In Bayesian statistics, a credible interval is an interval within which an unobserved parameter value falls with a particular probability. It is an interval in the domain of a posterior probability distribution or a predictive distribution.[1] The generalisation to multivariate problems is the credible region.

Credible intervals are a Bayesian analog to confidence intervals in frequentist statistics.[2] The two concepts arise from different philosophies:[3] Bayesian intervals treat their bounds as fixed and the estimated parameter as a random variable, whereas frequentist confidence intervals treat their bounds as random variables and the parameter as a fixed value. Also, Bayesian credible intervals use (and indeed, require) knowledge of the situation-specific prior distribution, while the frequentist confidence intervals do not.

For example, in an experiment that determines the distribution of possible values of the parameter , if the subjective probability that lies between 35 and 45 is 0.95, then is a 95% credible interval.

Choosing a credible interval

Credible intervals are not unique on a posterior distribution. Methods for defining a suitable credible interval include:

  • Choosing the narrowest interval, which for a unimodal distribution will involve choosing those values of highest probability density including the mode (the maximum a posteriori). This is sometimes called the highest posterior density interval (HPDI).
  • Choosing the interval where the probability of being below the interval is as likely as being above it. This interval will include the median. This is sometimes called the equal-tailed interval.
  • Assuming that the mean exists, choosing the interval for which the mean is the central point.

It is possible to frame the choice of a credible interval within decision theory and, in that context, a smallest interval will always be a highest probability density set. It is bounded by the contour of the density.[4]

Credible intervals can also be estimated through the use of simulation techniques such as Markov chain Monte Carlo.[5]

Contrasts with confidence interval

A frequentist 95% confidence interval means that with a large number of repeated samples, 95% of such calculated confidence intervals would include the true value of the parameter. In frequentist terms, the parameter is fixed (cannot be considered to have a distribution of possible values) and the confidence interval is random (as it depends on the random sample).

Bayesian credible intervals differ from frequentist confidence intervals by two major aspects:

  • credible intervals are intervals whose values (of a target parameter) always exist and have a (posterior) probability, whereas confidence intervals regard the population parameter as fixed. At most one value of a confidence interval might exist (be true), and no value has a probability anyway. Within confidence intervals, confidence refers to the randomness of the very confidence interval, whereas credible interval analyse the randomness of the target parameter.
  • credible intervals and confidence intervals treat nuisance parameters in radically different ways.

For the case of a single parameter and data that can be summarised in a single sufficient statistic, it can be shown that the credible interval and the confidence interval coincide if the unknown parameter is a location parameter (i.e. the forward probability function has the form ), with a prior that is a uniform flat distribution;[6] and also if the unknown parameter is a scale parameter (i.e. the forward probability function has the form ), with a Jeffreys' prior   [6] — the latter following because taking the logarithm of such a scale parameter turns it into a location parameter with a uniform distribution. But these are distinctly special (albeit important) cases; in general no such equivalence can be made.


  1. Edwards, Ward; Lindman, Harold; Savage, Leonard J. (1963). "Bayesian statistical inference in psychological research". Psychological Review. 70 (3): 193–242. doi:10.1037/h0044139.
  2. Lee, P.M. (1997) Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction, Arnold. ISBN 0-340-67785-6
  3. VanderPlas, Jake. "Frequentism and Bayesianism III: Confidence, Credibility, and why Frequentism and Science do not Mix | Pythonic Perambulations".
  4. O'Hagan, A. (1994) Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol 2B, Bayesian Inference, Section 2.51. Arnold, ISBN 0-340-52922-9
  5. Chen, Ming-Hui; Shao, Qi-Man (1 March 1999). "Monte Carlo Estimation of Bayesian Credible and HPD Intervals". Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 8 (1): 69–92. doi:10.1080/10618600.1999.10474802.
  6. 1 2 Jaynes, E. T. (1976). "Confidence Intervals vs Bayesian Intervals", in Foundations of Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, and Statistical Theories of Science, (W. L. Harper and C. A. Hooker, eds.), Dordrecht: D. Reidel, pp. 175 et seq

Further reading

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