34,2880.03% 54,0470.04% 73,4330.05% 93,5870.06% 131,785 0.09%0.09% 146,360 0.10%0.11% 151,4660.1% 0.12%
Komi (incl. Komi-Permyak 1939) Uralic European Russia 226,0120.24% 415,0090.38% 281,7800.24% 315,3470.24% 320,0780.23% 336,3090.23% 293,406 0.20%0.20% 228,235 0.16%0.17% 148,5160.1% 0.11%
Kyrgyz Turkic Moscow 2850.00% 6,3110.01% 4,7010.00% 9,1070.01% 15,0110.01% 41,7340.03% 31,808 0.02%0.02% 103,422 0.07%0.08% 137,7800.09% 0.11%
Balkars Turkic Caucasus 33,2980.04% 41,9490.04% 35,2490.03% 52,9690.04% 61,8280.04% 78,3410.05% 108,426 0.08%0.08% 112,924 0.08%0.08% 125,0440.08% 0.1%
Turks (incl. Meskhetian Turks 1926–1989) Turkic Caucasus 1,8460.00% 2,6680.00% 1,3770.00% 1,5680.00% 3,5610.00% 9,8900.01% 92,415 0.06%0.06% 105,058 0.07%0.08% 116,7050.08% 0.09%
Cherkess / Circassians (in Adyghe 1926–1939) Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 28,9860.02% 38,3560.03% 44,5720.03% 50,5720.03% 60,517 0.04% 73,184 0.05% 114,6970.08% 0.09%
Georgians South Caucasian Caucasus 20,5510.02% 43,5850.04% 57,5940.05% 68,9710.05% 89,4070.07% 130,6880.09% 197,934 0.14%0.14% 157,803 0.11%0.11% 112,7650.08% 0.09%
Adyghe (incl. Shapsugs 1926–1989 and Cherkess 1926–1939) Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 64,9590.07% 85,5880.08% 78,5610.07% 98,4610.08% 107,2390.08% 122,9080.08% 128,528 0.09%0.09% 124,835 0.09%0.09% 111,4710.08% 0.09%
Nogais Turkic Caucasus 36,0890.04% 36,0880.03% 37,6560.03% 51,1590.04% 58,6390.04% 73,7030.05% 90,666 0.06%0.06% 103,660 0.07%0.08% 109,0420.07% 0.08%
Koreans Koreanic Far East 86,7990.09% 11,3450.01% 91,4450.08% 101,3690.08% 97,6490.07% 107,0510.07% 148,556 0.10%0.10% 153,156 0.11%0.11% 87,8190.06% 0.07%
Altay Turkic Siberia 52,2480.06% 46,4890.04% 44,6540.04% 54,6140.04% 58,8790.04% 69,4090.05% 77,822 0.05%0.05% 89,773 0.05%0.06% 83,1250.06% 0.06%
Jews Semitic European Russia 539,0860.58% 891,1470.82% 875,0580.74% 807,5260.62% 699,2860.51% 550,7090.37% 233,439 0.16%0.16% 156,801 0.11%0.11% 82,6440.06% 0.06%
Moldovans Romance European Russia 16,8700.02% 21,9740.02% 62,2980.05% 87,5380.07% 102,1370.07% 172,6710.12% 172,330 0.12%0.12% 156,400 0.11%0.11% 77,5090.05% 0.06%
Khakas Turkic Siberia 45,6070.05% 52,0330.05% 56,0320.05% 65,3680.05% 69,2470.05% 78,5000.05% 76,278 0.05% 72,959 0.05% 61,3650.04% 0.05%
Komi-Permyak (in Komi 1939) Uralic European Russia 149,2750.16% 143,0300.12% 150,2440.12% 145,9930.11% 147,2690.10% 125,235 0.09%0.09% 94,456 0.07%0.07% 55,7860.04% 0.04%
Pontic Greeks (including Caucasus Greeks) Hellenic Caucasus 34,4390.04% 65,7050.06% 47,0240.04% 57,8470.04% 69,8160.05% 91,6990.06% 97,827 0.07%0.07% 85,640 0.06%0.06% 53,9720.04% 0.04%
