Baru lema'a on mannequin

The Baru Lema'a is a traditional armor from Indonesia.


The Baru Lema'a is made in the form of a vest. It consists of the braided, coarse fibers of the Iluk plant. The fibers are braided and the strands are connected again side by side. It has neither sleeves nor a collar. In the neck area a surface is protruding which is similar to two connected circles. This serves to protect the neck from blows. The vest is heavy and inflexible. It is used by ethnic groups from Indonesia.[1]

See also


  1. Albert G. van Zonneveld: Traditional weapons of the Indonesian archipelago. C. Zwartenkot Art Books, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-5450-004-2.

Further reading

  • Joachim Freiherr von Brenner-Felsach: Eine Reise nach Nias. Unveröffentlichte Manuskripte aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde in Wien. Materialien zu Exotismus und Ethnographie. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Mittersakschmöller. Böhlau, Wien u. a. 1998, ISBN 3-205-98959-7, p. 179.
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