is a website founded in 1995 that describes itself as devoted to non-interventionism and as opposing imperialism and war. It has a right-wing libertarian perspective and is a project of the Randolph Bourne Institute. The website states that it is "fighting the next information war”.


The site's first objective, in its own words, "was to fight against intervention in the Balkans under the Clinton presidency." It says it "applied the same principles to Clinton's campaigns in Haiti and Kosovo and bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan."[1] opposed the US wars in Iraq[2] and Afghanistan[3] and generally opposes interventionism, including the US bombing of Serbia and the US occupation of Afghanistan. It has also condemned aggressive military action and other forms of belligerence on the part of other governments, as well as what contributors view as the fiscal and civil liberties consequences of war.[1]

Wen Stephenson of The Atlantic described the site in 1999 as marked by "a decidely [sic] right-wing cast of thought."[4] Its founders described themselves as libertarians,[5] and the two principal co-founders were involved in libertarian Republican politics at the time. The Guardian described it in as "libertarian, anti-interventionist" in 2016;[6] James Kirchick in The Washington Post called it a "paleoconservative clearinghouse" in 2018;[7] and described in 2021 it as "right-wing".[8][9]

The site publishes opinion from a range of perspectives, publishing "critiques of American foreign policy from the far left and the far right," according to The New Yorker,[10] and featuring writers such as the paleoconservative isolationist Pat Buchanan,[8] right libertarians such as Ron Paul, and left libertarians such as Noam Chomsky, Juan Cole,[11] and Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin.


The site was founded in December 1995 by Justin Raimondo and Eric Garris,[12] as a response to the Bosnian war. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, operating under the auspices of the Randolph Bourne Institute, based in Atherton, California. It was previously affiliated with the Center for Libertarian Studies and functioned before that as an independent, ad-supported website.[13]

In 2006, Google suspended it from its AdSense advertising network, which was then the source of a significant portion of its income, due to its hosting of explicit photos of abuses committed by United States troops at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, categorised by Google as "gore".[14]

Lawsuit filed against the FBI

In 2011, the site discovered it was being monitored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[15] After their Freedom of Information Act request failed to produce results, they worked with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California which in May 2013 filed a freedom of the press lawsuit for full FBI records on, Eric Garris and Justin Raimondo.[16][17] The documents received in November 2013 indicated that the FBI in San Francisco, and later in Newark, New Jersey, began monitoring the site after Eric Garris passed along to the FBI a threat to hack the website. The FBI mistakenly took this as an actual threat against its own website and began monitoring and its editors.[15][18] Eric Garris demanded the FBI correct its file.[19] In September 2019, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the FBI must delete its memo documenting Garris' First Amendment activities.[20][21]

In 2013, Eric Garris, Justin Raimondo, and began a lawsuit against the FBI for incorrectly identifying Garris as a national security "threat," and conducting an investigation into as a potential threat. The lawsuit was conducted by the American Civil Liberties Union.[22] The lawsuit stated that the FBI had incorrectly claimed that Garris had threatened to hack the FBI website after Garris reported a threat he received against The federal court ordered the FBI to amend their files and issue a correction to Garris.[23] In 2017, the court ordered the FBI to give access to all the records of the investigation without redaction and to pay $300,000 to the ACLU lawyers.[24] lost the part of the case that claimed violations of the Privacy Act by the FBI. and the ACLU appealed the Privacy Act claim and the appeal went to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. In 2019, the 9th Circuit three-judge panel unanimously ruled against the FBI and order them to expunge all records from the investigation.[25] Civil Liberties groups like the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation hailed the ruling as a victory for privacy rights of journalists and activists.[26]


Notable site personnel have included:[27]

Notable contributors

Featured writers include:[28]

The site syndicates columns and op-eds by such authors as:

Antiwar Radio

Antiwar Radio is hosted by Scott Horton and others including Charles Goyette. It features interviews focused on war, international relations, the growth of state power, civil liberties, and related matters. Guests have included:


The Washington Post's Linton Weeks described it "a thoughtful, well-organized site" in 1999.[29] Scott McConnell of The American Conservative wrote in 2010 the New York Press that was "strikingly successful" and "could claim more readers than Rupert Murdoch’s Weekly Standard once the [Balkan] war began."[30] When Raimondo died in 2019, Patrick Buchanan said that "In the three decades since [1991], no man in America worked harder or did more to resist the interventionist impulses of the American establishment and the wars they produced than Justin and his Antiwar website.”[31]

David Bernstein included it in 2012 among "far left anti-Israel sites that have ties to the anti-Semitic far-right or are known for playing footsie with anti-Semitism".[32] Antisemitism scholar David Renton in 2021 gave the website as an example of how "ideas [which] started in the American far right... migrated into British left-wing circles without people having any idea where they began."[33] Anti-fascist researcher Matthew N. Lyons describes the "paleocon-sponsored" website as an example of left-right alliance.[34]

In 2019, researchers from The Open University found that the crowdsourced MyWOT program labeled as "trustworthy", while the OpenSources evaluator tagged the website as "conspiracy, clickbait and bias".[35]