Nenets (incl. Enets 1926–1979 and Nganasans 1926–1939) Uralic Siberia 17,5600.02% 24,7160.02% 22,8450.02% 28,4870.02% 29,4870.02% 34,1900.02% 41,302 0.03% 44,640 0.03% 49,6460.03% 0.04%
Abazas Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 13,8250.01% 14,7390.01% 19,0590.02% 24,8920.02% 28,8000.02% 32,9830.02% 37,942 0.03% 43,341 0.03% 41,7930.03% 0.03%
Turkmens Turkic Caucasus 7,8490.01% 12,8690.01% 11,6310.01% 20,0400.02% 22,9790.02% 39,7390.03% 33,053 0.02% 36,885 0.03% 41,3280.03% 0.03%
Evenks Tungusic Far East 38,8040.03% 29,5990.02% 24,5830.02% 25,0510.02% 27,2780.02% 29,9010.02% 35,527 0.02% 37,843 0.03% 39,2260.03% 0.03%
Aghuls Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 7,6530.01% SDPSDP 6,4600.01% 8,7510.01% 11,7520.01% 17,7280.01% 28,297 0.02% 34,160 0.02% 34,5760.02% 0.03%
Rutuls Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 10,3330.01% SDPSDP 6,7030.01% 11,9040.01% 14,8350.01% 19,5030.01% 29,929 0.02% 35,240 0.03% 34,2590.02% 0.03%
Karelians Uralic European Russia 248,0170.27% 249,7780.23% 164,0500.14% 141,1480.11% 133,1820.10% 124,9210.08% 93,344 0.06% 60,815 0.04% 32,4220.02% 0.02%
Khanty Uralic Urals 22,3010.02% 18,4470.02% 19,2460.02% 21,0070.02% 20,7430.02% 22,2830.02% 28,678 0.02% 30,943 0.02% 31,4670.02% 0.02%
Yazidis Iranian Caucasus 10.00% 31,273 0.02% 40,586 0.03% 26,2570.02% 0.02%
Kurds (incl. Yazidis 1939–1989) Iranian Caucasus 1640.00% 3870.00% 8550.00% 1,0150.00% 1,6340.00% 4,7240.00% 19,607 0.01% 23,232 0.01% 24,6570.01% 0.02%
Poles Slavic European Russia 189,2690.20% 142,4610.13% 118,4220.10% 107,0840.08% 99,7330.07% 94,5940.06% 73,001 0.05% 47,125 0.03% 22,0240.01% 0.02%
Evens Tungusic Far East 2,0440.00% 9,6740.01% 9,0230.01% 11,8190.01% 12,2150.01% 17,0550.01% 19,071 0.01% 22,383 0.02% 19,9130.01% 0.02%
Chinese Sino-Tibetan Far East 8,7390.01% 22,4910.02% 19,0970.02% 7,9870.01% 5,7430.00% 5,1970.00% 34,577 0.02% 28,943 0.02% 19,6440.01% 0.02%
Arabs Semitic Caucasus 4660.00% 940.00% 6490.00% 2,5550.00% 2,3390.00% 2,7040.00% 10,811 0.01% 9,583 0.01% 16,3290.01% 0.01%
Chukchi (incl. Kereks 1926–1989 and Chuvans 1939–1979) Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 12,3310.01% 13,8300.01% 11,6800.01% 13,5000.01% 13,9370.01% 15,1070.01% 15,767 0.01% 15,908 0.01% 16,2000.01% 0.01%
Lithuanians Baltic European Russia 26,1280.03% 20,7950.02% 108,5790.09% 76,7180.06% 66,7830.05% 70,4270.05% 45,569 0.03% 31,377 0.02% 13,2300.01% 0.01%
Tsakhurs Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 3,5330.00% SDPSDP 4,4370.00% 4,7300.00% 4,7740.00% 6,4920.00% 10,366 0.01% 12,769 0.01% 12,5410.01% 0.01%
