EMET Prize
Awarded forExcellence in academic and professional achievements in Science, Art and Culture in Israel
Presented byA.M.N. Foundation
First awarded2002 (2002)

The EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture is an Israeli prize awarded annually for excellence in academic and professional achievements that have far-reaching influence and make a significant contribution to society.[1] Prizes are awarded in the following five categories: the Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Culture and the Arts.

The prizes, in a total amount of one million dollars, are sponsored by the A.M.N. Foundation for the Advancement of Science, Art and Culture in Israel, under the auspices of and in cooperation with the Prime Minister of Israel. It is awarded to Israeli citizens, and in certain circumstances to non-citizens who reside in Israel and consider Israel as their permanent home.

The EMET Prize is administered by the Award Committee, composed of representatives appointed by the Prime Minister[2] and the A.M.N. Foundation. Currently, the Chairman of the Award Committee is retired Supreme Court Justice Jacob Turkel.

EMET Prize Laureates


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Life SciencesBrain ResearchProfessor Hermona Soreq and Professor Rafael Malach
Social SciencesLawProfessor Ruth Lapidoth and Professor Amnon Rubinstein
HumanitiesArcheologyProfessor Oded Lipschits and Professor Gideon Shelach Lavi


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesNano technologyProfessor Reshef Tenne and Professor Yechezkel Barenholtz
Life SciencesBiochemistryProfessor Dan Tawfik
Social SciencesPsychologyProfessor Ruth Feldman
HumanitiesBiblical ResearchProfessor Devorah Dimant and Professor Eliezer (Ed) Greenstein
Culture and ArtsArchitectureProfessor. Bracha Hayutin and Professor. Shamai Asif


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesPhysics and Space ResearchProfessor Mordechai Segev and Professor Tsvi Piran
Life SciencesBio-MedicineProfessor Michal Schwartz Professor Yair Reisner and Professor Yinon Ben-Neriah
Social SciencesPolitical Science and StrategyProfessor Azar Gat and Professor Avner de Shalit
HumanitiesHistoryProfessor Mechal Sobel and Professor Benjamin Z. Kedar
Culture and ArtsTranslation - Poetry and LiteratureDoctor Hannah Amit-Kochavi and Doctor David Weinfeld


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesChemistryProfessor Meir Lahav and Professor Leslie Leiserowitz
Life SciencesGeneticsProfessor Hanna Engelberg-Kulka and Professor Ephrat Levy-Lahad
Social SciencesSociology and AnthropologyProfessor Eva Illouz and Professor Hanna Herzog
HumanitiesJewish LawProfessor Nahum Rakover
Culture and ArtsPhotographyMrs. Michal Rovner and Mr. Sharon Ya'ari


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesComputer & Electronic engineeringProfessor Jacob Ziv
Life SciencesCancer ResearchProfessor Zelig Eshhar and Professor Alexander Levitzki
Social SciencesEconomicsProfessor Assaf Razin
HumanitiesPhilosophyProfessor David Heyd
Culture and ArtsTheaterMr. Oded Kotler and Mr. Aryeh Yevgeny


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesMathematicsProfessor David Kazhdan and Professor Joseph Bernstein
Life SciencesBrain ResearchProfessor Haim Sompolinsky
Social SciencesSocial WorkProfessor Zahava Solomon and Professor Rami Benbenishty
HumanitiesHolocaust ResearchProfessor Yehuda Bauer
Culture and ArtsHebrew LiteratureAuthor Abraham B. Yehoshua and Author Ronit Matalon


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesEarth and Environmental ScienceProfessor Joseph Loya and Professor Daniel Rosenfeld
Life SciencesAgricultureProfessor Morris Soller (Moshe) and Professor Dani Zamir
Social SciencesEducationProfessor Bat-Sheva Eylon and Professor Miriam Ben-Peretz
HumanitiesJewish PhilosophyProfessor Dov Schwartz
Culture and ArtsMusicProfessor Betty Olivero and Professor Tzvi Avni
Honoree of Emet PrizeFormer Supreme Court Justice Gabriel Bach


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesComputer ScienceProfessor Shimon Ullman
Life SciencesBiotechnologyProfessor David Wallach
Social SciencesLawProfessor Yitzhak Zamir and Professor Ariel Porat
HumanitiesArchaeologyProfessor Naama Goren-Inbar and Professor Yoram Tsafrir
Culture and ArtsArchitectureArchitect Shlomo Aronson and Architect Yaacov Yaar
Honoree of Emet PrizeProfessor Michael Sela


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesPhysicsProfessor Moty (Mordehai) Heiblum
Life SciencesGeneticProfessor Ben-Zion Shilo and Professor Giora Simchen and Professor Gideon Rechavi
Social SciencesPolitical ScienceProfessor Shlomo Avineri
HumanitiesJewish LanguagesProfessor David M. Bunis
Culture and ArtsPainting and SculptureProfessor Zvi Goldstein (Painting), Professor Nahum Tevet (Sculpture)


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesChemistryProfessor Raphael Mechoulam and Professor Abraham Nitzan
Life SciencesPhysiologyProfessor Adi Kimchi and Professor Marshall Devor
Social SciencesEconomicsProfessor Menahem Yaari
HumanitiesLinguisticsProfessor Ruth A. Berman and Professor Moshe Bar-Asher
Culture and ArtsActingMrs. Lea Koenig-Stolper