See also


  1. 1 2 “Who We Are”, (Randolph Bourne Institute, 2010) (April 21, 2010).
  2. "Shine, Perishing Republic, by Justin Raimondo".
  3. "The Cycle of Violence".
  4. Wen Stephenson, “Not Your Father’s Antiwar Movement,” The Atlantic Online (Atlantic Monthly, April 14, 1999) (April 21, 2010).
  5. “Frequently Asked Questions,” (Randolph Bourne Institute, n.d.) (April 21, 2010)
  6. Wilson, Jason (2016-12-30). "Burst your bubble: five conservative articles to read before 2016 ends". the Guardian. Retrieved 2022-02-24. [Raimondo] is editorial director of, which runs a libertarian, anti-interventionist line on US foreign policy – as such it should be seen alongside paleoconservative "America First" outlets like Pat Buchanan's American Conservative. Figures like Raymond have entertained high hopes about Trump's anti-interventionist noises during the campaign season.
  7. Kirchick, James (2018-04-18). "Perspective - Trump once claimed Syria could lead to 'World War III.' Good thing he wised up". Washington Post. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  8. 1 2 Henderson, Alex (2021-08-29). "Kevin McCarthy's Afghanistan contradictions baffle reporters at press conference". Salon. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  9. Other sources describing it as "conservative" include Barbara Clare Foley in The Minnesota Review.Foley, Barbara (2006-11-01). "Racism Redux: David Horowitz Then and Now". The Minnesota Review. 2006 (67): 123–127. doi:10.1215/00265667-2006-67-123. ISSN 0026-5667. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  10. Andrew Marantz (2017-10-09). "Birth of a White Supremacist". The New Yorker. Archived from the original on 2017-10-09. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  11. Crane, David Wade, "Linkages: Political Topography and Networked Topology" in Transmedia Frictions: The Digital, the Arts, and the Humanities, University of California Press, July 25, 2014, p. 225
  12. "Gay rights, anti-war activist Justin Raimondo dies at 67". ABC News. 2019-07-01. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  13. For more historical information, see “Frequently Asked Questions”, (Randolph Bourne Institute, 2010) (April 22, 2010).
  14. Pareene, Alex (2015-03-19). "Updated: Google Suspends Site from Ad Network for Abu Ghraib Photo". Gawker. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  15. 1 2 Ackerman, Spencer (2013-11-06). "FBI monitored anti-war website in error for six years, documents show". the Guardian. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  16. Ryan J. Reilly, Editors Sue Over FBI Surveillance, The Huffington Post, May 21, 2013.
  17. Julia Harumi Mass, Staff Attorney, Sloppy FBI Work Leads to Spying on Journalists, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California press release, November 6, 2013.
  18. DOJ documents show FBI monitoring of (Documents), The Guardian, November 6, 2013.
  19. Kelley Vlahos, Editor Demands FBI File Fix, American Conservative, November 15, 2013.
  20. Egelko, Bob (2019-09-12). "Appeals court tells FBI it must expunge old memo on antiwar website". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  21. Mackey, Aaron (2019-09-13). "Victory! Individuals Can Force Government to Purge Records of Their First Amendment Activity". Electronic Frontier Foundation. Retrieved 2020-06-05.
  22. Adam Klasfeld, “ Sues FBI for ‘Threat Assessment’”, Courthouse News Service (May 23, 2013)
  23. Spencer Ackerman, “FBI monitored anti-war website in error for six years, documents show”, The Guardian (Nov. 6, 2013)
  24. Helen Christophi, “FBI Agrees to Give Records to Anti-War Reporters”, Courthouse News Service (April 17, 2017)
  25. Eric Garris, “ vs. FBI Appeal Hearing in the 9th Circuit (video)”, (June 12, 2019)
  26. Aaron Mackey “Victory! Individuals Can Force Government to Purge Records of Their First Amendment Activity”, Electronic Frontier Foundation (September 13, 2019)
  27. See “Who We Are”, (Randolph Bourne Institute, 2010) (April 22, 2010), for a current list of staff members.
  28. The names of many regular writers are listed on the site’s homepage; additional names also appear on this page: “ Columnists”, (Randolph Bourne Institute, 2010) (April 22, 2010).
  29. Linton Weeks, “Waging War on War,” WashingtonPost.Com (The Washington Post, April 15, 1999) (April 22, 2010)
  30. Scott McConnell, “The New Peaceniks,” New York Press, June 22, 1999 (republished at (April 21, 2010).
  31. Welsch, Edward; Gottfried, Paul; Gonzalez, Pedro (2019-06-28). "In Memoriam: Justin Raimondo, 1951-2019". Chronicles. Retrieved 2022-02-24. 'I have known Justin Raimondo since we stood together to oppose the rush to war against Iraq in 1991,' Buchanan said in an email. 'In the three decades since, no man in America worked harder or did more to resist the interventionist impulses of the American establishment and the wars they produced than Justin and his Antiwar website.'
  32. Goldberg, Jeffrey (2012-01-19). "Is the Term 'Israel-Firster' Anti-Semitic? (Updated)". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  33. Shane Burley (2021-08-27). "Britain's Labour Antisemitism Controversy, Revisited". Jewish Currents. Retrieved 2022-02-24. In my book I give examples like the website, which gets picked up in the British left-wing antiwar movement because it's such a high-profile source of information about Iraq, and some of the people who write for it are on the left, but its founders come from the libertarian right. There are a lot of these radical right-wing figures who get shared by the left based on their positions on individual issues.
  34. Lyons, Matthew N. (2003). "Fragmented Nationalism: Right-Wing Responses to September 11 in Historical Context". The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 127 (4): 377–418. eISSN 2169-8546. ISSN 0031-4587. JSTOR 20093658. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  35. Mensio, Martino and Alani, Harith (2019). News Source Credibility in the Eyes of Different Assessors. In: Proceedings of the Conference for Truth and Trust Online 2019.
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