Mansi Uralic Urals 5,7540.01% 6,2950.01% 6,3180.01% 7,6090.01% 7,4340.01% 8,2790.01% 11,432 0.01% 12,269 0.01% 12,2280.01% 0.01%
Bulgarians Slavic European Russia 4,0870.00% 8,3380.01% 24,8990.02% 27,3210.02% 24,9430.02% 32,7850.02% 31,965 0.02% 24,038 0.02% 11,8510.01% 0.01%
Nanais Tungusic Far East 5,8600.01% 8,4110.01% 7,9190.01% 9,9110.01% 10,3570.01% 11,8830.01% 12,160 0.01% 12,003 0.01% 11,6230.01% 0.01%
Shors Turkic Siberia 13,0000.01% 16,0420.01% 14,9380.01% 15,9500.01% 15,1820.01% 15,7450.01% 13,975 0.01% 12,888 0.01% 10,5070.01% 0.01%
Gagauz Turkic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 3,0120.00% 3,7040.00% 4,1760.00% 10,0510.01% 12,210 0.01% 13,690 0.01% 9,2720.01% 0.01%
Latvians Baltic European Russia 124,3120.13% 104,8770.10% 74,9320.06% 59,6950.05% 67,2670.05% 46,8290.03% 28,520 0.02% 18,979 0.01% 8,5160.01% 0.01%
Abkhaz Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 970.00% 6470.00% 1,4000.00% 2,4270.00% 4,0580.00% 7,2390.00% 11,366 0.01% 11,249 0.01% 8,1770.01% 0.01%
Dolgans (in Yakuts 1939–1959) Turkic Siberia 6560.00% 4,7180.00% 4,9110.00% 6,5840.00% 7,261 0.01% 7,885 0.01% 8,1570.01% 0.01%
Finns Uralic European Russia 134,0890.14% 138,9620.13% 72,3560.06% 62,3070.05% 55,6870.04% 47,1020.03% 34,050 0.02% 20,267 0.01% 7,9780.01% 0.01%
Vietnamese Austro-Asiatic Moscow 00.00% 00.00% 7810.00% 6,2870.00% 6610.00% 2,1420.00% 26,206 0.02% 13,954 0.01% 7,8590.01% 0.01%
Estonians Uralic European Russia 146,0510.16% 130,4940.12% 78,5560.07% 62,9800.05% 55,5390.04% 46,3900.03% 28,113 0.02% 17,875 0.01% 7,7780.01% 0.01%
Indians Indo-Aryan European Russia 170.00% 00.00% 2160.00% 1,3780.00% 1810.00% 5350.00% 4,980 0.00% 4,058 0.00% 7,6670.01% 0.01%
Koryaks Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 7,4370.01% 7,3370.01% 6,1680.01% 7,3670.01% 7,6370.01% 8,9420.01% 8,743 0.01% 7,953 0.01% 7,4850.01% 0.01%
Nağaybäk Turkic Urals 111960.01% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 9,600 0.01% 8,148 0.01% 5,7190.00% 0.00%
Veps Uralic Northwest 32,7830.04% 31,4420.03% 16,1700.01% 8,0570.01% 7,5500.01% 12,1420.01% 8,240 0.01% 5,936 0.00% 4,5340.00% 0.00%
Assyrians Semitic Caucasus 2,7910.00% 7,4460.01% 7,6120.01% 8,0980.01% 8,7080.01% 9,6220.01% 13,649 0.01% 11,084 0.01% 4,4210.00% 0.00%
Soyots (in Buryats 1939–1989) Mongolic Siberia 2290.00% 2,769 0.00% 3,608 0.00% 4,3680.00% 0.00%
Meskhetian Turks (in Turks 1926–1989) Turkic Caucasus 3,527 0.00% 4,825 0.00% 4,0950.00% 0.00%
Nivkh Nivkh Far East 4,0760.00% 3,8570.00% 3,6900.00% 4,3560.00% 4,3660.00% 4,6310.00% 5,162 0.00% 4,652 0.00% 3,8420.00% 0.00%
