Alexandre Acloque
Alexandre Noël Charles Acloque

Scientific career
Author abbrev. (botany)Acloque
Cover of Le Monde des Plantes, number 65, 1895, which mentions Alexandre Acloque as editor-in-chief

Alexandre Noël Charles Acloque (1871–1941) was a French botanist who was an expert in lichens.[1] Acloque was broadly interested in natural history and wrote books on the flora and fauna (insects) of France.

Selected works

Drawing from Acloque's volume on beetles in A Fauna of France
  • Les Champignons (mushrooms), 1892
  • Les Lichens (lichens), 1893
  • Flore de France [A Flora of France], 1894
  • Faune de France [A Fauna of France], 1896–1900)
    • Mammifères (mammals)
    • Oiseaux (birds)
    • Poissons, Reptiles, Batraciens, Protochordés [Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Protochordats], 1 vol., in-18 de 210 p., with 294 figures
    • Coléoptères (beetles), 1 vol., in-18 de 466 p., with 1052 figures
  • Les insectes nuisibles [Insect Pests], 1897
  • Scènes de la vie des insectes [Scenes from the Life of Insects], 1897
  • Flores régionales de France [Regional Floras of France], including the French Alps, the Pyrénées, Alsace-Lorraine, the Mediterranean, western France, and Paris


  1. "Author Details". International Plant Names Index. Retrieved 3 July 2013.
  2. International Plant Names Index.  Acloque.

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