EDXL Sharp is a C# / .NET 3.5 implementation of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) family of standards. The purpose of these libraries is to allow developers to:

  • Parse EDXL Messages from a string or underlying stream
  • Programmatically create EDXL messages
  • Validate EDXL Messages to the schema
  • Validate that EDXL Messages conform to the additional business rules specified in the standards documentation
  • Write EDXL messages to a string or underlying stream

About the project

EDXL Sharp is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and is part of a collaborative research project of The MITRE Corporation.

What's in EDXL Sharp

Version 1.0 includes the following:

  1. Library for CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) v1.2
  2. Library for Common Types across the EDXL Standards
  3. Library for EDXL-DE (Distribution Element) v1.0
  4. Library for EDXL-HAVE (Hospital Availability Exchange) v1.0
  5. Library for EDXL-RM (Resource Message) v1.0
  6. Graphical User Interface (GUI) EDXL-DE Test Tool
  7. Library for GeoOASIS Where GML Profile
  8. Library for EDXL xPIL (Extensible Party Information Language) Profile
  9. Beta Library for EDXL-SitRep (Situation Reporting)
  10. Beta Library for EDXL-TEP (Tracking of Emergency Patients)

As of August 2010 the 2.0 version is released. Some of the draft standards implementations are in a separate source tree branch as stable alphas.

Online Testbed

This effort is a part of a larger interoperability testbed. The interop testbed serves as an online presence for learning about EDXL, how to implement systems using EDXL, online validation and information sharing tools, and a place to perform integration with other systems that use EDXL.

See also

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