Talysh Iranian Caucasus 00.00% 470.00% 330.00% 20.00% 2020.00% 2,548 0.00% 2,529 0.00% 3,5950.00% 0.00%
Afghans Iranian Moscow 380.00% 1900.00% 1750.00% 5610.00% 1840.00% 8580.00% 9,800 0.01% 5,350 0.00% 3,5360.00% 0.00%
Selkups Uralic Siberia 1,6300.00% 2,6040.00% 3,7040.00% 4,2490.00% 3,5180.00% 3,5640.00% 4,249 0.00% 3,649 0.00% 3,4580.00% 0.00%
Dungans Sino-Tibetan Siberia 6,009 0.01% 48 0.00% 169 0.00% 304 0.00% 1,159 0.00% 635 0.00% 801 0.00% 1,651 0.00% 3,028 0.00% 0.00%
Itelmeni Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 8030.00% SSPSSP 1,0960.00% 1,2550.00% 1,3350.00% 2,4290.00% 3,180 0.00% 3,193 0.00% 2,5960.00% 0.00%
Udis Northeast Caucasian Caucasus 20.00% SDPSDP 350.00% 940.00% 2160.00% 1,1020.00% 3,721 0.00% 4,267 0.00% 2,5510.00% 0.00%
Ulchs Tungusic Far East 7230.00% SSPSSP 2,0490.00% 2,4100.00% 2,4940.00% 3,1730.00% 2,913 0.00% 2,765 0.00% 2,4720.00% 0.00%
Persians Iranian Caucasus 8,6260.01% 6,0410.01% 2,4900.00% 2,5480.00% 1,7470.00% 2,5720.00% 3,821 0.00% 3,696 0.00% 2,4340.00% 0.00%
Kumandins Turkic Siberia 6,3350.01% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 3,114 0.00% 2,892 0.00% 2,4080.00% 0.00%
Teleuts Turkic Siberia 1,8980.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 2,650 0.00% 2,643 0.00% 2,2170.00% 0.00%
Uygurs Turkic Siberia 260.00% 6420.00% 7200.00% 1,5130.00% 1,7070.00% 2,5770.00% 2,867 0.00% 3,696 0.00% 2,2170.00% 0.00%
Serbs Slavic European Russia 1,2780.00% 2,3730.00% 00.00% 1,4310.00% 8150.00% 1,5800.00% 4,156 0.00% 3,510 0.00% 2,1510.00% 0.00%
Hemshins Indo-European Caucasus 20.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 1,542 0.00% 2,047 0.00% 2,0820.00% 0.00%
Besermyan (in Udmurts 1939–1989) Uralic European Russia 10,0350.01% 3,122 0.00% 2,201 0.00% 2,0360.00% 0.00%
Shapsugs (in Adyghe 1926–1989) Northwest Caucasian Caucasus 3,231 0.00% 3,882 0.00% 1,9140.00% 0.00%
Romanians Romance European Russia 2,8810.00% 2,6820.00% 3,3160.00% 4,0930.00% 3,8370.00% 5,9960.00% 5,308 0.00% 3,201 0.00% 1,8500.00% 0.00%
Yukaghir Yukaghir Far East 4430.00% SSPSSP 4400.00% 5930.00% 8010.00% 1,1120.00% 1,509 0.00% 1,603 0.00% 1,8020.00% 0.00%
Inuit /Yupik Inuit–Yupik–Unangan Far East 1,2920.00% SSPSSP 1,1110.00% 1,2650.00% 1,4600.00% 1,7040.00% 1,750 0.00% 1,738 0.00% 1,657 0.00% 0.00%
Kamchadals Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 42160.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 2,293 0.00% 1,927 0.00% 1,5470.00% 0.00%
Sami Uralic European Russia 1,7150.00% 1,8280.00% 1,7600.00% 1,8360.00% 1,7750.00% 1,8350.00% 1,991 0.00% 1,771 0.00% 1,5300.00% 0.00%