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesMathematicsProfessor Saharon Shelah and Professor Noga Alon
Social SciencesPsychologyProfessor Dan Zakay and Professor Gershon Ben-Shakhar
HumanitiesJewish LawProfessor Eliav Shochetman and Professor Berachyahu Lifshitz
Culture and ArtsPhotographyMiki Kratsman and Professor Hanan Laskin


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesComputer ScienceProfessor Sarit Kraus and Professor David Harel
Life SciencesBrain ResearchProfessor Moussa B.H. Youdim and Professor Baruch Minke
Social SciencesJournalismCarmela Menashe
HumanitiesAncient Middle East and African StudiesProfessor Itamar Singer (Ancient Middle East Studies), Professor David Dean Shulman (African and Asian Studies)
Culture and ArtsPoetry and LiteratureShin Shifra


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesPhysicsProfessor Harry J. Lipkin
Life SciencesCancer ResearchProfessor Chaim Cedar and Professor Aharon Razin
HumanitiesTalmudic Studies and Jewish PhilosophyProfessor Menahem Kahana (Talmud), Professor Zev Harvey (Jewish Philosophy)
Culture and ArtsChoreography and DanceYair Vardi and Ohad Naharin


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesChemistryProfessor Joshua Jortner and Professor Itamar Willner
Life SciencesGeneticsProfessor Bathsheva Kerem and Professor Yoram Groner
Social SciencesEducationProfessor Moshe Dov Caspi and Professor Rachel Elboim-Dror
HumanitiesMiddle Eastern StudiesProfessor Etan Kohlberg and Professor Sasson Somekh
Culture and ArtsMusicProfessor Yizhak Sadai and Yoni Rechter


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesComputer Science and MathematicsProfessor Micha Sharir (Computer Science), Professor Vitali Milman and Professor Shmuel Agmon (Mathematics)
Life SciencesBiochemistry and MicrobiologyProfessor Yosef Yarden (Biochemistry), Professor Eliora Z. Ron (Microbiology)
Social SciencesLaw and CriminologyProfessor Aharon Barak (Law), Professor Shlomo Giora Shoham (Criminology)
HumanitiesPhilosophy and HistoryProfessor Avishai Margalit (Philosophy), Professor Myriam Yardeni (History)
Culture and ArtsLiteratureSami Michael and David Grossman


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesPhysics and Earth ScienceProfessor Yakir Aharonov and Professor Yoseph Imry (Physics) and Professor Zvi Garfunkel (Earth Science)
Life SciencesMedicine and BiologyProfessor Peretz Lavie (Medicine), Professor Ada Yonath and Professor Eli Keshet (Biology)
Social SciencesEconomy and Management ScienceProfessor Haim Levy and Professor Ariel Rubinstein
HumanitiesTalmudic Studies and Jewish PhilosophyProfessor Yaakov Sussmann (Talmud), Professor Yehuda Liebes (Jewish Philosophy)
Culture and ArtsArchitecture and DesignZvi Narkis (Design) and Nitza Metzger Szmuk (Architecture)


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesChemistry and Chemical EngineeringProfessor Meir Wilchek (Chemistry), Professor Zehev Tadmor (Chemical Engineering)
Life SciencesCancer Research and BiologyProfessor Yosef Shiloh (Cancer Research), Professor Zvi Selinger (Biology)
Social SciencesArchaeology and SociologyProfessor Amos Kloner and Professor Ephraim Stern (Archaeology), Professor S.N. Eisenstadt (Sociology)
HumanitiesLiterary Research and Religion ResearchProfessor R.J. Zwi Werblowsky (Religion), Professor Benjamin Harshav (Literature)
Culture and ArtsDirector and Acting (Theater)Michael Gurevich (Director), Orna Porat (Acting)


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesComputer Science and MathematicsProfessor Michael O. Rabin (Computer Science), Professor Hillel Furstenberg (Mathematics)
Life SciencesBiotechnology and Brain ResearchProfessor Michel Revel (Biotechnology), Professor Moshe Abeles (Brain Research)
Social SciencesPsychology and EducationProfessor Mario Mikulincer (Psychology), Professor Zvi Lamm and Professor Haim Harari (Education)
HumanitiesHistory and Jewish History and Biblical ResearchProfessor Meir Benayahu (History), Professor Emanuel Tov (Biblical Research)
Culture and ArtsPainting and SculptureYair Garbuz (Painiting), Ya'acov Dorchin (Sculpture)


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesPhysicsProf. Igal Talmi, Prof. Yuval Ne'eman
Life SciencesAgriculture and BiologyProf. Varda Rotter and Prof. Moshe Oren (Biology), Prof. Ilan Chet (Agriculture)
Social SciencesLawProf. Ruth Gavison
HumanitiesHistoryProf. Michael Confino, Prof. Moshe Jammer
Culture and ArtsClassical Music and DanceRina Schenfeld (Dance), Prof. Noam Sheriff (Music)


Award CategoryFieldLaureate(s)
Exact SciencesChemistryProf. Dan Shechtman, Prof. Raphael Levine
Life SciencesMedicine and GeneticsProf. Avram Hershko, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Prof. Leo Sachs
Social SciencesEconomicsProf. Elhanan Helpman, Prof. Israel Aumann
HumanitiesTalmudic Studies and Jewish PhilosophyProf. Israel Moshe Ta-Shma (Talmudic Studies), Prof. Moshe Idel (Jewish philosophy)
Culture and ArtsLiteratureS. Yizhar (Izhar Smilansky)


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