As with most ancient Egyptian royal dynasties, the family tree for the Eighteenth Dynasty is complex and unclear.

Senakhtenre Ahmose[1]Tetisheri
Seqenenre TaoAhhotep I
Ahhotep II Kamose
Seventeenth dynasty
Ahmose-Sitkamose Ahmose IAhmose-Nefertari
Ahmose-ankhAhmose-Meritamon Amenhotep ISensenebAhmose Sapair
Ahmose Thutmose IMutnofret
Hatshepsut Thutmose IIIset
Hatshepsut-Meryetre Thutmose III
Tiaa Amenhotep II
Mutemwiya Thutmose IVYuyaTjuyu
Amenhotep IIITiyeAnen
Kheperkheprure AyTey
"The Younger Lady" AkhenatenNefertiti
( Neferneferuaten?)
Mutbenret (Mutnedjmet?) HoremhebAmenia
Smenkhkare TutankhamunMeketatenNeferneferuaten TasheritNeferneferureSetepenre
Meritaten TasheritAnkhesenpaaten Tasherit317a and 317b mummies


  1. "Sénakht-en-Rê, la " redécouverte " d'un pharaon". CFEETK – Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak.
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