Hungarians Uralic European Russia 3,8820.00% 00.00% 4,1750.00% 6,6810.01% 4,3130.00% 5,7420.00% 3,768 0.00% 2,781 0.00% 1,4600.00% 0.00%
Italians Romance European Russia 7490.00% 7130.00% 5250.00% 8890.00% 3560.00% 6270.00% 862 0.00% 1,370 0.00% 1,4600.00% 0.00%
French Romance European Russia 1,3380.00% 9910.00% 5350.00% 1,2430.00% 3050.00% 3520.00% 819 0.00% 1,475 0.00% 1,4570.00% 0.00%
Udege (incl. Taz 1926–1989) Tungusic Far East 1,3570.00% 1,7010.00% 1,3950.00% 1,3960.00% 1,4310.00% 1,9020.00% 1,657 0.00% 1,496 0.00% 1,3250.00% 0.00%
Mongols Mongolic Siberia 5480.00% 00.00% 1,5110.00% 3,7590.00% 1,8120.00% 2,1170.00% 2,656 0.00% 2,986 0.00% 1,318 0.00% 0.00%
Czechs Slavic European Russia 7,9960.01% 7,5260.01% 7,1740.01% 6,0730.00% 4,4910.00% 4,3750.00% 2,904 0.00% 1,898 0.00% 1,214 0.00% 0.00%
Spanish Romance European Russia 00.00% 2,2900.00% 1,6150.00% 2,6310.00% 1,9610.00% 2,0540.00% 1,547 0.00% 1,162 0.00% 1,175 0.00% 0.00%
British Germanic European Russia 5170.00% 4160.00% 3120.00% 5420.00% 1150.00% 2230.00% 529 0.00% 950 0.00% 1,167 0.00% 0.00%
Americans Germanic European Russia 00.00% 4570.00% 2730.00% 7850.00% 810.00% 1850.00% 1,275 0.00% 1,572 0.00% 1,1290.00% 0.00%
Ket Yeniseian Siberia 1,4280.00% SSPSSP 1,0170.00% 1,1610.00% 1,0720.00% 1,0840.00% 1,494 0.00% 1,219 0.00% 1,088 0.00% 0.00%
Krymchaks Turkic European Russia 6,185 0.01% 0 0.00% 249 0.00% 389 0.00% 1,365 0.00% 338 0.00% 157 0.00% 90 0.00% 954 0.00% 0.00%
Chuvans (in Chukchi 1939–1979) Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 7040.00% 1,3840.00% 1,087 0.00% 1,002 0.00% 9000.00% 0.00%
Karakalpaks Turkic Volga 140.00% 3060.00% 9880.00% 2,2670.00% 1,7430.00% 6,1550.00% 1,609 0.00% 1,466 0.00% 8380.00% 0.00%
Izhorians Uralic European Russia 16,136 0.02% 7,720 0.01% 564 0.00% 561 0.00% 449 0.00% 449 0.00% 327 0.00% 266 0.00% 781 0.00% 0.00%
Tofalar Turkic Siberia 2,8280.00% SSPSSP 4760.00% 5700.00% 5760.00% 7220.00% 837 0.00% 762 0.00% 7190.00% 0.00%
Cubans Romance European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 1,1750.00% 1,5660.00% 707 0.00% 676 0.00% 7010.00% 0.00%
Nganasans (in Nenets 1926–1939) Uralic Siberia 7210.00% 8230.00% 8420.00% 1,2620.00% 834 0.00% 862 0.00% 6870.00% 0.00%
Japanese Japonic Far East 790.00% 9220.00% 8880.00% 1,1410.00% 6550.00% 5910.00% 835 0.00% 888 0.00% 6630.00% 0.00%
Ruthenians Slavic European Russia 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 97 0.00% 225 0.00% 596 0.00% 0.00%
Tats Iranian Caucasus 2230.00% 5,1360.00% 8,7530.01% 12,7480.01% 19,4200.01% 2,303 0.00% 1,585 0.00% 5750.00% 0.00%
Orochs (incl. Oroks 1970–1979) Tungusic Far East 6460.00% SSPSSP 7790.00% 1,0370.00% 1,0400.00% 8830.00% 686 0.00% 596 0.00% 5270.00% 0.00%
Karaites Turkic European Russia 1,608 0.00% 1,608 0.00% 1,236 0.00% 939 0.00% 680 0.00% 366 0.00% 205 0.00% 500 0.00% 0.00%
Negidals Tungusic Far East 6830.00% SSPSSP 4950.00% 4770.00% 5870.00% 567 0.00% 513 0.00% 481 0.00% 0.00%
Pamiris Iranian European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 363 0.00% 4670.00% 0.00%
Pakistani Indo-Aryan European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 507 0.00% 4100.00% 0.00%
Aleut Inuit–Yupik–Unangan Far East 3530.00% SSPSSP 3990.00% 4100.00% 4890.00% 6440.00% 540 0.00% 482 0.00% 3970.00% 0.00%
Chulyms Turkic Siberia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 656 0.00% 355 0.00% 3820.00% 0.00%
Oroks (in Orochs 1970–1979) Tungusic Far East 1620.00% SSPSSP 20.00% 1790.00% 346 0.00% 295 0.00% 2680.00% 0.00%
Mountain Jews Semitic Caucasus 15,6120.02% 00.00% 19,3520.02% 15,4340.01% 6,5090.00% 11,2820.01% 3,394 0.00% 762 0.00% 2660.00% 0.00%
Taz (in Udege 1926–1989) Sino-Tibetan Far East 276 0.00% 274 0.00% 2350.00% 0.00%
Enets (in Nenets 1926–1979) Uralic Siberia 1980.00% 237 0.00% 227 0.00% 2010.00% 0.00%
Slovaks Slavic European Russia 00.00% 5130.00% 4970.00% 7580.00% 4390.00% 7110.00% 568 0.00% 324 0.00% 1930.00% 0.00%
Croats Slavic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 1740.00% 1150.00% 4790.00% 0 0.00% 304 0.00% 1770.00% 0.00%
Macedonians Slavic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 325 0.00% 1550.00% 0.00%
Slovenes Slavic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 1,008 0.00% 108 0.00% 0.00%
Votes Uralic European Russia 7050.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 73 0.00% 64 0.00% 99 0.00% 0.00%
Bosnians Slavic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 256 0.00% 980.00% 0.00%
Montenegrins Slavic European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 0 0.00% 181 0.00% 850.00% 0.00%
Kereks (in Chukchi 1926–1989) Chukotko-Kamchatkan Far East 8 0.00% 4 0.00% 230.00% 0.00%
Central Asian Jews Semitic, Turkic, Iranian European Russia 930.00% 00.00% 990.00% 910.00% 3360.00% 1,4070.00% 54 0.00% 32 0.00% 180.00% 0.00%
Georgian Jews South Caucasian Caucasus 820.00% 00.00% 1090.00% 1090.00% 1300.00% 1,1720.00% 53 0.00% 78 0.00% 140.00% 0.00%
Central Asian Rroma Indo-Aryan European Russia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 486 0.00% 49 0.00% 120.00% 0.00%
Small Dagestan Peoples (SDP) Caucasus 20,9620.02%
Small Siberian Peoples (SSP) Siberia 11,8240.01%
Other Ethnicity Russia 1,393,6850.95% 1.07%
Ethnicity not stated or stated No ethnicity Russia 17,136,96011.64%

Ethnic groups in Russia (2021)
(% of those who declared ethnicity)

  Russians (80.85%)
  Turkic peoples (8.64%)
  Uralic peoples (1.26%)
  Other Slavs (0.87%)
  Mongolic peoples (0.49%)
  Others (2.47%)

Population pyramids

Future projections

The ethnic demographic mix of the Russian Federation is projected to change far into the future. The majority population, ethnic Russians, who have been in slight decline since the 1950's will decline further due to a below replacement fertility rate and population ageing.[4] In 2010, rough population projections from Ivan Beloborodov projecting to 2030 estimated that the percentage of Russians within the population would decrease to around 70 to 60% of the total population.[5]

Language and culture

Although the constitution of Russia recognizes Russian as the official language, the individual republics may declare one or more official languages. Many of these subjects have at least two—Russian and the language of the "eponymous" nationality.[6] There is a minority language scene in most subjects of the country, with more than 1,350 newspapers and magazines, 300 TV channels and 250 radio stations in over 50 of these minority languages. Moreover, new legislation allows usage of minority languages in federal radio and TV broadcasting.

In 2007, there were 6,260 schools which provided teaching in 38 minority languages. Over 75 minority languages were taught as a discipline in 10,404 schools. The Ministers of Council of Europe has noted significant efforts to improve the supply of minority language textbooks and teachers, as well as a greater availability of minority language teaching. However, as Ministers has noted, there remain shortcomings in the access to education of a person(s) belonging to certain minorities.

There are more than 2,000 national minorities' public associations and 560 national cultural autonomies, however the Committee of Ministers has noted that in many regions, amount of state support for the preservation and development of minority cultures is still inadequate. There's a significant difference between "eponymous" ethnic groups and nationalities without their own national territory, as resources of the last are relatively limited.

Indigenous peoples

Russia is also home to a particular category of minority peoples, i.e. small indigenous peoples of the North and Far East, who maintain very traditional lifestyles, often in a hazardous climatic environment, while adapting to the modern world. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia passed legislation to protect rights of these small northern indigenous peoples.

Gil-Robles has noted agreements between indigenous representatives and oil companies, which are to compensate potential damages on peoples habitats due to oil exploration. As Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe noted in 2007,[7] despite some initiatives for development, the social and economic situation of numerically small indigenous peoples was affected by recent legislative amendments at the federal level, removing some positive measures as regards their access to land and other natural resources.[8]


See also

Indigenous peoples:


  1. "Результаты переписи населения 2021: буряты убывают, якуты возрастают". Золотая Орда — интернет-журнал (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-01-27.
  2. Demoskop Weekly No 543-544 Archived October 12, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
  3. "Национальный состав населения". Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved 30 December 2022.
  4. Chausovsky, Eugene (2021-02-09). "The City of Kazan and Russia's Non-Slavic Future". New Lines Magazine. Retrieved 2022-09-11.
  5. "Какова будет численность русских в ближайшие 10—20 лет?". 2012-01-06. Archived from the original on 6 January 2012. Retrieved 2022-09-11.
  6. "Definition of EPONYMOUS". Retrieved 2022-05-20.
  8. Alexseev, Mikhail A. (2016). "Backing the USSR 2.0". In Kolstø, Pål; Blakkisrud, Helge (eds.). Backing the USSR 2.0: Russia's ethnic minorities and expansionist ethnic Russian nationalism. Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism 2000–2015. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 160–191. ISBN 978-1-4744-1042-7. JSTOR 10.3366/j.ctt1bh2kk5.13. Retrieved 2022-05-20. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
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